Rust CSS Color Parser Library
Documentation • Changelog • Features
[Rust]( library for parsing CSS color string as defined in the W3C's [CSS Color Module Level 4](
## Supported Color Format
* [Named colors](
* RGB hexadecimal (with and without `#` prefix)
+ Short format `#rgb`
+ Short format with alpha `#rgba`
+ Long format `#rrggbb`
+ Long format with alpha `#rrggbbaa`
* `rgb()` and `rgba()`
* `hsl()` and `hsla()`
* `hwb()`
* `lab()`
* `lch()`
* `hwba()`, `hsv()`, `hsva()` - not in CSS standard.
### Example Color Format
Click to expand!
rgb(0% 100% 0%)
rgb(0 255 0 / 100%)
hsl(120deg 100% 50%)
hsl(-240 100% 50%)
hsl(-240deg 100% 50%)
hsl(0.3333turn 100% 50%)
hsl(133.333grad 100% 50%)
hsl(2.0944rad 100% 50%)
hwb(120 0% 0%)
hwb(480deg 0% 0% / 100%)
hsv(120deg 100% 100% / 100%)
## Usage
Add this to your `Cargo.toml`
csscolorparser = "0.7.0"
## Examples
Using `csscolorparser::parse()` function.
let c = csscolorparser::parse("rgb(100%,0%,0%)")?;
assert_eq!(c.to_array(), [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
assert_eq!(c.to_rgba8(), [255, 0, 0, 255]);
assert_eq!(c.to_hex_string(), "#ff0000");
assert_eq!(c.to_rgb_string(), "rgb(255,0,0)");
Using `parse()` method on `&str`.
use csscolorparser::Color;
let c = "#ff00007f".parse::()?;
assert_eq!(c.to_rgba8(), [255, 0, 0, 127]);
assert_eq!(c.to_hex_string(), "#ff00007f");
## Features
### Default
* __named-colors__: Enables parsing from [named colors]( Requires [`phf`]( Can be disabled using `default-features = false`.
### Optional
* __lab__: Enables parsing `lab()` and `lch()` color format.
* __rust-rgb__: Enables converting from [`rgb`]( crate types into `Color`.
* __cint__: Enables converting [`cint`]( crate types to and from `Color`.
* __serde__: Enables serializing (into HEX string) and deserializing (from any supported string color format) using [`serde`]( framework.
## Similar Projects
* [csscolorparser]( (Go)
* [csscolorparser]( (Javascript)