CW Merkle Tree

Sparse merkle tree with variants implementation for CosmWasm smart contract ## Variants ### Sparse Merkle Tree Normal sparse merkle tree with customizable tree level and default leaf. ### Sparse Merkle Tree With History Like sparse merkle tree but able to check valid root hash with all previous root hashes. ### Sparse Merkle Tree With History Bounded Like sparse merkle tree but able to check valid root hash with previous root hashes upto specified history level. ## Example Usage ### Hasher Implement the hasher trait for desired hasher struct. ```rust #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Blake2; impl Hasher for Blake2 { fn hash_two(&self, left: &Uint256, right: &Uint256) -> Result { let mut hasher = Blake2b512::new(); hasher.update(left.to_be_bytes()); hasher.update(right.to_be_bytes()); Ok(Uint256::from_be_bytes( hasher.finalize()[0..32] .try_into() .map_err(|e: TryFromSliceError| HasherError::Custom(e.to_string()))?, )) } } ``` ### Merkle Tree First, instantiate the merkle tree by using `new` constructor function and specify leaf and hasher type. ```rust const TREE: SparseMerkleTree = SparseMerkleTree::new("hashes", "leafs", "level", "zeros"); ``` Then initialize the tree by invoking the `init` function, preferably in `instantiate` entry point. ```rust pub fn instantiate( deps: DepsMut, _env: Env, _info: MessageInfo, _msg: InstantiateMsg, ) -> Result { let hashed_zero = Blake2.hash_two(&Uint256::zero(), &Uint256::zero())?; TREE.init(, 20, hashed_zero, &Blake2)?; // ... } ``` Next, insert a leaf into next available index of the tree by invoking `insert` function, `insert` will return inserted index and the new root. ```rust let leaf = Blake2.hash_two(&Uint256::one(), &Uint256::one())?; let (index, new_root) = TREE.insert(&mut storage, leaf, &Blake2)?; assert_eq!(index, 0); assert_eq!( new_root, Uint256::from_str( "65270348628983318905821145914244198139930176154042934882987463098115489862117" )? ); assert_eq!(new_root, TREE.get_latest_root(&storage)?); assert!(TREE.is_valid_root(&storage, &new_root)?); ```