pub mod twizzle_link; mod patterns; mod search; mod triggers; use std::{ process::exit, thread::{self, JoinHandle}, time::Instant, }; use cubing::{alg::Alg, puzzles::cube3x3x3_kpuzzle}; use clap::{command, Parser}; use crate::{ patterns::{is_3x3x3_cross_solved, is_slot_solved}, search::Search, triggers::{get_auf_triggers, get_triggers_by_slot}, }; /// Generate a native-style macOS folder icon from a mask file. #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { #[clap(long)] scramble: String, #[clap(long)] debug: bool, #[clap(long)] no_randomize: bool, #[clap(long)] no_prefer_immediate_slots: bool, #[clap(long, default_value = "9")] max_depth: usize, /// Defaults to the max depth if not specified. #[clap(long)] start_depth: Option, #[clap(long, default_value = "3")] max_depth_per_slot: usize, #[clap(long, default_value = "100")] max_num_solutions: usize, } pub fn main() { let args = Args::parse(); let kpuzzle = cube3x3x3_kpuzzle(); let scramble = args .scramble .parse::() .expect("Invalid input alg syntax."); let pattern = kpuzzle .default_pattern() .apply_alg(&scramble) .expect("Input alg is not valid for puzzle."); if !is_3x3x3_cross_solved(&pattern) { eprintln!("The provided alg does not leave cross solved. This is currently unsupported."); exit(1) } let triggers_by_slot = get_triggers_by_slot(kpuzzle); for slot_trigger_info in &triggers_by_slot { if is_slot_solved(&pattern, &slot_trigger_info.f2l_slot) { println!( "Initially solved slot: {}", slot_trigger_info.triggers.iter().as_slice()[0].short_alg ) } } let max_depth_limit = args.max_depth; let start_depth_limit = args.start_depth.unwrap_or(max_depth_limit); if start_depth_limit > max_depth_limit { eprintln!("Warning: start depth is greater than max depth.") } let mut searches = Vec::::new(); let main_search = Search { scramble, triggers_by_slot, auf_triggers: get_auf_triggers(kpuzzle), debug: args.debug, randomize: !args.no_randomize, prefer_immediate_slots: !args.no_prefer_immediate_slots, start_depth_limit, max_depth_limit, depth_limit_per_slot: 3, max_num_solutions: 10, }; searches.push(main_search); let mut handles = Vec::>::default(); for search in searches.into_iter() { let pattern = pattern.clone(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || {; }); handles.push(handle); } println!("Len: {}", handles.len()); for handle in handles { handle.join().unwrap() } let start = Instant::now(); let duration = start.elapsed(); println!("Time elapsed: {:?}", duration); }