use cursive::{ view::Position, views::{LayerPosition, TextView}, Cursive, }; /// Moves top layer by the specified amount fn move_top(c: &mut Cursive, x_in: isize, y_in: isize) { // Step 1. Get the current position of the layer. let s = c.screen_mut(); let l = LayerPosition::FromFront(0); // Step 2. add the specifed amount let pos = s .layer_offset(LayerPosition::FromFront(0)) .unwrap() .saturating_add((x_in, y_in)); // convert the new x and y into a position let p = Position::absolute(pos); // Step 3. Apply the new position s.reposition_layer(l, p); } fn main() { let mut siv = cursive::default(); // We can quit by pressing `q` siv.add_global_callback('q', Cursive::quit); // Next Gen FPS Controls. siv.add_global_callback('w', |s| move_top(s, 0, -1)); siv.add_global_callback('a', |s| move_top(s, -1, 0)); siv.add_global_callback('s', |s| move_top(s, 0, 1)); siv.add_global_callback('d', |s| move_top(s, 1, 0)); // Add window to fly around. siv.add_layer(TextView::new( "Press w,a,s,d to move the window.\n\ Press q to quit the application.", )); // Run the event loop; }