TODO ---- - maybe bug: see why emissions for ACS for the example in the manual change depending on whether nearby factors are used or not. - cte - wfactors.normalize(defaults): ver si quitamos de aquí los valores por defecto y así podemos generar de forma más ergonómica los factores de paso sin usar wfactors_from_loc CTE_LOCWF_RITE2014.get(loc)?.set_user_wfactors(&user_wf).normalize(&default_user_wf); - epbd: - allow using load matching factor values (or functions) that are not 1 (formula 32, B.32) Have a look to the proposed value from the TR. - allow to assign produced energy to services (instead of generic imputation). This has an effect on the computation of the share of produced energy, which should proceed after discounting the produced energy to specific services. - tests: - cte: check non matching computation modes in component metadata and weighting factors metadata Wishlist -------- - use templates for output (plain, detailed, ...) depending on cli parameter