// Copyright 2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd. // This file is part of Cumulus. // Cumulus is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // Cumulus is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Cumulus. If not, see . use std::{ env, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process::{self, Command}, }; use toml::value::Table; /// The name of the project we will building. const PROJECT_NAME: &str = "validation-worker"; /// The env variable that instructs us to skip the build. const SKIP_ENV: &str = "SKIP_BUILD"; fn main() { if env::var(SKIP_ENV).is_ok() { return } let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").expect("`OUT_DIR` is set by cargo")); let project = create_project(&out_dir); build_project(&project.join("Cargo.toml")); fs::copy(project.join("target/release").join(PROJECT_NAME), out_dir.join(PROJECT_NAME)) .expect("Copies validation worker"); } fn find_cargo_lock() -> PathBuf { return PathBuf::new(); let mut path = PathBuf::from( env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("`CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is set by cargo"), ); loop { if path.join("Cargo.lock").exists() { return path.join("Cargo.lock") } if !path.pop() { panic!("Could not find `Cargo.lock`") } } } fn create_project(out_dir: &Path) -> PathBuf { let project_dir = out_dir.join(format!("{}-project", PROJECT_NAME)); fs::create_dir_all(project_dir.join("src")).expect("Creates project dir and project src dir"); let mut project_toml = Table::new(); let mut package = Table::new(); package.insert("name".into(), PROJECT_NAME.into()); package.insert("version".into(), "1.0.0".into()); package.insert("edition".into(), "2021".into()); project_toml.insert("package".into(), package.into()); project_toml.insert("workspace".into(), Table::new().into()); let mut dependencies = Table::new(); let mut dependency_project = Table::new(); dependency_project.insert( "path".into(), env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR") .expect("`CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is set by cargo") .into(), ); dependencies .insert("cumulus-test-relay-validation-worker-provider".into(), dependency_project.into()); project_toml.insert("dependencies".into(), dependencies.into()); add_patches(&mut project_toml); fs::write( project_dir.join("Cargo.toml"), toml::to_string_pretty(&project_toml).expect("Wasm workspace toml is valid; qed"), ) .expect("Writes project `Cargo.toml`"); fs::write( project_dir.join("src").join("main.rs"), r#" cumulus_test_relay_validation_worker_provider::polkadot_node_core_pvf::decl_puppet_worker_main!(); "#, ) .expect("Writes `main.rs`"); let cargo_lock = find_cargo_lock(); //fs::copy(&cargo_lock, project_dir.join("Cargo.lock")).expect("Copies `Cargo.lock`"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", cargo_lock.display()); project_dir } fn add_patches(project_toml: &mut Table) { let workspace_toml_path = PathBuf::from( env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").expect("`CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR` is set by cargo"), ) .join("Cargo.toml"); let mut workspace_toml: Table = toml::from_str( &fs::read_to_string(&workspace_toml_path).expect("Workspace root `Cargo.toml` exists; qed"), ) .expect("Workspace root `Cargo.toml` is a valid toml file; qed"); let mut workspace_path = workspace_toml_path; workspace_path.pop(); while let Some(mut patch) = workspace_toml.remove("patch").and_then(|p| p.try_into::().ok()) { // Iterate over all patches and make the patch path absolute from the workspace root path. patch .iter_mut() .filter_map(|p| { p.1.as_table_mut().map(|t| t.iter_mut().filter_map(|t| t.1.as_table_mut())) }) .flatten() .for_each(|p| { p.iter_mut().filter(|(k, _)| k == &"path").for_each(|(_, v)| { if let Some(path) = v.as_str().map(PathBuf::from) { if path.is_relative() { *v = workspace_path.join(path).display().to_string().into(); } } }) }); project_toml.insert("patch".into(), patch.into()); } } fn build_project(cargo_toml: &Path) { let cargo = env::var("CARGO").expect("`CARGO` env variable is always set by cargo"); let status = Command::new(cargo) .arg("build") .arg("--release") .arg(format!("--manifest-path={}", cargo_toml.display())) // Unset the `CARGO_TARGET_DIR` to prevent a cargo deadlock (cargo locks a target dir exclusive). .env_remove("CARGO_TARGET_DIR") // Do not call us recursively. .env(SKIP_ENV, "1") .status(); match status.map(|s| s.success()) { Ok(true) => {}, // Use `process.exit(1)` to have a clean error output. _ => process::exit(1), } }