use cursive::align::HAlign; use cursive::traits::Scrollable; use cursive::view::{Nameable, Resizable}; use cursive::views::{Dialog, EditView, LinearLayout, SelectView, TextView}; use cursive::Cursive; use lazy_static::lazy_static; // This example shows a way to implement a (Google-like) autocomplete search box. // Try entering "tok"! lazy_static! { static ref CITIES: &'static str = include_str!("assets/cities.txt"); } fn main() { let mut siv = cursive::default(); siv.add_layer( Dialog::around( LinearLayout::vertical() // the query box is on the top .child( EditView::new() // update results every time the query changes .on_edit(on_edit) // submit the focused (first) item of the matches .on_submit(on_submit) .with_name("query"), ) // search results below the input .child( SelectView::new() // shows all cities by default .with_all_str(CITIES.lines()) // Sets the callback for when "Enter" is pressed. .on_submit(show_next_window) // Center the text horizontally .h_align(HAlign::Center) .with_name("matches") .scrollable(), ) .fixed_height(10), ) .button("Quit", Cursive::quit) .title("Where are you from?"), );; } // Update results according to the query fn on_edit(siv: &mut Cursive, query: &str, _cursor: usize) { let matches = search_fn(CITIES.lines(), query); // Update the `matches` view with the filtered array of cities siv.call_on_name("matches", |v: &mut SelectView| { v.clear(); v.add_all_str(matches); }); } // Filter cities with names containing query string. You can implement your own logic here! fn search_fn<'a, 'b, T: std::iter::IntoIterator>( items: T, query: &'b str, ) -> Vec<&'a str> { items .into_iter() .filter(|&item| { let item = item.to_lowercase(); let query = query.to_lowercase(); item.contains(&query) }) .collect() } fn on_submit(siv: &mut Cursive, query: &str) { let matches = siv.find_name::("matches").unwrap(); if matches.is_empty() { // not all people live in big cities. If none of the cities in the list matches, use the value of the query. show_next_window(siv, query); } else { // pressing "Enter" without moving the focus into the `matches` view will submit the first match result let city = &*matches.selection().unwrap(); show_next_window(siv, city); }; } fn show_next_window(siv: &mut Cursive, city: &str) { siv.pop_layer(); let text = format!("{} is a great city!", city); siv.add_layer( Dialog::around(TextView::new(text)).button("Quit", |s| s.quit()), ); }