.. index:: Examples .. _examples_bm: ======== Examples ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: helloworld roundtrip throughput listtopics dynsub - :ref:`helloworld_bm` The basic HelloWorld example describes the steps necessary for setting up DCPS entities. - :ref:`roundtrip_bm` The roundtrip example measures the roundtrip duration when sending and receiving a single message. - :ref:`throughput_bm` The Throughput example measures data throughput when receiving samples from a publisher. - :ref:`listtopics_bm` The listtopics example shows how to monitor topics that have been defined in the system. - :ref:`dynsub_bm` The dynsub example is a :term:`PoC` for a C-based JSON printer for arbitrary data. It assumes that topic discovery is enabled (but doesn't require it). .. note:: |var-project| has various configuration parameters and comes with a default built-in configuration. To run an example, or any application that uses |var-project| for its data exchange, this default configuration is usually sufficient and no further action is required. If you need to change the configuration, refer to the :ref:`Configuration guide`.