extend = [{ path = "coverage_grcov.Makefile.toml" }] [config] default_to_workspace = false skip_core_tasks = true [env] # If you bump this version, verify RUST_VERSION correctness RUST_OPTIMIZER_VERSION = "0.15.0" # Use rust version from rust-optimizer Dockerfile (see https://github.com/CosmWasm/rust-optimizer/blob/main/Dockerfile#L1) # to be sure that we compile / test against the same version RUST_VERSION = "1.79.0" NIGHTLY_VERSION = "nightly-2024-06-25" [tasks.install-stable] script = ''' curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y --profile minimal --default-toolchain ${RUST_VERSION} rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain ${RUST_VERSION} rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain ${RUST_VERSION} rustup component add clippy --toolchain ${RUST_VERSION} rustup component add llvm-tools-preview --toolchain ${RUST_VERSION} ''' [tasks.install-nightly] script = ''' curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y --profile minimal --default-toolchain ${NIGHTLY_VERSION} rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain ${NIGHTLY_VERSION} rustup component add rustfmt --toolchain ${NIGHTLY_VERSION} rustup component add clippy --toolchain ${NIGHTLY_VERSION} ''' [tasks.rust-optimizer] cwd = "${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" script = """ if [[ $(arch) == "arm64" ]]; then image="cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer-arm64:${RUST_OPTIMIZER_VERSION}" else image="cosmwasm/workspace-optimizer:${RUST_OPTIMIZER_VERSION}" fi docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/code \ --mount type=volume,source="$(basename "$(pwd)")_cache",target=/code/target \ --mount type=volume,source=registry_cache,target=/usr/local/cargo/registry \ ${image} """ [tasks.format] toolchain = "${NIGHTLY_VERSION}" install_crate = { crate_name = "rustfmt-nightly", rustup_component_name = "rustfmt-preview", binary = "rustfmt", test_arg = "--help" } command = "cargo" args = ["fmt", "--all", "--", "--emit=files","--verbose"] [tasks.format-check] toolchain = "${NIGHTLY_VERSION}" install_crate = { crate_name = "rustfmt-nightly", rustup_component_name = "rustfmt-preview", binary = "rustfmt", test_arg = "--help" } command = "cargo" args = ["fmt", "--all", "--","--verbose", "--check"] [tasks.deny] command = "cargo" args = ["deny", "--all-features", "check"] [tasks.check] toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = ["check", "--all-features"] [tasks.clippy-check] toolchain = "${NIGHTLY_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = ["clippy","--all-features","--","-D","warnings"] [tasks.clippy-fix] toolchain = "${NIGHTLY_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = ["clippy","--all-features", "--fix","--allow-staged", "--allow-dirty", "--","-D","warnings"] [tasks.todo-check] script = { file = "${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}/scripts/todo-lint.sh", absolute_path = true } # This task requires the `cargo-tarpaulin` package: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-tarpaulin [tasks.cov] toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = [ "tarpaulin", "--ignore-tests", "-o", "Lcov", "--output-dir", "target/tarpaulin", ] [tasks.docs] toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = [ "doc", "--target-dir", "docs", "--color", "never", "--no-deps", "--workspace", "--exclude", "'cosmwasm*'", "--exclude", "'cw*'", "--release", ] # This task requires the `cargo-machete` package: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-machete [tasks.machete-check] toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = ["machete"] [tasks.machete-fix] command = "cargo" args = ["machete", "--fix"] # Unoptimized Wasm build of contract for testing # Commented out because no test contracts for this repo. # [tasks.wasm] # toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" # command = "cargo" # args = [ # "build", # "-p", # "test-contract", # "--target", # "wasm32-unknown-unknown", # "--lib", # "--release", # ] # Run all tests [tasks.test] toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = ["test", "--locked", "--all-features"] # Run unit tests [tasks.unit-test] toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" command = "cargo" args = [ "test", "--all-features", "--lib" ] # Run integration tests # No integration tests right now, just unit tests # [tasks.integration-test] # env = { TEST_RUNNER = "osmosis-test-app" } # cwd = "${CARGO_MAKE_WORKSPACE_WORKING_DIRECTORY}" # dependencies = ["wasm"] # toolchain = "${RUST_VERSION}" # command = "cargo" # args = [ # "test", # "--all-features", # "--test", # "*", # ] # Create HTML coverage report [tasks.coverage-html] alias = "coverage-grcov-html" # Create LCOV coverage report [tasks.coverage-lcov] alias = "coverage-grcov-lcov" # Run automatically on "cargo make". This is the default task. [tasks.default] alias = "custom-default" # Custom tasks to run on "cargo make" [tasks.custom-default] dependencies = ["format", "clippy-fix", "deny", "machete-fix", "unit-test"] # Docs and Test coverage are not run by default. Can run all with "cargo make all". [tasks.all] dependencies = ["custom-default", "coverage-html"]