# CWE XML A local in-memory, queryable, and navigable CWE database initialized with one or multiple CWE XML files. This crate provides a Rust mapping to CWE XML files from the [MITRE](https://cve.mitre.org/) project. CWE stands for Common Weakness Enumeration. XML files are available [here](https://cwe.mitre.org/data/downloads.html). ## Features * Import multiple CWE catalogs (XML format) into a single CWE database. * Navigate CWE hierarchies and list CWE roots. * Query the database for weakness by CWE-ID. * Query the database for categories by CWE-ID. * Infer categories (i.e. weakness inherit categories of their parents). ## Status * All CWE files from the Mitre project have been loaded and deserialized with this crate. * Still very early, no unit tests, no documentation. ## Examples * [CWE example](/examples/cwe.rs)