use counter_contract::{ msg::{ExecuteMsg, GetCountResponse, InstantiateMsg, QueryMsg}, CounterContract, CounterExecuteMsgFns, CounterQueryMsgFns, }; use cw_orch::{ environment::Environment, prelude::{CwOrchExecute, CwOrchInstantiate, CwOrchQuery, CwOrchUpload, Daemon, TxHandler}, }; /// In order to use this script, you need to set the following env variables /// /// RUST_LOG (recommended value `info`) to see the app logs /// TEST_MNEMONIC to be able to sign and broadcast a transaction on UNI testnet pub fn main() { // We start by loading environment variables from a .env file. // You can use a .env file to specify environment variables. // You have an overview of all supported environment variables here : dotenv::dotenv().unwrap(); // We initialize the env logger to be able to see what's happening during the script execution // Remember to set the `RUST_LOG` env variable to be able to see the execution env_logger::init(); // We can now create a daemon. This daemon will be used to interact with the chain. // In the background, the `build` function uses the `TEST_MNEMONIC` variable, don't forget to set it ! let daemon = Daemon::builder(cw_orch::daemon::networks::UNI_6) // set the network to use .build() .unwrap(); // You create a contract interface to be able to identify what you are interacting with let counter = CounterContract::new(daemon.clone()); // Uploading a contract is very simple let upload_res = counter.upload(); assert!(upload_res.is_ok()); let init_res = counter.instantiate( &InstantiateMsg { count: 0 }, Some(&counter.environment().sender_addr()), &[], ); assert!(init_res.is_ok()); // You can execute a message using actual message types let exec_res = counter.execute(&ExecuteMsg::Increment {}, &[]); assert!(exec_res.is_ok()); let query_res = counter.query::(&QueryMsg::GetCount {}); assert!(query_res.is_ok()); // Or you can use even simpler syntax ! let exec_res = counter.increment(); assert!(exec_res.is_ok()); let query_res = counter.get_count(); assert!(query_res.is_ok()); }