.. index:: DomainParticipants .. _domainparticipants_bm: ================== DomainParticipants ================== A Domain is a specific subsection of the DDS shared-dataspace and identified by its domain ID, which is a 32-bit unsigned integer. Data exchanges are limited to the domain they are made on. For example, data exchanged on domain 2 is not visible on domain 8. To exchange data you must create a DomainParticipant, which is an entrypoint for the program on the shared dataspace's domain. To specify the default domain ID: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Core DDS (C) .. code:: C dds_entity_t participant = dds_create_participant (DDS_DOMAIN_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL); .. group-tab:: C++ .. code:: C++ dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(domain::default_id()); .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python dp = DomainParticipant() To specify with domain ID 5: .. tabs:: .. group-tab:: Core DDS (C) .. code:: C dds_entity_t participant = dds_create_participant (5, NULL, NULL); .. group-tab:: C++ .. code:: C++ dds::domain::DomainParticipant participant(5); .. group-tab:: Python .. code:: Python dp = DomainParticipant(5) .. important:: You must have the same ID on both the reading side and the writing side, otherwise, they can not see each other.