# Rust bindings for CXL Linux interfaces cxl_rs attempts to grant the low level functionality which is needed to write a utility that would have functionality to the CXL utility that's part of the [ndctl](https://github.com/pmem/ndctl) utility. The library has 3 main responsibilities: 1. Parsing file system entities representing CXL devices, like sysfs. 2. Interfacing with the character device IOCTL interface 3. Managing memory devices, ie provisioning a device, and interleave set management. ## Status Very limited functionality is currently supported by library. The following areas need work: 1. Better tests. Tests are difficult to write because the host system usually will not have CXL devices. 2. More idiomatic rust. Lots of code was written as a Rust novice and could use some conversion. 3. Implement missing memory device commands. 4. Handle provisioning (currently Linux driver has no support for this) 5. Handle logging/debugging 6. Make human readable size serializers 7. Run rust-bindgen on UAPI as part of build ## Contributing Contributions are welcome. Currently the following areas are in need of work: