# This file is part of CMake-codecov. # # Copyright 2015-2017 RWTH Aachen University, Federal Republic of Germany # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Written by Alexander Haase, alexander.haase@rwth-aachen.de # # configuration set(LCOV_DATA_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lcov/data") set(LCOV_DATA_PATH_INIT "${LCOV_DATA_PATH}/init") set(LCOV_DATA_PATH_CAPTURE "${LCOV_DATA_PATH}/capture") set(LCOV_HTML_PATH "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lcov/html") # Search for Gcov which is used by Lcov. find_package(Gcov) # This function will add lcov evaluation for target . Only sources of # this target will be evaluated and no dependencies will be added. It will call # geninfo on any source file of once and store the info file in the same # directory. # # Note: This function is only a wrapper to define this function always, even if # coverage is not supported by the compiler or disabled. This function must # be defined here, because the module will be exited, if there is no coverage # support by the compiler or it is disabled by the user. function (add_lcov_target TNAME) if (LCOV_FOUND) # capture initial coverage data lcov_capture_initial_tgt(${TNAME}) # capture coverage data after execution lcov_capture_tgt(${TNAME}) endif () endfunction (add_lcov_target) # include required Modules include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) # Search for required lcov binaries. find_program(LCOV_BIN lcov) find_program(GENINFO_BIN geninfo) find_program(GENHTML_BIN genhtml) find_package_handle_standard_args(Lcov REQUIRED_VARS LCOV_BIN GENINFO_BIN GENHTML_BIN ) # enable genhtml C++ demangeling, if c++filt is found. set(GENHTML_CPPFILT_FLAG "") find_program(CPPFILT_BIN c++filt) if (NOT CPPFILT_BIN STREQUAL "") set(GENHTML_CPPFILT_FLAG "--demangle-cpp") endif (NOT CPPFILT_BIN STREQUAL "") # enable no-external flag for lcov, if available. if (GENINFO_BIN AND NOT DEFINED GENINFO_EXTERN_FLAG) set(FLAG "") execute_process(COMMAND ${GENINFO_BIN} --help OUTPUT_VARIABLE GENINFO_HELP) string(REGEX MATCH "external" GENINFO_RES "${GENINFO_HELP}") if (GENINFO_RES) set(FLAG "--no-external") endif () set(GENINFO_EXTERN_FLAG "${FLAG}" CACHE STRING "Geninfo flag to exclude system sources.") endif () # If Lcov was not found, exit module now. if (NOT LCOV_FOUND) return() endif (NOT LCOV_FOUND) # Create directories to be used. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LCOV_DATA_PATH_INIT}) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LCOV_DATA_PATH_CAPTURE}) set(LCOV_REMOVE_PATTERNS "") # This function will merge lcov files to a single target file. Additional lcov # flags may be set with setting LCOV_EXTRA_FLAGS before calling this function. function (lcov_merge_files OUTFILE ...) # Remove ${OUTFILE} from ${ARGV} and generate lcov parameters with files. list(REMOVE_AT ARGV 0) # Generate merged file. string(REPLACE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/" "" FILE_REL "${OUTFILE}") add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${OUTFILE}.raw" COMMAND cat ${ARGV} > ${OUTFILE}.raw DEPENDS ${ARGV} COMMENT "Generating ${FILE_REL}" ) add_custom_command(OUTPUT "${OUTFILE}" COMMAND ${LCOV_BIN} --quiet -a ${OUTFILE}.raw --output-file ${OUTFILE} --base-directory ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} ${LCOV_EXTRA_FLAGS} COMMAND ${LCOV_BIN} --quiet -r ${OUTFILE} ${LCOV_REMOVE_PATTERNS} --output-file ${OUTFILE} ${LCOV_EXTRA_FLAGS} DEPENDS ${OUTFILE}.raw COMMENT "Post-processing ${FILE_REL}" ) endfunction () # Add a new global target to generate initial coverage reports for all targets. # This target will be used to generate the global initial info file, which is # used to gather even empty report data. if (NOT TARGET lcov-capture-init) add_custom_target(lcov-capture-init) set(LCOV_CAPTURE_INIT_FILES "" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif (NOT TARGET lcov-capture-init) # This function will add initial capture of coverage data for target , # which is needed to get also data for objects, which were not loaded at # execution time. It will call geninfo for every source file of once and # store the info file in the same directory. function (lcov_capture_initial_tgt TNAME) # We don't have to check, if the target has support for coverage, thus this # will be checked by add_coverage_target in Findcoverage.cmake. Instead we # have to determine which gcov binary to use. get_target_property(TSOURCES ${TNAME} SOURCES) set(SOURCES "") set(TCOMPILER "") foreach (FILE ${TSOURCES}) codecov_path_of_source(${FILE} FILE) if (NOT "${FILE}" STREQUAL "") codecov_lang_of_source(${FILE} LANG) if (NOT "${LANG}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND SOURCES "${FILE}") set(TCOMPILER ${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}) endif () endif () endforeach () # If no gcov binary was found, coverage data can't be evaluated. if (NOT GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_BIN) message(WARNING "No coverage evaluation binary found for ${TCOMPILER}.") return() endif () set(GCOV_BIN "${GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_BIN}") set(GCOV_ENV "${GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_ENV}") set(TDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/${TNAME}.dir) set(GENINFO_FILES "") foreach(FILE ${SOURCES}) # generate empty coverage files set(OUTFILE "${TDIR}/${FILE}.info.init") list(APPEND GENINFO_FILES ${OUTFILE}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTFILE} COMMAND ${GCOV_ENV} ${GENINFO_BIN} --quiet --base-directory ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} --initial --gcov-tool ${GCOV_BIN} --output-filename ${OUTFILE} ${GENINFO_EXTERN_FLAG} ${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcno DEPENDS ${TNAME} COMMENT "Capturing initial coverage data for ${FILE}" ) endforeach() # Concatenate all files generated by geninfo to a single file per target. set(OUTFILE "${LCOV_DATA_PATH_INIT}/${TNAME}.info") set(LCOV_EXTRA_FLAGS "--initial") lcov_merge_files("${OUTFILE}" ${GENINFO_FILES}) add_custom_target(${TNAME}-capture-init ALL DEPENDS ${OUTFILE}) # add geninfo file generation to global lcov-geninfo target add_dependencies(lcov-capture-init ${TNAME}-capture-init) set(LCOV_CAPTURE_INIT_FILES "${LCOV_CAPTURE_INIT_FILES}" "${OUTFILE}" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) endfunction (lcov_capture_initial_tgt) # This function will generate the global info file for all targets. It has to be # called after all other CMake functions in the root CMakeLists.txt file, to get # a full list of all targets that generate coverage data. function (lcov_capture_initial) # Skip this function (and do not create the following targets), if there are # no input files. if ("${LCOV_CAPTURE_INIT_FILES}" STREQUAL "") return() endif () # Add a new target to merge the files of all targets. set(OUTFILE "${LCOV_DATA_PATH_INIT}/all_targets.info") lcov_merge_files("${OUTFILE}" ${LCOV_CAPTURE_INIT_FILES}) add_custom_target(lcov-geninfo-init ALL DEPENDS ${OUTFILE} lcov-capture-init ) endfunction (lcov_capture_initial) # Add a new global target to generate coverage reports for all targets. This # target will be used to generate the global info file. if (NOT TARGET lcov-capture) add_custom_target(lcov-capture) set(LCOV_CAPTURE_FILES "" CACHE INTERNAL "") endif (NOT TARGET lcov-capture) # This function will add capture of coverage data for target , which is # needed to get also data for objects, which were not loaded at execution time. # It will call geninfo for every source file of once and store the info # file in the same directory. function (lcov_capture_tgt TNAME) # We don't have to check, if the target has support for coverage, thus this # will be checked by add_coverage_target in Findcoverage.cmake. Instead we # have to determine which gcov binary to use. get_target_property(TSOURCES ${TNAME} SOURCES) set(SOURCES "") set(TCOMPILER "") foreach (FILE ${TSOURCES}) codecov_path_of_source(${FILE} FILE) if (NOT "${FILE}" STREQUAL "") codecov_lang_of_source(${FILE} LANG) if (NOT "${LANG}" STREQUAL "") list(APPEND SOURCES "${FILE}") set(TCOMPILER ${CMAKE_${LANG}_COMPILER_ID}) endif () endif () endforeach () # If no gcov binary was found, coverage data can't be evaluated. if (NOT GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_BIN) message(WARNING "No coverage evaluation binary found for ${TCOMPILER}.") return() endif () set(GCOV_BIN "${GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_BIN}") set(GCOV_ENV "${GCOV_${TCOMPILER}_ENV}") set(TDIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/${TNAME}.dir) set(GENINFO_FILES "") foreach(FILE ${SOURCES}) # Generate coverage files. If no .gcda file was generated during # execution, the empty coverage file will be used instead. set(OUTFILE "${TDIR}/${FILE}.info") list(APPEND GENINFO_FILES ${OUTFILE}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${OUTFILE} COMMAND test -f "${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcda" && ${GCOV_ENV} ${GENINFO_BIN} --quiet --base-directory ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} --gcov-tool ${GCOV_BIN} --output-filename ${OUTFILE} ${GENINFO_EXTERN_FLAG} ${TDIR}/${FILE}.gcda || cp ${OUTFILE}.init ${OUTFILE} DEPENDS ${TNAME} ${TNAME}-capture-init COMMENT "Capturing coverage data for ${FILE}" ) endforeach() # Concatenate all files generated by geninfo to a single file per target. set(OUTFILE "${LCOV_DATA_PATH_CAPTURE}/${TNAME}.info") lcov_merge_files("${OUTFILE}" ${GENINFO_FILES}) add_custom_target(${TNAME}-geninfo DEPENDS ${OUTFILE}) # add geninfo file generation to global lcov-capture target add_dependencies(lcov-capture ${TNAME}-geninfo) set(LCOV_CAPTURE_FILES "${LCOV_CAPTURE_FILES}" "${OUTFILE}" CACHE INTERNAL "" ) # Add target for generating html output for this target only. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LCOV_HTML_PATH}/${TNAME}) add_custom_target(${TNAME}-genhtml COMMAND ${GENHTML_BIN} --quiet --sort --prefix ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} --baseline-file ${LCOV_DATA_PATH_INIT}/${TNAME}.info --output-directory ${LCOV_HTML_PATH}/${TNAME} --title "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} - target ${TNAME}" ${GENHTML_CPPFILT_FLAG} ${OUTFILE} DEPENDS ${TNAME}-geninfo ${TNAME}-capture-init ) endfunction (lcov_capture_tgt) # This function will generate the global info file for all targets. It has to be # called after all other CMake functions in the root CMakeLists.txt file, to get # a full list of all targets that generate coverage data. function (lcov_capture) # Skip this function (and do not create the following targets), if there are # no input files. if ("${LCOV_CAPTURE_FILES}" STREQUAL "") return() endif () # Add a new target to merge the files of all targets. set(OUTFILE "${LCOV_DATA_PATH_CAPTURE}/all_targets.info") lcov_merge_files("${OUTFILE}" ${LCOV_CAPTURE_FILES}) add_custom_target(lcov-geninfo DEPENDS ${OUTFILE} lcov-capture) # Add a new global target for all lcov targets. This target could be used to # generate the lcov html output for the whole project instead of calling # -geninfo and -genhtml for each target. It will also be # used to generate a html site for all project data together instead of one # for each target. if (NOT TARGET lcov) file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LCOV_HTML_PATH}/all_targets) add_custom_target(lcov COMMAND ${GENHTML_BIN} --quiet --sort --baseline-file ${LCOV_DATA_PATH_INIT}/all_targets.info --output-directory ${LCOV_HTML_PATH}/all_targets --title "${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME}" --prefix "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" ${GENHTML_CPPFILT_FLAG} ${OUTFILE} DEPENDS lcov-geninfo-init lcov-geninfo ) endif () endfunction (lcov_capture) # Add a new global target to generate the lcov html report for the whole project # instead of calling -genhtml for each target (to create an own report # for each target). Instead of the lcov target it does not require geninfo for # all targets, so you have to call -geninfo to generate the info files # the targets you'd like to have in your report or lcov-geninfo for generating # info files for all targets before calling lcov-genhtml. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${LCOV_HTML_PATH}/selected_targets) if (NOT TARGET lcov-genhtml) add_custom_target(lcov-genhtml COMMAND ${GENHTML_BIN} --quiet --output-directory ${LCOV_HTML_PATH}/selected_targets --title \"${CMAKE_PROJECT_NAME} - targets `find ${LCOV_DATA_PATH_CAPTURE} -name \"*.info\" ! -name \"all_targets.info\" -exec basename {} .info \\\;`\" --prefix ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} --sort ${GENHTML_CPPFILT_FLAG} `find ${LCOV_DATA_PATH_CAPTURE} -name \"*.info\" ! -name \"all_targets.info\"` ) endif (NOT TARGET lcov-genhtml)