# currycompose A crate providing a trait for performing currying (and non-currying) function-composition in rust. A can be composed with B if A implements FnOnce and takes one or more argument, while B implements FnOnce and returns something of the same type as the first argument of A. - For instance (A, B) -> Y can be composed with (C) -> A, yiedling (B, C) -> Y (currying). - Composing (A, B) -> Y with (C) -> A then with (D) -> B yields (C, D) -> Y (currying twice). - While of course (A) -> Y composed with (B) -> A, yields (B) -> Y as expected (non-currying composition). Currying functions which implement FnMut or Fn will yield something also implementing FnMut/Fn if both operands do.