# Curlio - A cURL Implementation in Rust `curlio` is a command-line tool built in `Rust` that mimics the functionality of `cURL`. It allows you to send HTTP requests to `URLs` with support for various HTTP methods, custom headers, request body data (including JSON and multipart form data with file uploads), and more. The tool also includes options for verbosity, silence, response storage, Download file, zip, images, videos and retry mechanisms. ## Features - Supports common HTTP methods like `GET`, `POST`, `PUT`, and `DELETE`. - Allows custom headers to be passed in JSON format. - Sends request body data in various formats. - Supports multipart form data including file uploading. - Optional verbose mode to show detailed request and response information. - Silent mode to suppress output. - Option to store response data to a file. - Timeout configuration. - Retry mechanism for handling failed requests. - Basic and Bearer authentication support. - Download file, zip, images and videos using `curlio` with nice informatics loading indicator. ## Installation This CLI is published with `Cargo`. You can easily download and update with `cargo install curlio` command and accept the binary from everywhere. ```bash cargo install curlio ``` ## Local setup To use `curlio`, you need to have Rust installed on your system. You can install Rust from [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install). Once Rust is installed, clone the repository and build the project: ```bash git clone https://github.com/Kei-K23/curlio.git cd curlio cargo build --release ``` ## Usage Run the executable with the necessary arguments to send HTTP requests. Below are the available options: ```bash curlio 0.4.3 Kei-K23 curlio is a cURL implementation in Rust USAGE: curlio [OPTIONS] ARGS: The URL to send the request to Options: -X, --request HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) [default: GET] -d, --data Sends the specified data in a POST request -F, --form
Sends multiple form data using JSON structured format (use file path for file uploading) -H, --header
Add headers to the request -v, --verbose Show detail information about request and response [default: f] -s, --silent Suppress all output [default: f] -t, --timeout Set a timeout for the request (in seconds) -r, --retry Number of retry attempts in case of failure -S, --store Store the response data to file -A, --user-agent Specify custom User-Agent -u, --user Provide basic authentication in the format `username:password` -L, --location Follow HTTP redirects [default: f] --proxy Use HTTP/HTTPS proxy -D, --download Download file and save them in your file system --cookies Attach cookies to the request -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version ``` ## Examples ### Main Options 1. Simple GET request: ```bash curlio http://example.com ``` 2. POST request with data: ```bash curlio -X POST -d '{"key":"value"}' http://example.com ``` 3. GET request with custom headers: ```bash curlio -H '{"Content-Type": "application/json"}' http://example.com ``` 4. GET request with a timeout: ```bash curlio -t 5 http://example.com ``` 5. Verbose mode: ```bash curlio -v t http://example.com ``` 6. Retry on failure: ```bash curlio -r 3 http://example.com ``` 7. Store the response data to file: ```bash curlio "https://fakestoreapi.com/products" -X GET -H '{"Accept": "application/json"}' -S "products.json" ``` 8. Basic Authentication: ```bash curlio -u "username:password" http://example.com ``` 9. Bearer Token Authentication: ```bash curlio -H '{"Authorization": "Bearer your_token_here"}' http://example.com ``` 10. Cookies file support. Add cookies values to request header: ```bash # Example cookies json file (name what ever you want just to be sure to be .json file) # [ # { # "name": "session-id", # "value": "235-3769708-3150250" # }, # { # "name": "ubid-main", # "value": "134-3687901-5787569" # }, # { # "name": "session-token", # "value": "\"JKASDIUivnisduhfisd213biHUKLFbnoisd2344325\"" # } # ] curlio 'https://fakestoreapi.com/products' -X GET -H '{"Accept": "application/json"}' --cookies cookies.json ``` 11. Download files, zips, images, videos as you wish ```bash curlio "https://file-examples.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/SampleTextFile_1MB.txt" -D test.txt # Example Output Starting download of 1023385 bytes... Progress: [############################# ] 58.20% (595608/1023385) ``` ### Error Handling If the request fails and no retries are specified, an error message will be displayed in the terminal: ```bash Request failed: ``` If retries are enabled, it will retry the request up to the specified count, and you will see output like: ```bash Attempt 1 failed, retrying... () ``` ## Todo - [ ] Make binary for other installer methods. - [ ] Add test cases to cover all use cases. - [ ] Additional features and improvements. ## LicenseĀ  This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](/LICENSE) file for details. ## Contribution All contributions are welcome. Please open issues or make PR for error, bug, and adding new features.