# cyclonedds-rs Rust bindings for cyclonedds https://github.com/eclipse-cyclonedds/cyclonedds. This create no longer depends on a code generator. The Cyclone serialization interface is used to implement the Rust interface. You can annotate a structure with the new derive macro and start subscribing and publishing right from Rust. # Introduction This crate allows you to use the cyclonedds library using safe Rust. It uses the cyclone serialization/deserialization interface for high performance and IDL free usage. # Features 1. Qos 2. Reader and Writer 3. Listener with closure callbacks 4. Async reader 5. multiple and nested keys # Roadmap Features 1. Shared memory support using iceoryx # Examples 1. https://github.com/sjames/demo-vehicle-speed-subscriber (Vehicle speed subscriber with async reader) 2. https://github.com/sjames/demo-vehicle-speed-publisher (Vehicle speed publisher)