use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc}; use cosmwasm_std::{testing::MockApi, Addr, Coin, Uint128}; use cw_multi_test::{AppBuilder, MockApiBech32}; use cw_orch_core::{ environment::{BankQuerier, BankSetter, DefaultQueriers, StateInterface, TxHandler}, CwEnvError, }; use cw_utils::NativeBalance; use crate::{queriers::bank::MockBankQuerier, MockBase, MockBech32, MockState}; impl MockBase { /// Create a mock environment with the default mock state. pub fn new(prefix: &'static str) -> Self { MockBech32::new_custom(prefix, MockState::new()) } pub fn new_with_chain_id(prefix: &'static str, chain_id: &str) -> Self { let chain = MockBech32::new_custom(prefix, MockState::new()); chain .app .borrow_mut() .update_block(|b| b.chain_id = chain_id.to_string()); chain } } impl MockBase { pub fn addr_make(&self, account_name: impl Into) -> Addr { } pub fn addr_make_with_balance( &self, account_name: impl Into, balance: Vec, ) -> Result { let addr =; self.set_balance(&addr, balance)?; Ok(addr) } } impl MockBase { pub fn addr_make(&self, account_name: impl Into) -> Addr { } pub fn addr_make_with_balance( &self, account_name: impl Into, balance: Vec, ) -> Result { let addr =; self.set_balance(&addr, balance)?; Ok(addr) } } impl Default for MockBase { fn default() -> Self { MockBase::::new_custom("mock", MockState::new()) } } impl MockBase { /// Create a mock environment with a custom mock state. /// The state is customizable by implementing the `StateInterface` trait on a custom struct and providing it on the custom constructor. pub fn new_custom(prefix: &'static str, custom_state: S) -> Self { let state = Rc::new(RefCell::new(custom_state)); let app = Rc::new(RefCell::new( AppBuilder::new_custom() .with_api(MockApiBech32::new(prefix)) .build(|_, _, _| {}), )); // We create an address internally let sender = app.borrow().api().addr_make("sender"); Self { sender, state, app } } } impl MockBech32 { /// Set the bank balance of an address. pub fn set_balance( &self, address: &Addr, amount: Vec, ) -> Result<(), CwEnvError> { .borrow_mut() .init_modules(|router, _, storage|, address, amount)) .map_err(Into::into) } /// Adds the bank balance of an address. pub fn add_balance( &self, address: &Addr, amount: Vec, ) -> Result<(), CwEnvError> { let addr = &address; let b = self.query_all_balances(addr)?; let new_amount = NativeBalance(b) + NativeBalance(amount); .borrow_mut() .init_modules(|router, _, storage| { router .bank .init_balance(storage, addr, new_amount.into_vec()) }) .map_err(Into::into) } /// Set the balance for multiple coins at once. pub fn set_balances( &self, balances: &[(&Addr, &[cosmwasm_std::Coin])], ) -> Result<(), CwEnvError> { .borrow_mut() .init_modules(|router, _, storage| -> Result<(), CwEnvError> { for (addr, coins) in balances {, addr, coins.to_vec())?; } Ok(()) }) } /// Query the (bank) balance of a native token for and address. /// Returns the amount of the native token. pub fn query_balance(&self, address: &Addr, denom: &str) -> Result { Ok(self .bank_querier() .balance(address, Some(denom.to_string()))? .first() .map(|c| c.amount) .unwrap_or_default()) } /// Fetch all the balances of an address. pub fn query_all_balances( &self, address: &Addr, ) -> Result, CwEnvError> { self.bank_querier().balance(address, None) } } impl BankSetter for MockBech32 { type T = MockBankQuerier; fn set_balance( &mut self, address: &Addr, amount: Vec, ) -> Result<(), ::Error> { (*self).set_balance(&Addr::unchecked(address), amount) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use cosmwasm_std::coins; use crate::MockBech32; use cw_orch_core::environment::{BankQuerier, DefaultQueriers}; #[test] fn addr_make_with_balance() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let mock = MockBech32::new("mock"); let address = mock.addr_make_with_balance("sender", coins(42765, "ujuno"))?; let balance = mock.bank_querier().balance(&address, None)?; assert_eq!(balance, coins(42765, "ujuno")); Ok(()) } }