# https://github.com/EOSC-LOFAR/prefactor-cwl (MIT license) cwlVersion: v1.0 class: CommandLineTool baseCommand: [python, /usr/lib/prefactor/scripts/losotoImporter.py, losoto.h5] label: "Convert solutions to H5parm" hints: DockerRequirement: dockerPull: kernsuite/prefactor inputs: ms_array: type: Directory[] doc: "List of path patterns of measurement sets with instrument tables" inputBinding: position: 1 instrument: type: string doc: "Name of instrument tables of measurement sets. If starts with '/' -> instrument table is sub- directory within the MS directory" default: "/instrument" solset: type: string doc: "Solution-set name" default: "sol000" inputBinding: prefix: -s complevel: type: int doc: "Compression level from 0 (no compression, fast) to 9" default: 7 inputBinding: prefix: -c verbose: type: boolean? inputBinding: prefix: -v outputs: losoto_h5: type: File format: http://revoltek.github.io/losoto/cookbook.pdf label: "H5Parm solutions" outputBinding: glob: "losoto.h5" $namespaces: s: http://schema.org/ $schemas: - https://schema.org/version/latest/schema.rdf s:license: "https://mit-license.org/" s:author: s:person.url: "http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6136-3724"