/*************************************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2017 - 2024 NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * **************************************************************************************************/ /** */ #pragma once ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include #include #include #include #include "cutlass/cutlass.h" #include "cutlass/arch/memory.h" #include "cutlass/arch/memory_sm75.h" #include "cutlass/gemm/kernel/default_gemm.h" #include "cutlass/gemm/kernel/default_gemm_complex.h" #include "cutlass/gemm/device/default_gemm_configuration.h" #include "cutlass/epilogue/threadblock/epilogue_visitor_with_softmax.h" #include "cutlass/epilogue/threadblock/epilogue_with_visitor.h" #include "cutlass/reduction/kernel/reduce_softmax_final.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "gemm_with_epilogue_visitor.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace cutlass { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace kernel { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Kernel computes partial reduction // // // 2. Sum[m, n'] = sum_n(exp(D[m, n] - N[m, 0])) // template < typename ElementD_, typename ElementNorm_, typename ElementSum_, typename ElementSoft_, typename ElementSoftmaxCompute_, int Alignment, typename ApplyShape_ = MatrixShape<1, 1024> > class ApplySoftmax { public: using ElementD = ElementD_; using ElementNorm = ElementNorm_; using ElementSum = ElementSum_; using ElementSoft = ElementSoft_; using ElementSoftmaxCompute = ElementSoftmaxCompute_; static int const kAlignment = Alignment; using ApplyShape = ApplyShape_; using Layout = cutlass::layout::RowMajor; using TensorRefD = TensorRef; using TensorRefN = TensorRef; using TensorRefSum = TensorRef; using TensorRefSoft = TensorRef; using FragmentSoftmax = Array; // // Arguments // struct Arguments { MatrixCoord extent; ///< Extent of D and Softmax matrices int batch_count; ///< Batch count TensorRefD ref_D; ///< D matrix computed by GEMM+Max (input) TensorRefN ref_N; ///< Norm tensor (input) TensorRefSum ref_S; ///< Sum tensor (input) TensorRefSoft ref_Soft; ///< Softmax tensor (output) int64_t batch_stride_D; ///< Batch stride for D tensor int64_t batch_stride_N; ///< Batch stride for N tensor int64_t batch_stride_S; ///< Batch stride for S tensor int64_t batch_stride_Soft; ///< Batch stride for softmax tensor // // Methods // Arguments(): batch_count(1), batch_stride_D(0), batch_stride_N(0), batch_stride_S(0), batch_stride_Soft(0) { } Arguments( MatrixCoord extent_, ///< Extent of D and Softmax matrices int batch_count_, ///< Batch count TensorRefD ref_D_, ///< D matrix computed by GEMM+PartialReduce TensorRefN ref_N_, ///< Output parameter for N TensorRefSum ref_S_, ///< Output parameter for N TensorRefSoft ref_Soft_, ///< Softmax int64_t batch_stride_D_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_N_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_S_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_Soft_ = 0 ): extent(extent_), batch_count(batch_count_), ref_D(ref_D_), ref_N(ref_N_), ref_S(ref_S_), ref_Soft(ref_Soft_), batch_stride_D(batch_stride_D_), batch_stride_N(batch_stride_N_), batch_stride_S(batch_stride_S_), batch_stride_Soft(batch_stride_Soft_) { } }; // // Params struct // struct Params { Arguments args; // // Methods // Params() { } Params(Arguments const &args_): args(args_) { } }; // // SharedStorage // struct SharedStorage { }; private: public: CUTLASS_DEVICE ApplySoftmax() { } CUTLASS_DEVICE void operator()(Params const ¶ms, SharedStorage &shared_storage) { apply(params, shared_storage); } private: /// Compute Softmax CUTLASS_DEVICE void apply(Params const ¶ms, SharedStorage &shared_storage) { using AccessTypeD = AlignedArray; int block_batch = blockIdx.z; int block_m = blockIdx.x * ApplyShape::kRow; int block_n = 0; int thread_m = threadIdx.y; int thread_n = threadIdx.x * kAlignment; int idx_m = block_m + thread_m; int idx_n = block_n + thread_n; int batch_offset_norm = block_batch * params.args.batch_stride_N; int batch_offset_sum = block_batch * params.args.batch_stride_S; // Kill off thread if it is outside the row boundary if (params.args.extent.row() <= idx_m) { return; } // // Setup pointers to load D again // using AccessTypeD = AlignedArray; using AccessTypeSoft = AlignedArray; using FragmentSoft = Array; using ConvertSoftCompute = cutlass::NumericArrayConverter; using ConvertSoftOutput = cutlass::NumericArrayConverter; using Mul = cutlass::multiplies; using Minus = cutlass::minus; using Exp = cutlass::fast_exp_op; ConvertSoftCompute convert_soft_compute; ConvertSoftOutput convert_soft_output; Minus minus; Mul mul; Exp exponential; using ConvertSum = cutlass::NumericConverter; using ConvertNorm = cutlass::NumericConverter; ConvertSum convert_sum; ConvertNorm convert_norm; AccessTypeD *access_d = reinterpret_cast( params.args.ref_D.data() + params.args.batch_stride_D * block_batch + params.args.ref_D.layout()({idx_m, idx_n})); AccessTypeSoft *access_soft = reinterpret_cast( params.args.ref_Soft.data() + params.args.batch_stride_Soft * block_batch + params.args.ref_Soft.layout()({idx_m, idx_n})); ElementSum inv_sum = (params.args.ref_S.data())[idx_m + batch_offset_sum]; ElementNorm norm = (params.args.ref_N.data())[idx_m + batch_offset_norm]; // // Loop // CUTLASS_PRAGMA_UNROLL for ( int idx = 0; idx < params.args.extent.column(); idx += ApplyShape::kColumn * kAlignment) { if (idx_n < params.args.extent.column()) { AccessTypeD fetch; arch::global_load(fetch, access_d, true); FragmentSoftmax result = mul(exponential(minus(convert_soft_compute(fetch), convert_norm(norm))), convert_sum(inv_sum)); FragmentSoft soft = convert_soft_output(result); arch::global_store(soft, access_soft, true); } access_d += ApplyShape::kColumn; access_soft += ApplyShape::kColumn; idx_n += ApplyShape::kColumn * kAlignment; } } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace kernel ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// template < typename ElementA_, typename LayoutA_, typename ElementB_, typename LayoutB_, typename ElementC_, typename ElementCompute_, typename OperatorClass_, typename ArchTag_, typename ThreadblockShape_, typename WarpShape_, typename InstructionShape_, typename EpilogueFunctorOp_, int kStages_, typename ApplyShape_ = MatrixShape<1, 1024>, int AlignmentA_ = 128 / cutlass::sizeof_bits::value, int AlignmentB_ = 128 / cutlass::sizeof_bits::value, int AlignmentSoftmax_ = 128 / cutlass::sizeof_bits::value, typename ElementNorm_ = float, typename ElementSum_ = float, typename ElementSoftmax_ = ElementC_ > class GemmSoftmax { public: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Type definitions // using ElementA = ElementA_; using ElementB = ElementB_; using ElementC = ElementC_; using ElementCompute = ElementCompute_; using ElementSum = ElementSum_; using ElementSoft = ElementSoftmax_; using ElementSoftmaxCompute = float; using LayoutA = LayoutA_; using LayoutB = LayoutB_; using EpilogueFunctorOp = EpilogueFunctorOp_; using ElementNorm = ElementNorm_; using ApplyShape = ApplyShape_; // These are mandatory layouts. using LayoutC = cutlass::layout::RowMajor; using LayoutN = cutlass::layout::RowMajor; using LayoutS = cutlass::layout::RowMajor; using LayoutSoft = cutlass::layout::RowMajor; using TensorRefA = TensorRef; using TensorRefB = TensorRef; using TensorRefC = TensorRef; using TensorRefN = TensorRef; using TensorRefSum = TensorRef; using TensorRefSoft = TensorRef; using ThreadblockShape = ThreadblockShape_; using WarpShape = WarpShape_; using InstructionShape = InstructionShape_; using OperatorClass = OperatorClass_; using ArchTag = ArchTag_; static int const kStages = kStages_; static int const AlignmentA = AlignmentA_; static int const AlignmentB = AlignmentB_; static int const AlignmentSoftmax = AlignmentSoftmax_; using ThreadblockSwizzle = cutlass::gemm::threadblock::GemmBatchedIdentityThreadblockSwizzle; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // basic GEMM kernel using DefaultGemmKernel = typename cutlass::gemm::kernel::DefaultGemm< ElementA, LayoutA, AlignmentA, ElementB, LayoutB, AlignmentB, ElementC, LayoutC, ElementCompute, OperatorClass, ArchTag, ThreadblockShape, WarpShape, InstructionShape, EpilogueFunctorOp, ThreadblockSwizzle, kStages, true, typename cutlass::gemm::device::DefaultGemmConfiguration< OperatorClass, ArchTag, ElementA, ElementB, ElementC, ElementCompute>::Operator, cutlass::gemm::SharedMemoryClearOption::kNone >::GemmKernel; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Epilogue visitor using EpilogueVisitor = typename cutlass::epilogue::threadblock::EpilogueVisitorSoftmax< ThreadblockShape, DefaultGemmKernel::kThreadCount, typename DefaultGemmKernel::Epilogue::OutputTileIterator, ElementCompute, ElementNorm, ElementSum, ElementSoftmaxCompute, EpilogueFunctorOp >; /// Epilogue using Epilogue = typename cutlass::epilogue::threadblock::EpilogueWithVisitorFromExistingEpilogue< EpilogueVisitor, typename DefaultGemmKernel::Epilogue >::Epilogue; // GEMM using GemmKernel = gemm::kernel::GemmWithEpilogueVisitor< typename DefaultGemmKernel::Mma, Epilogue, ThreadblockSwizzle >; // Softmax kernel using SoftmaxApplyKernel = kernel::ApplySoftmax< ElementC, ElementNorm, ElementSum, ElementSoft, ElementSoftmaxCompute, AlignmentSoftmax, ApplyShape >; using ApplyFinalReductionKernel = cutlass::reduction::kernel::ApplySoftmaxFinalReduction< ElementNorm, ElementSum, ElementSoftmaxCompute, ThreadblockShape >; public: /// Arguments class struct Arguments { typename GemmKernel::Arguments gemm; typename SoftmaxApplyKernel::Arguments softmax; typename ApplyFinalReductionKernel::Arguments reduction; cutlass::gemm::GemmCoord extend; // // Methods // Arguments() { } Arguments( cutlass::gemm::GemmCoord problem_size, int32_t batch_count_, TensorRefA ref_A_, TensorRefB ref_B_, TensorRefC ref_C_, TensorRefC ref_D_, typename EpilogueFunctorOp::Params linear_scaling, TensorRefN ref_N_, TensorRefSum ref_S_, TensorRefSoft ref_Softmax_, int64_t batch_stride_A_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_B_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_C_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_D_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_Max_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_Sum_ = 0, int64_t batch_stride_Softmax_ = 0 ): gemm( cutlass::gemm::GemmUniversalMode::kBatched, problem_size, batch_count_, ref_A_, ref_B_, ref_C_, ref_D_, ref_N_.data(), ref_S_.data(), batch_stride_A_, batch_stride_B_, typename EpilogueVisitor::Arguments( linear_scaling, batch_stride_C_, batch_stride_D_, batch_stride_Max_, batch_stride_Sum_ ) ), reduction( problem_size, ref_N_.data(), ref_S_.data(), batch_stride_Max_, batch_stride_Sum_ ), softmax( MatrixCoord(problem_size.m(), problem_size.n()), batch_count_, ref_D_, ref_N_, ref_S_, ref_Softmax_, batch_stride_D_, batch_stride_Max_, batch_stride_Sum_, batch_stride_Softmax_ ), extend(problem_size) { } }; struct Params { typename GemmKernel::Params gemm; typename SoftmaxApplyKernel::Params softmax; typename ApplyFinalReductionKernel::Params reduction; MatrixCoord extend; // // Methods // Params() { } Params(Arguments const &args): gemm(args.gemm), reduction(args.reduction), softmax(args.softmax), extend(MatrixCoord(args.extend.m(), args.extend.n())) { } }; public: // Gemm // // Methods // private: Params params_; public: /// Ctor GemmSoftmax() { } /// Initialize Status initialize(Arguments const &args) { params_ = Params(args); return cutlass::Status::kSuccess; } /// Run Status run(cudaStream_t stream) { // // Launch the GEMM + max kernel // dim3 gemm_grid = ThreadblockSwizzle().get_grid_shape(params_.gemm.grid_tiled_shape); dim3 gemm_block(GemmKernel::kThreadCount, 1, 1); int gemm_smem_size = int(sizeof(typename GemmKernel::SharedStorage)); cudaError_t result; if (gemm_smem_size >= (48 << 10)) { result = cudaFuncSetAttribute(cutlass::Kernel, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, gemm_smem_size); if (result != cudaSuccess) { return Status::kErrorInternal; } } cutlass::Kernel<<>>(params_.gemm); result = cudaGetLastError(); if (result != cudaSuccess) { return cutlass::Status::kErrorInternal; } // // Launch the ApplyFinalReductionKernel // int thread_per_block = 128; int block_per_row = (params_.extend.row() + thread_per_block - 1) / thread_per_block; if (block_per_row < 4) { thread_per_block = 32; block_per_row = (params_.extend.row() + thread_per_block - 1) / thread_per_block; } dim3 final_reduction_grid(block_per_row, 1, params_.softmax.args.batch_count); dim3 final_reduction_block(thread_per_block); Kernel<<< final_reduction_grid, final_reduction_block, sizeof(typename ApplyFinalReductionKernel::SharedStorage), stream >>>(params_.reduction); result = cudaGetLastError(); if (result != cudaSuccess) { return cutlass::Status::kErrorInternal; } // // Launch the SoftmaxApplyKernel // dim3 apply_block(SoftmaxApplyKernel::ApplyShape::kColumn, SoftmaxApplyKernel::ApplyShape::kRow); int threadblock_rows = SoftmaxApplyKernel::ApplyShape::kRow; int threadblock_columns = SoftmaxApplyKernel::ApplyShape::kColumn * SoftmaxApplyKernel::kAlignment; dim3 apply_grid( (params_.softmax.args.extent.row() + threadblock_rows - 1) / threadblock_rows, (params_.softmax.args.extent.column() + threadblock_columns - 1) / threadblock_columns, params_.softmax.args.batch_count); Kernel<<< apply_grid, apply_block, sizeof(typename SoftmaxApplyKernel::SharedStorage), stream >>>(params_.softmax); result = cudaGetLastError(); if (result != cudaSuccess) { return cutlass::Status::kErrorInternal; } return cutlass::Status::kSuccess; } /// Function call operator Status operator()(cudaStream_t stream = nullptr) { return run(stream); } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // namespace cutlass /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////