# Curtain [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/ivanceras/curtain.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/ivanceras/curtain) ## Warning: Early Alpha Status, use in production at your own risk Curtain is a data management system for PostgreSQL using the best of current technology. ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivanceras/curtain/master/screenshots/users.png) ##[Alpha builds](https://github.com/ivanceras/curtain-releases) ### Supported platform - [x] Linux - [x] Mac OSX - [x] PostgreSQL ## Screencast [link1](https://gfycat.com/GlossyDownrightBorderterrier) [link2](http://s1.webmshare.com/BXZxE.webm) ## Goal - A user friendly data manipulation tool even to non-technical users. ## Features - Intuitive and modern user interface - Load on demand, infinite scrolling - Fast and interactive filtering #### Load on demand, infinite scrolling Viewing a table will eagerly load only the first page, scrolling to the bottom of the page loads the next records, up until the last page #### Fast and interactive filtering Filter records as you type in text into their corresponding columns and displays only the matching records. ## Online Demo [Herokuapp Demo](http://curtain-elm.herokuapp.com) [DigitalOcean Demo]( Data and schema of the database used in the demo can be found here [mockdata](https://github.com/ivanceras/mockdata) which was generated using mockaroo.com ## Platforms - rust - postgresql - elm ## Quick start local dockerize demo ## Requirement: - linux/osx - cargo and rust installed - libssl-dev library installed (openssl issue stuff) - docker ```sh git clone https://github.com/ivanceras/curtain cd curtain sh init_build_docker_demo.sh ``` open browser to http://localhost:8080 ## Inspiration Design is inspired by Openbravo, iDempiere/Adempiere, Compiere etc. If you would like to support my project - [Bountysource](https://www.bountysource.com/teams/ivanceras) - [Gratipay](https://gratipay.com/~ivanceras/) - [twitter: @ivanceras](https://twitter.com/ivanceras) Contact me: ivanceras[at]gmail.com