use cursive::{ theme::{BorderStyle, Palette, Theme}, view::IntoBoxedView, views::{Button, TextContent, TextView}, Cursive, CursiveExt, }; use cursive_flexbox::prelude::*; fn main() { // Create a cursive object. This is the basic object that handles the ui and event loop. let mut cursive = Cursive::new(); cursive.add_global_callback('q', |cursive| cursive.quit()); cursive.set_theme(Theme { shadow: false, borders: BorderStyle::Simple, palette: Palette::terminal_default(), }); let content = TextContent::new("unset"); let textview = TextView::new_with_content(content.clone()); let content_clone = content.clone(); let button1 = Button::new_raw("Set text 'hello'.", move |_| { content_clone.set_content("hello"); }); let button2 = Button::new_raw("Set text 'world'.", move |_| { content.set_content("world"); }); // Create the flexbox and put some items in it. let mut flexbox = Flexbox::from(vec![ button1.into_boxed_view(), button2.into_boxed_view(), textview.into_boxed_view(), ]); // Set a gap between the items on the main axis. flexbox.set_main_axis_gap(2); // Set a gap between the main axis (along the container cross axis). flexbox.set_cross_axis_gap(2); // Set item grow factors. // flexbox.set_flex_grow(1, 1); // flexbox.set_flex_grow(2, 2); // Set the wrapping behavior of the main axes. flexbox.set_flex_wrap(FlexWrap::Wrap); // Set the algorithm to assign free space along the main axis. flexbox.set_justify_content(JustifyContent::SpaceEvenly); // Set the algorithm to assign free space along the cross axis for flex items. flexbox.set_align_items(AlignItems::Center); // Set the algorithm to assign free space along the cross axis in the container. flexbox.set_align_content(AlignContent::FlexStart); // Set the direction of the main axis. flexbox.set_flex_direction(FlexDirection::Row); // Add the flexbox to the ui. cursive.add_fullscreen_layer(flexbox); // Start running the eventloop.; }