# Syntax Reference Since this is an extension of CSV, the basic format is the same as CSV. The following describes the syntax of the expression for each item. ## Supported Types of Values | Type Name | Syntax | |---|---| | Integer | Decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers are supported. | | Float | Only decimal floating point numbers are supported. | | String | Be sure to enclose the string in double quotes. | | Boolean | Specify true or false. | | Ref | Specify the rows in uppercase letters and the columns in numbers. For example, the upper left is A1, and the one to the right is B1. | | Range | The range is represented by two Ref type values. For example, A1:B2. | ## Supported Operators | Operator | Meaning | |---|---| | + | Addition | | - | Subtraction, minus | | * | Multiplication | | / | Division | | ! | Logical NOT, bitwise inversion | | && | Logical AND | | || | Logical OR | | && | Logical AND | | || | Logical OR || | & | Bitwise AND | | | | Bitwise OR | | ^ | Logical, bitwise XOR | | >> | Right shift | | << | Left shift | | == | Equal | | != | Unequal | | < | Less than | | <= | Less than or Equal | | > | Greater than | | >= | Greater than or Equal | ## Supported Functions | Function | Description | |---|---| | ref(x, y) | Returns the value at (x, y). | | sum(range) | Returns the sum of the values in the range. | | avg(range) | Returns the average of the values in the range. | | if(condition, on_true, on_false) | If condition is true, this returns on_true. Otherwise, it returns on_false. | | round(x) | Returns the nearest integer to a number. Round half-way cases away from 0.0. | | floor(x) | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number. | | ceil(x) | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a number. | | log(base, x) | Returns the logarithm of the number with respect to an arbitrary base. | | ln(x) | Returns the natural logarithm of the number. | | log2(x) | Returns the base 2 logarithm of the number. | | log10(x) | Returns the base 10 logarithm of the number. | | sqrt(x) | Returns the square root of a number. | | pow(base, exp) | Raises the base to the exp power. | | sin(x) | Computes the sine of a number (in radians). | | cos(x) | Computes the cosine of a number (in radians). | | tan(x) | Computes the tangent of a number (in radians). | | asin(x) | Computes the arcsine of a number (in radians). | | acos(x) | Computes the arccosine of a number (in radians). | | atan(x) | Computes the arctangent of a number (in radians). | | sinh(x) | Hyperbolic sine function. | | cosh(x) | Hyperbolic cosine function. | | tanh(x) | Hyperbolic tangent function. | | asinh(x) | Inverse hyperbolic sine function. | | acosh(x) | Inverse hyperbolic cosine function. | | atanh(x) | Inverse hyperbolic tangent function. | ## Supported Constants | Constant | Meaning | |---|---| | inf | Infinity (∞) | | NaN | Not a Number (NaN) | | e | Euler's number (e) | | pi | Archimedes' constant (π) | | tau | The full circle constant (τ) |