use std::collections::HashSet; use adler32::RollingAdler32; use cyclic_poly_23::CyclicPoly32; use rand::Rng; fn collisions() { let block_size = 128; // High probability of collisions with a 32bit hash. see: // let num_hashes = 1024 * 1024; let data_len = block_size + num_hashes - 1; let data = random_vec(data_len); // Random number -- sanity check for the expected collisions count_collisions("random number generator", None, num_hashes, |_| { rand::thread_rng().gen() }); // Cyclic Poly let mut cyclic_poly = CyclicPoly32::from_block(&data[0..block_size]); let first = cyclic_poly.value(); count_collisions("cyclic_poly 32", Some(first), num_hashes - 1, |i| { cyclic_poly.rotate(data[i], data[i + block_size]) }); // Adler 32 let mut adler32 = RollingAdler32::from_buffer(&data[0..block_size]); let first = adler32.hash(); count_collisions("adler32", Some(first), num_hashes - 1, |i| { adler32.remove(block_size, data[i]); adler32.update(data[i + block_size]); adler32.hash() }); } fn random_vec(size: usize) -> Vec { let mut data: Vec = vec![0; size]; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); rng.fill(&mut data[..]); data } fn count_collisions( name: &str, initial_hash: Option, number_comparisons: usize, mut rotate: F, ) -> u32 where F: FnMut(usize) -> u32, { let mut seen = HashSet::new(); let mut collisions = 0; if let Some(h) = initial_hash { seen.insert(h); } for i in 0..number_comparisons { let hash = rotate(i); if seen.contains(&hash) { collisions += 1; } else { seen.insert(hash); } } println!("{} collisions = {}", name, collisions); collisions } fn main() { collisions(); }