use std::{ env, fmt, fs, io::{Error as IoError, Read, Write}, path::PathBuf, process::{Command, Output, Stdio}, }; use assert_cmd::{assert::OutputAssertExt, cargo::CargoError, Command as AssertCommand}; use cucumber::{given, then, when, writer, World}; use glob::glob; use itertools::Itertools; use path_absolutize::Absolutize; use petname::petname; use predicates::prelude::predicate; use regex::Regex; use thiserror::Error; const CARGO_CW_OPTIMIZOOR: &str = "cargo-cw-optimizoor"; const CW_OPTIMIZOOR: &str = "cw-optimizoor"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, World)] #[world(init = Self::new)] pub struct CwWorld { ws_root: PathBuf, cmd_output: Option, artifacts: Vec, } impl CwWorld { async fn new() -> Result { Ok(Self { ws_root: env::current_dir()?, cmd_output: None, artifacts: vec![], }) } } #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum CwWorldError { Io(IoError), Cargo(CargoError), } impl From for CwWorldError { fn from(source: IoError) -> Self { CwWorldError::Io(source) } } impl From for CwWorldError { fn from(source: CargoError) -> Self { CwWorldError::Cargo(source) } } impl fmt::Display for CwWorldError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{:?}", self) } } #[given(expr = "the user is in the workspace {string}")] async fn is_in_workspace(world: &mut CwWorld, ws: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { world.ws_root = PathBuf::from("tests").join(PathBuf::from(ws)); Ok(()) } #[when( regex = r"the user\s?(successfully|unsuccessfully)? runs cw-optimizoor\s?(for the first time|again)?" )] async fn runs_cw_optimizoor( world: &mut CwWorld, result: String, cond: String, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { if !cond.is_empty() &&"again") { let artifacts = world.ws_root.join("artifacts"); if artifacts.is_dir() { fs::remove_dir_all(artifacts)?; } let target = world.ws_root.join("target"); if target.is_dir() { fs::remove_dir_all(target)?; } } let mut cmd = AssertCommand::cargo_bin(CARGO_CW_OPTIMIZOOR)?; cmd.current_dir(world.ws_root.as_path()); cmd.arg(CW_OPTIMIZOOR); let assert = match result.as_str() { "successfully" => cmd.assert().success(), "unsuccessfully" => cmd.assert().failure(), _ => unreachable!(), }; world.cmd_output = Some(assert.get_output().clone()); Ok(()) } const MIGRATE_REGEX: &str = r"pub fn migrate\(\s*(?:mut\s+)?deps: DepsMut, (?:_env:|env:)\s*Env, (?:_msg:|msg:)\s*(?:Empty|MigrateMsg)\s*\) -> Result \{"; #[given(expr = "the user makes a change in the {string} contract")] async fn makes_a_change_in_contract(world: &mut CwWorld, name: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let filename = world .ws_root .join("contracts") .join(name) .join("src/"); let mut file = fs::OpenOptions::new().read(true).open(&filename)?; let mut contract = String::new(); file.read_to_string(&mut contract)?; let petname = petname(1, ""); let change = format!("\n if \"{}\" == \"{}\" {{ panic!() }}", petname, petname); let replaced = Regex::new(MIGRATE_REGEX)? .replace_all(&contract, format!("$0{}", change)) .to_string(); let mut file = fs::OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(&filename)?; file.write(replaced.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } #[given(expr = "the user deletes the artifact {string}")] async fn deletes_str_artifact(world: &mut CwWorld, name: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let wasm_pattern = world .ws_root .as_path() .join(format!("artifacts/{}*.wasm", &name)) .to_str() .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(); let matches: Vec = glob(&wasm_pattern)?.try_collect()?; match matches.first() { Some(path) => fs::remove_file(path)?, None => panic!("couldn't find any artifact matching \"{}\"", name), } Ok(()) } #[then(expr = "{int} wasm files exist in the artifacts dir")] async fn n_wasm_artficats(world: &mut CwWorld, n: usize) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let wasm_pattern = world .ws_root .as_path() .join("artifacts/*.wasm") .to_str() .unwrap_or_default() .to_string(); world.artifacts = glob(&wasm_pattern)?.try_collect()?; assert_eq!(n, world.artifacts.len()); Ok(()) } #[then(expr = "each artifact contains a function named {string}")] async fn each_artifact_contains_str_function( world: &mut CwWorld, name: String, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { for entry in &world.artifacts { let path = format!("{}", entry.absolutize()?.to_path_buf().display()); let decomp = Command::new("wasm-decompile") .arg(path) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn()? .stdout .expect("missing decompilation output"); let grep = Command::new("grep") .arg(format!("function {}", name)) .stdin(decomp) .output()?; assert!( grep.status.success(), "couldn't find \"execute\" WASM function for {}", entry.display() ); } Ok(()) } #[then(expr = "{int} contracts are optimized")] async fn n_optimizations(world: &mut CwWorld, n: usize) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // TODO: verify that the checksum(s) didn't change world .cmd_output .as_ref() .expect("missing cmd output") .clone() .assert() .stdout(predicate::str::contains("was optimized").count(n)); Ok(()) } #[then(expr = "{int} contracts are unchanged and skipped")] async fn n_optimizations_cached(world: &mut CwWorld, n: usize) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // TODO: verify that the checksum(s) didn't change world .cmd_output .as_ref() .expect("missing cmd output") .clone() .assert() .stdout(predicate::str::contains("is unchanged. Skipping").count(n)); Ok(()) } #[then(expr = "{string} is reoptimized")] async fn str_is_reoptimized(world: &mut CwWorld, name: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { // TODO: verify that the checksum changed world .cmd_output .as_ref() .expect("missing cmd output") .clone() .assert() .stdout(predicate::str::contains(format!("{} was optimized", name))); Ok(()) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { CwWorld::cucumber() .with_writer(writer::Libtest::or_basic()) .max_concurrent_scenarios(1) .run("tests/features") .await; }