# CSVSource CSVSource is a command line tool written in Rust to convert a CSV file to SQL statements. It has special features like grouping insert statements in transaction chunks and inserting multiple rows with a single insert statement. ## Usage learn how to use CSVSource with the `--help` argument: $ ./csvsource --help The simplest approach is to pass the argument `--csv` or `-f` followed by a csv file: $ ./csvsource --csv data.csv It generates the `data.sql` file containing the SQL statements. For more options, read the [documentation](https://www.hildeberto.com/csvsource/). ## For Developers - [Contributing](https://github.com/htmfilho/csvsource/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) - [Code of Conduct](https://github.com/htmfilho/csvsource/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) - [License](https://github.com/htmfilho/csvsource/blob/main/LICENSE)