Vectorized implementations of field and point operations, using a modification of the 4-way parallel formulas of Hisil, Wong, Carter, and Dawson. These notes explain the parallel formulas and our strategy for using them with SIMD operations. There are two backend implementations: one using AVX2, and the other using AVX512-IFMA. # Overview The 2008 paper [_Twisted Edwards Curves Revisited_][hwcd08] by Hisil, Wong, Carter, and Dawson (HWCD) introduced the “extended coordinates” and mixed-model representations which are used by most Edwards curve implementations. However, they also describe 4-way parallel formulas for point addition and doubling: a unified addition algorithm taking an effective \\(2\mathbf M + 1\mathbf D\\), a doubling algorithm taking an effective \\(1\mathbf M + 1\mathbf S\\), and a dedicated (i.e., for distinct points) addition algorithm taking an effective \\(2 \mathbf M \\). They compare these formulas with a 2-way parallel variant of the Montgomery ladder. Unlike their serial formulas, which are used widely, their parallel formulas do not seem to have been implemented in software before. The 2-way parallel Montgomery ladder was used in 2015 by Tung Chou's `sandy2x` implementation. Curiously, however, although the [`sandy2x` paper][sandy2x] also implements Edwards arithmetic, and cites HWCD08, it doesn't mention their parallel Edwards formulas. A 2015 paper by Hernández and López describes an AVX2 implementation of X25519. Neither the paper nor the code are publicly available, but it apparently gives only a [slight speedup][avx2trac], suggesting that it uses a 4-way parallel Montgomery ladder rather than parallel Edwards formulas. The reason may be that HWCD08 describe their formulas as operating on four independent processors, which would make a software implementation impractical: all of the operations are too low-latency to effectively synchronize. But a closer inspection reveals that the (more expensive) multiplication and squaring steps are uniform, while the instruction divergence occurs in the (much cheaper) addition and subtraction steps. This means that a SIMD implementation can perform the expensive steps uniformly, and handle divergence in the inexpensive steps using masking. These notes describe modifications to the original parallel formulas to allow a SIMD implementation, and this module contains implementations of the modified formulas targeting either AVX2 or AVX512-IFMA. # Parallel formulas in HWCD'08 The doubling formula is presented in the HWCD paper as follows: | Cost | Processor 1 | Processor 2 | Processor 3 | Processor 4 | |------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------| | | idle | idle | idle | \\( R\_1 \gets X\_1 + Y\_1 \\) | | \\(1\mathbf S\\) | \\( R\_2 \gets X\_1\^2 \\) | \\( R\_3 \gets Y\_1\^2 \\) | \\( R\_4 \gets Z\_1\^2 \\) | \\( R\_5 \gets R\_1\^2 \\) | | | \\( R\_6 \gets R\_2 + R\_3 \\) | \\( R\_7 \gets R\_2 - R\_3 \\) | \\( R\_4 \gets 2 R\_4 \\) | idle | | | idle | \\( R\_1 \gets R\_4 + R\_7 \\) | idle | \\( R\_2 \gets R\_6 - R\_5 \\) | | \\(1\mathbf M\\) | \\( X\_3 \gets R\_1 R\_2 \\) | \\( Y\_3 \gets R\_6 R\_7 \\) | \\( T\_3 \gets R\_2 R\_6 \\) | \\( Z\_3 \gets R\_1 R\_7 \\) | and the unified addition algorithm is presented as follows: | Cost | Processor 1 | Processor 2 | Processor 3 | Processor 4 | |------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------|--------------------------------| | | \\( R\_1 \gets Y\_1 - X\_1 \\) | \\( R\_2 \gets Y\_2 - X\_2 \\) | \\( R\_3 \gets Y\_1 + X\_1 \\) | \\( R\_4 \gets Y\_2 + X\_2 \\) | | \\(1\mathbf M\\) | \\( R\_5 \gets R\_1 R\_2 \\) | \\( R\_6 \gets R\_3 R\_4 \\) | \\( R\_7 \gets T\_1 T\_2 \\) | \\( R\_8 \gets Z\_1 Z\_2 \\) | | \\(1\mathbf D\\) | idle | idle | \\( R\_7 \gets k R\_7 \\) | \\( R\_8 \gets 2 R\_8 \\) | | | \\( R\_1 \gets R\_6 - R\_5 \\) | \\( R\_2 \gets R\_8 - R\_7 \\) | \\( R\_3 \gets R\_8 + R\_7 \\) | \\( R\_4 \gets R\_6 + R\_5 \\) | | \\(1\mathbf M\\) | \\( X\_3 \gets R\_1 R\_2 \\) | \\( Y\_3 \gets R\_3 R\_4 \\) | \\( T\_3 \gets R\_1 R\_4 \\) | \\( Z\_3 \gets R\_2 R\_3 \\) | Here \\(\mathbf M\\) and \\(\mathbf S\\) represent the cost of multiplication and squaring of generic field elements, \\(\mathbf D\\) represents the cost of multiplication by a curve constant (in this case \\( k = 2d \\)). Notice that the \\(1\mathbf M\\) and \\(1\mathbf S\\) steps are uniform. The non-uniform steps are all inexpensive additions or subtractions, with the exception of the multiplication by the curve constant \\(k = 2d\\): $$ R\_7 \gets 2 d R\_7. $$ HWCD suggest parallelising this step by breaking \\(k = 2d\\) into four parts as \\(k = k_0 + 2\^n k_1 + 2\^{2n} k_2 + 2\^{3n} k_3 \\) and computing \\(k_i R_7 \\) in parallel. This is quite awkward, but if the curve constant is a ratio \\( d = d\_1/d\_2 \\), then projective coordinates allow us to instead compute $$ (R\_5, R\_6, R\_7, R\_8) \gets (d\_2 R\_5, d\_2 R\_6, 2d\_1 R\_7, d\_2 R\_8). $$ This can be performed as a uniform multiplication by a vector of constants, and if \\(d\_1, d\_2\\) are small, it is relatively inexpensive. (This trick was suggested by Mike Hamburg). In the Curve25519 case, we have $$ d = \frac{d\_1}{d\_2} = \frac{-121665}{121666}; $$ Since \\(2 \cdot 121666 < 2\^{18}\\), all the constants above fit (up to sign) in 32 bits, so this can be done in parallel as four multiplications by small constants \\( (121666, 121666, 2\cdot 121665, 2\cdot 121666) \\), followed by a negation to compute \\( - 2\cdot 121665\\). # Modified parallel formulas Using the modifications sketched above, we can write SIMD-friendly versions of the parallel formulas as follows. To avoid confusion with the original formulas, temporary variables are named \\(S\\) instead of \\(R\\) and are in static single-assignment form. ## Addition To add points \\(P_1 = (X_1 : Y_1 : Z_1 : T_1) \\) and \\(P_2 = (X_2 : Y_2 : Z_2 : T_2 ) \\), we compute $$ \begin{aligned} (S\_0 &&,&& S\_1 &&,&& S\_2 &&,&& S\_3 ) &\gets (Y\_1 - X\_1&&,&& Y\_1 + X\_1&&,&& Y\_2 - X\_2&&,&& Y\_2 + X\_2) \\\\ (S\_4 &&,&& S\_5 &&,&& S\_6 &&,&& S\_7 ) &\gets (S\_0 \cdot S\_2&&,&& S\_1 \cdot S\_3&&,&& Z\_1 \cdot Z\_2&&,&& T\_1 \cdot T\_2) \\\\ (S\_8 &&,&& S\_9 &&,&& S\_{10} &&,&& S\_{11} ) &\gets (d\_2 \cdot S\_4 &&,&& d\_2 \cdot S\_5 &&,&& 2 d\_2 \cdot S\_6 &&,&& 2 d\_1 \cdot S\_7 ) \\\\ (S\_{12} &&,&& S\_{13} &&,&& S\_{14} &&,&& S\_{15}) &\gets (S\_9 - S\_8&&,&& S\_9 + S\_8&&,&& S\_{10} - S\_{11}&&,&& S\_{10} + S\_{11}) \\\\ (X\_3&&,&& Y\_3&&,&& Z\_3&&,&& T\_3) &\gets (S\_{12} \cdot S\_{14}&&,&& S\_{15} \cdot S\_{13}&&,&& S\_{15} \cdot S\_{14}&&,&& S\_{12} \cdot S\_{13}) \end{aligned} $$ to obtain \\( P\_3 = (X\_3 : Y\_3 : Z\_3 : T\_3) = P\_1 + P\_2 \\). This costs \\( 2\mathbf M + 1 \mathbf D\\). ## Readdition If the point \\( P_2 = (X\_2 : Y\_2 : Z\_2 : T\_2) \\) is fixed, we can cache the multiplication of the curve constants by computing $$ \begin{aligned} (S\_2' &&,&& S\_3' &&,&& Z\_2' &&,&& T\_2' ) &\gets (d\_2 \cdot (Y\_2 - X\_2)&&,&& d\_2 \cdot (Y\_1 + X\_1)&&,&& 2d\_2 \cdot Z\_2 &&,&& 2d\_1 \cdot T\_2). \end{aligned} $$ This costs \\( 1\mathbf D\\); with \\( (S\_2', S\_3', Z\_2', T\_2')\\) in hand, the addition formulas above become $$ \begin{aligned} (S\_0 &&,&& S\_1 &&,&& Z\_1 &&,&& T\_1 ) &\gets (Y\_1 - X\_1&&,&& Y\_1 + X\_1&&,&& Z\_1 &&,&& T\_1) \\\\ (S\_8 &&,&& S\_9 &&,&& S\_{10} &&,&& S\_{11} ) &\gets (S\_0 \cdot S\_2' &&,&& S\_1 \cdot S\_3'&&,&& Z\_1 \cdot Z\_2' &&,&& T\_1 \cdot T\_2') \\\\ (S\_{12} &&,&& S\_{13} &&,&& S\_{14} &&,&& S\_{15}) &\gets (S\_9 - S\_8&&,&& S\_9 + S\_8&&,&& S\_{10} - S\_{11}&&,&& S\_{10} + S\_{11}) \\\\ (X\_3&&,&& Y\_3&&,&& Z\_3&&,&& T\_3) &\gets (S\_{12} \cdot S\_{14}&&,&& S\_{15} \cdot S\_{13}&&,&& S\_{15} \cdot S\_{14}&&,&& S\_{12} \cdot S\_{13}) \end{aligned} $$ which costs only \\( 2\mathbf M \\). This precomputation is essentially similar to the precomputation that HWCD suggest for their serial formulas. Because the cost of precomputation and then readdition is the same as addition, it's sufficient to only implement caching and readdition. ## Doubling The non-uniform portions of the (re)addition formulas have a fairly regular structure. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the doubling formulas, which are much less nice. To double a point \\( P = (X\_1 : Y\_1 : Z\_1 : T\_1) \\), we compute $$ \begin{aligned} (X\_1 &&,&& Y\_1 &&,&& Z\_1 &&,&& S\_0) &\gets (X\_1 &&,&& Y\_1 &&,&& Z\_1 &&,&& X\_1 + Y\_1) \\\\ (S\_1 &&,&& S\_2 &&,&& S\_3 &&,&& S\_4 ) &\gets (X\_1\^2 &&,&& Y\_1\^2&&,&& Z\_1\^2 &&,&& S\_0\^2) \\\\ (S\_5 &&,&& S\_6 &&,&& S\_8 &&,&& S\_9 ) &\gets (S\_1 + S\_2 &&,&& S\_1 - S\_2 &&,&& S\_1 + 2S\_3 - S\_2 &&,&& S\_1 + S\_2 - S\_4) \\\\ (X\_3 &&,&& Y\_3 &&,&& Z\_3 &&,&& T\_3 ) &\gets (S\_8 \cdot S\_9 &&,&& S\_5 \cdot S\_6 &&,&& S\_8 \cdot S\_6 &&,&& S\_5 \cdot S\_9) \end{aligned} $$ to obtain \\( P\_3 = (X\_3 : Y\_3 : Z\_3 : T\_3) = [2]P\_1 \\). The intermediate step between the squaring and multiplication requires a long chain of additions. For the IFMA-based implementation, this is not a problem; for the AVX2-based implementation, it is, but with some care and finesse, it's possible to arrange the computation without requiring an intermediate reduction. # Implementation These formulas aren't specific to a particular representation of field element vectors, whose optimum choice is determined by the details of the instruction set. However, it's not possible to perfectly separate the implementation of the field element vectors from the implementation of the point operations. Instead, the [`avx2`] and [`ifma`] backends provide `ExtendedPoint` and `CachedPoint` types, and the [`scalar_mul`] code uses one of the backend types by a type alias. # Comparison to non-vectorized formulas In theory, the parallel Edwards formulas seem to allow a \\(4\\)-way speedup from parallelism. However, an actual vectorized implementation has several slowdowns that cut into this speedup. First, the parallel formulas can only use the available vector multiplier. For AVX2, this is a \\( 32 \times 32 \rightarrow 64 \\)-bit integer multiplier, so the speedup from vectorization must overcome the disadvantage of losing the \\( 64 \times 64 \rightarrow 128\\)-bit (serial) integer multiplier. The effect of this slowdown is microarchitecture-dependent, since it requires accounting for the total number of multiplications and additions and their relative costs. IFMA allows using a \\( 52 \times 52 \rightarrow 104 \\)-bit multiplier, but the high and low halves need to be computed separately, and the reduction requires extra work because it's not possible to pre-multiply by \\(19\\). Second, the parallel doubling formulas incur both a theoretical and practical slowdown. The parallel formulas described above work on the \\( \mathbb P\^3 \\) “extended” coordinates. The \\( \mathbb P\^2 \\) model introduced earlier by [Bernstein, Birkner, Joye, Lange, and Peters][bbjlp08] allows slightly faster doublings, so HWCD suggest mixing coordinate systems while performing scalar multiplication (attributing the idea to [a 1998 paper][cmo98] by Cohen, Miyagi, and Ono). The \\( T \\) coordinate is not required for doublings, so when doublings are followed by doublings, its computation can be skipped. More details on this approach and the different coordinate systems can be found in the [`curve_models` module documentation][curve_models]. Unfortunately, this optimization is not compatible with the parallel formulas, which cannot save time by skipping a single variable, so the parallel doubling formulas do slightly more work when counting the total number of field multiplications and squarings. In addition, the parallel doubling formulas have a less regular pattern of additions and subtractions than the parallel addition formulas, so the vectorization overhead is proportionately greater. Both the parallel addition and parallel doubling formulas also require some shuffling to rearrange data within the vectors, which places more pressure on the shuffle unit than is desirable. This means that the speedup from using a vectorized implementation of parallel Edwards formulas is likely to be greatest in applications that do fewer doublings and more additions (like a large multiscalar multiplication) rather than applications that do fewer additions and more doublings (like a double-base scalar multiplication). Third, Amdahl's law says that the speedup is limited to the portion which can be parallelized. Normally, the field multiplications dominate the cost of point operations, but with the IFMA backend, the multiplications are so fast that the non-parallel additions end up as a significant portion of the total time. Fourth, current Intel CPUs perform thermal throttling when using wide vector instructions. A detailed description can be found in §15.26 of [the Intel Optimization Manual][intel], but using wide vector instructions prevents the core from operating at higher frequencies. The core can return to the higher-frequency state after 2 milliseconds, but this timer is reset every time high-power instructions are used. Any speedup from vectorization therefore has to be weighed against a slowdown for the next few million instructions. For a mixed workload, where point operations are interspersed with other tasks, this can reduce overall performance. This implementation is therefore probably not suitable for basic applications, like signatures, but is worthwhile for complex applications, like zero-knowledge proofs, which do sustained work. # Future work There are several directions for future improvement: * Using the vectorized field arithmetic code to parallelize across point operations rather than within a single point operation. This is less flexible, but would give a speedup both from allowing use of the faster mixed-model arithmetic and from reducing shuffle pressure. One approach in this direction would be to implement batched scalar-point operations using vectors of points (AoSoA layout). This less generally useful but would give a speedup for Bulletproofs. * Extending the IFMA implementation to use the full width of AVX512, either handling the extra parallelism internally to a single point operation (by using a 2-way parallel implementation of field arithmetic instead of a wordsliced one), or externally, parallelizing across point operations. Internal parallelism would be preferable but might require too much shuffle pressure. For now, the only available CPU which runs IFMA operations executes them at 256-bits wide anyways, so this isn't yet important. * Generalizing the implementation to NEON instructions. The current point arithmetic code is written in terms of field element vectors, which are in turn implemented using platform SIMD vectors. It should be possible to write an alternate implementation of the `FieldElement2625x4` using NEON without changing the point arithmetic. NEON has 128-bit vectors rather than 256-bit vectors, but this may still be worthwhile compared to a serial implementation. [sandy2x]: [avx2trac]: [hwcd08]: [curve_models]: [bbjlp08]: [cmo98]: [intel]: