use std::{error::Error, fs::File, io::Write}; use curve_sampling::Sampling; type R = Result<(), Box>; fn main() -> R { let mut fh = File::create("/tmp/")?; write!(fh, "set terminal pngcairo\n\ set grid\n")?; let mut d = 0; let mut save = |s: &Sampling, n, title| -> R { d += 1; let fname = format!("/tmp/sin_inv_x{}.dat", d); s.write(&mut File::create(&fname)?)?; write!(fh, "set output \"sin_inv_x{}.png\"\n\ plot '{}' with l lt 1 lw 2 title \"{} ({} pts)\"\n", d, &fname, title, n)?; write!(fh, "set output \"sin_inv_x{}_p.png\"\n\ plot '{}' with l lt 5 lw 2 title \"{}\", \ '{}' with p lt 3 pt 5 ps 0.2 title \"points ({})\"\n", d, &fname, title, &fname, n)?; Ok(()) }; let f = |x: f64| x * (1. / x).sin(); let s = Sampling::fun(f, -0.4, 0.4).n(227).build(); save(&s, 227, "x sin(1/x)")?; let s = Sampling::fun(f, -0.4, 0.4).n(389).build(); save(&s, 389, "x sin(1/x)")?; let s = Sampling::fun(|x: f64| (1. / x).sin(), -0.4, 0.4).n(391).build(); save(&s, 391, "sin(1/x)")?; Ok(()) }