This project provides a new debug view for [gyscos/cursive](https://github.com/gyscos/cursive) using the [emabee/flexi_logger](https://github.com/emabee/flexi_logger) crate. This enables the `FlexiLoggerView` to respect the `RUST_LOG` environment variable as well as the `flexi_logger` configuration file. Have a look at the `demo` below to see how it looks.
## How does it look like? `demo` [![terminalizer](https://img.shields.io/badge/GIF-terminalizer-blueviolet.svg)](https://github.com/faressoft/terminalizer)
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## Usage
Simply add to your `Cargo.toml`
cursive-flexi-logger-view = "^0"
### Using the `FlexiLoggerView`
To create a `FlexiLoggerView` you first have to register the `cursive_flexi_logger` as a `Writer` in `flexi_logger`. After the `flexi_logger` has started, you may create a `FlexiLoggerView` instance and add it to cursive.
use cursive::Cursive;
use cursive_flexi_logger_view::FlexiLoggerView;
use flexi_logger::Logger;
fn main() {
// we need to initialize cursive first, as the cursive-flexi-logger
// needs a cursive callback sink to notify cursive about screen refreshs
// when a new log message arrives
let mut siv = Cursive::default();
.expect("Could not create Logger from environment :(")
.expect("failed to initialize logger!");
siv.add_layer(FlexiLoggerView::scrollable()); // omit `scrollable` to remove scrollbars
log::info!("test log message");
Look into the [documentation](https://docs.rs/cursive-flexi-logger-view) for a detailed explanation on the API.
## Troubleshooting
If you find any bugs/unexpected behaviour or you have a proposition for future changes open an issue describing the current behaviour and what you expected.
## Development [![cargo test](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeinstapel.github.io%2Fcursive-flexi-logger-view%2Fcargo-test.json)](https://github.com/deinstapel/cursive-flexi-logger-view/actions)
### Running the tests
Just run
$ cargo test
to execute all available tests.
#### shields.io endpoints
[shields.io](https://shields.io) endpoints are generated inside the `./target/shields` folder. They are used in this README.
## Authors
**Fin Christensen**
> [:octocat: `@fin-ger`](https://github.com/fin-ger)
> [:elephant: `@fin_ger@weirder.earth`](https://weirder.earth/@fin_ger)
> [:bird: `@fin_ger_github`](https://twitter.com/fin_ger_github)
**Johannes Wünsche**
> [:octocat: `@jwuensche`](https://github.com/jwuensche)
> [:elephant: `@fredowald@mastodon.social`](https://mastodon.social/web/accounts/843376)
> [:bird: `@Fredowald`](https://twitter.com/fredowald)
## Show your support
Give a :star: if this project helped you!