use std::fs; use trybuild::TestCases; #[test] fn tests() { let t = trybuild::TestCases::new(); t.pass("tests/"); t.pass("tests/"); t.compile_fail("tests/"); t.pass("tests/"); t.compile_fail("tests/"); // Run all test_* files for both derive and fnlike macros. // The files need to be copied to different directories because of how trybuild works. run_shared_tests("derive", &t); run_shared_tests("fnlike", &t); drop(t); // The tests run on drop so we only clean up after that. // The cleanup is only to declutter the workspace, // the test should work even if the files are left there from a previous run. // Doesn't run if tests fail (TestCases::drop panics). fs::remove_dir_all("tests/derive").unwrap(); fs::remove_dir_all("tests/fnlike").unwrap(); } fn run_shared_tests(kind: &str, t: &TestCases) { fs::create_dir_all(format!("tests/{kind}")).unwrap(); fs::copy( format!("tests/shared_{kind}.rs"), format!("tests/{kind}/"), ) .unwrap(); for entry in fs::read_dir("tests/shared").unwrap() { let path_src = entry.unwrap().path(); let path_dest = path_src.to_str().unwrap().replace("shared", kind); fs::copy(&path_src, &path_dest).unwrap(); t.pass(&path_dest); } }