#include "dds/dds.h" #include "ShmThroughput.h" #include #include #include #include #include /* * The Throughput example measures data throughput in bytes per second. The publisher * allows you to specify a payload size in bytes as well as allowing you to specify * whether to send data in bursts. The publisher will continue to send data forever * unless a time out is specified. The subscriber will receive data and output the * total amount received and the data rate in bytes per second. It will also indicate * if any samples were received out of order. A maximum number of cycles can be * specified and once this has been reached the subscriber will terminate and output * totals and averages. */ #define BYTES_PER_SEC_TO_MEGABITS_PER_SEC 125000 #define MAX_SAMPLES 1000 typedef struct HandleEntry { dds_instance_handle_t handle; unsigned long long count; struct HandleEntry * next; } HandleEntry; typedef struct HandleMap { HandleEntry *entries; } HandleMap; static long pollingDelay = -1; /* i.e. use a listener */ static HandleMap * imap; static unsigned long long outOfOrder = 0; static unsigned long long total_bytes = 0; static unsigned long long total_samples = 0; static dds_time_t startTime = 0; static int payloadSize = 8192; static void * data [MAX_SAMPLES]; static void * samples[MAX_SAMPLES]; static dds_entity_t waitSet; static volatile sig_atomic_t done = false; /* Forward declarations */ static HandleMap * HandleMap__alloc (void); static void HandleMap__free (HandleMap *map); static HandleEntry * store_handle (HandleMap *map, dds_instance_handle_t key); static HandleEntry * retrieve_handle (HandleMap *map, dds_instance_handle_t key); static void data_available_handler (dds_entity_t reader, void *arg); static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, unsigned long long *maxCycles, char **partitionName); static void process_samples(dds_entity_t reader, unsigned long long maxCycles); static dds_entity_t prepare_dds(dds_entity_t *reader, const char *partitionName); static void finalize_dds(dds_entity_t participant); static void sigint (int sig) { (void) sig; done = true; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { unsigned long long maxCycles = 0; char *partitionName = "Throughput example"; dds_entity_t participant; dds_entity_t reader; if (parse_args(argc, argv, &maxCycles, &partitionName) == EXIT_FAILURE) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } printf ("Cycles: %llu | PollingDelay: %ld | Partition: %s\n", maxCycles, pollingDelay, partitionName); fflush (stdout); participant = prepare_dds(&reader, partitionName); printf ("=== [Subscriber] Waiting for samples...\n"); fflush (stdout); /* Process samples until Ctrl-C is pressed or until maxCycles */ /* has been reached (0 = infinite) */ signal (SIGINT, sigint); process_samples(reader, maxCycles); (void) dds_set_status_mask (reader, 0); HandleMap__free (imap); finalize_dds (participant); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* * This struct contains all of the entities used in the publisher and subscriber. */ static HandleMap * HandleMap__alloc (void) { HandleMap * map = malloc (sizeof (*map)); assert(map); memset (map, 0, sizeof (*map)); return map; } static void HandleMap__free (HandleMap *map) { HandleEntry * entry; while (map->entries) { entry = map->entries; map->entries = entry->next; free (entry); } free (map); } static HandleEntry * store_handle (HandleMap *map, dds_instance_handle_t key) { HandleEntry * entry = malloc (sizeof (*entry)); assert(entry); memset (entry, 0, sizeof (*entry)); entry->handle = key; entry->next = map->entries; map->entries = entry; return entry; } static HandleEntry * retrieve_handle (HandleMap *map, dds_instance_handle_t key) { HandleEntry * entry = map->entries; while (entry) { if (entry->handle == key) { break; } entry = entry->next; } return entry; } static int do_take (dds_entity_t reader) { int samples_received; dds_sample_info_t *info = NULL; dds_instance_handle_t ph = 0; HandleEntry * current = NULL; if (startTime == 0) { startTime = dds_time (); } /* Take samples and iterate through them */ info = dds_alloc (sizeof(dds_sample_info_t) * MAX_SAMPLES); samples_received = dds_take (reader, samples, info, MAX_SAMPLES, MAX_SAMPLES); if (samples_received < 0) { dds_free( info ); DDS_FATAL("dds_take: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-samples_received)); } for (int i = 0; !done && i < samples_received; i++) { if (info[i].valid_data) { ph = info[i].publication_handle; current = retrieve_handle (imap, ph); ThroughputModule_DataType_Base * this_sample = (ThroughputModule_DataType_Base*)data[i]; if (current == NULL) { current = store_handle (imap, ph); current->count = this_sample->count; } else if (this_sample->count <= current->count) { outOfOrder++; } current->count = this_sample->count; /* Add the sample payload size to the total received */ total_bytes += this_sample->payloadsize + sizeof(ThroughputModule_DataType_Base); total_samples++; } } dds_free (info); return samples_received; } static void data_available_handler (dds_entity_t reader, void *arg) { (void)arg; (void) do_take (reader); } static int parse_args(int argc, char **argv, unsigned long long *maxCycles, char **partitionName) { /* * Get the program parameters * Parameters: subscriber [maxCycles] [pollingDelay] [partitionName] */ if (argc == 2 && (strcmp (argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp (argv[1], "--help") == 0)) { printf ("Usage (parameters must be supplied in order):\n"); printf ("./subscriber [maxCycles (0 = infinite)] [pollingDelay (ms, 0 = waitset, -1 = listener)] [partitionName]\n"); printf ("Defaults:\n"); printf ("./subscriber 0 0 \"Throughput example\"\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (argc > 1) { *maxCycles = (unsigned long long) atoi (argv[1]); /* The number of times to output statistics before terminating */ } if (argc > 2) { pollingDelay = atoi (argv[2]); /* The number of ms to wait between reads (0 = waitset, -1 = listener) */ } if (argc > 3) { *partitionName = argv[3]; /* The name of the partition */ } if (argc > 4) { payloadSize = atoi(argv[4]);; /* The size of the payload in the sample*/ } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } static void process_samples(dds_entity_t reader, unsigned long long maxCycles) { dds_return_t status; unsigned long long prev_bytes = 0; unsigned long long prev_samples = 0; dds_attach_t wsresults[2]; dds_time_t deltaTv; bool first_batch = true; unsigned long cycles = 0; double deltaTime = 0; dds_time_t prev_time = 0; dds_time_t time_now = 0; double maxsamples = 0; double maxspeed = 0; while (!done && (maxCycles == 0 || cycles < maxCycles)) { if (pollingDelay > 0) dds_sleepfor (DDS_MSECS (pollingDelay)); else { status = dds_waitset_wait (waitSet, wsresults, sizeof(wsresults)/sizeof(wsresults[0]), DDS_MSECS(100)); if (status < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_waitset_wait: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-status)); } if (pollingDelay >= 0) { while (do_take (reader)) ; } time_now = dds_time(); if (!first_batch) { deltaTv = time_now - prev_time; deltaTime = (double) deltaTv / DDS_NSECS_IN_SEC; if (deltaTime >= 1.0 && total_samples != prev_samples) { double cursamples = (deltaTime != 0.0) ? ((double)(total_samples - prev_samples) / deltaTime) : 0; double curspeed = (deltaTime != 0.0) ? (((double)(total_bytes - prev_bytes) / BYTES_PER_SEC_TO_MEGABITS_PER_SEC) / deltaTime) : 0; printf ("=== [Subscriber] %5.3f Payload size: %d | Total received: %llu samples, %llu bytes | Out of order: %llu samples " "Transfer rate: %.2lf samples/s, %.2lf Mbit/s\n", deltaTime, payloadSize, total_samples, total_bytes, outOfOrder, cursamples, curspeed); fflush (stdout); if (curspeed > maxspeed) maxspeed = curspeed; if (cursamples > maxsamples) maxsamples = cursamples; cycles++; prev_time = time_now; prev_bytes = total_bytes; prev_samples = total_samples; } } else { prev_time = time_now; first_batch = false; } } /* Output totals and averages */ deltaTv = time_now - startTime; deltaTime = (double) (deltaTv / DDS_NSECS_IN_SEC); printf ("\nTotal received: %llu samples, %llu bytes\n", total_samples, total_bytes); printf ("Out of order: %llu samples\n", outOfOrder); printf ("Average transfer rate: %.2lf samples/s, ", (double)total_samples / deltaTime); printf ("Maximum transfer rate: %.2lf samples/s, ", maxsamples); printf ("Average throughput : %.2lf Mbit/s\n", ((double)total_bytes / BYTES_PER_SEC_TO_MEGABITS_PER_SEC) / deltaTime); printf ("Maximum throughput : %.2lf Mbit/s\n", maxspeed); fflush (stdout); } static dds_entity_t prepare_dds(dds_entity_t *reader, const char *partitionName) { dds_return_t status; dds_entity_t topic = DDS_RETCODE_BAD_PARAMETER; dds_entity_t subscriber; dds_listener_t *rd_listener; dds_entity_t participant; int32_t maxSamples = 4000; const char *subParts[1]; dds_qos_t *subQos = dds_create_qos (); dds_qos_t *drQos = dds_create_qos (); /* A Participant is created for the default domain. */ participant = dds_create_participant (DDS_DOMAIN_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL); if (participant < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_create_participant: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-participant)); /* A Topic is created for our sample type on the domain participant. */ switch (payloadSize) { case 16: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_16_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_16__alloc(); break; case 32: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_32_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_32__alloc(); break; case 64: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_64_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_64__alloc(); break; case 128: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_128_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_128__alloc(); break; case 256: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_256_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_256__alloc(); break; case 512: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_512_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_512__alloc(); break; case 1024: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_1024_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_1024__alloc(); break; case 2048: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_2048_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_2048__alloc(); break; case 4096: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_4096_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_4096__alloc(); break; case 8192: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_8192_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_8192__alloc(); break; case 16384: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_16384_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_16384__alloc(); break; case 32768: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_32768_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_32768__alloc(); break; case 65536: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_65536_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_65536__alloc(); break; case 131072: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_131072_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_131072__alloc(); break; case 262144: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_262144_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_262144__alloc(); break; case 524288: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_524288_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_524288__alloc(); break; case 1048576: topic = dds_create_topic(participant, &ThroughputModule_DataType_1048576_desc, "Throughput", NULL, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) data[i] = ThroughputModule_DataType_1048576__alloc(); break; default: assert(0); } if (topic < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_create_topic: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-topic)); /* A Subscriber is created on the domain participant. */ subParts[0] = partitionName; dds_qset_partition (subQos, 1, subParts); subscriber = dds_create_subscriber (participant, subQos, NULL); if (subscriber < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_create_subscriber: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-subscriber)); dds_delete_qos (subQos); /* A Reader is created on the Subscriber & Topic with a modified Qos. */ dds_qset_reliability(drQos, DDS_RELIABILITY_RELIABLE, DDS_SECS(10)); dds_qset_history(drQos, DDS_HISTORY_KEEP_LAST, 16); dds_qset_deadline(drQos, DDS_INFINITY); dds_qset_durability(drQos, DDS_DURABILITY_VOLATILE); dds_qset_liveliness(drQos, DDS_LIVELINESS_AUTOMATIC, DDS_SECS(1)); dds_qset_resource_limits (drQos, maxSamples, DDS_LENGTH_UNLIMITED, DDS_LENGTH_UNLIMITED); rd_listener = dds_create_listener(NULL); dds_lset_data_available(rd_listener, data_available_handler); /* A Read Condition is created which is triggered when data is available to read */ waitSet = dds_create_waitset (participant); if (waitSet < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_create_waitset: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-waitSet)); imap = HandleMap__alloc (); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) samples[i] = data[i]; *reader = dds_create_reader (subscriber, topic, drQos, pollingDelay < 0 ? rd_listener : NULL); if (*reader < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_create_reader: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-*reader)); if (pollingDelay == 0) { status = dds_waitset_attach (waitSet, *reader, *reader); if (status < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_waitset_attach: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-status)); } dds_delete_qos (drQos); dds_delete_listener(rd_listener); return participant; } static void finalize_dds(dds_entity_t participant) { dds_return_t status; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) { switch (payloadSize) { case 16: ThroughputModule_DataType_16_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 32: ThroughputModule_DataType_32_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 64: ThroughputModule_DataType_64_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 128: ThroughputModule_DataType_128_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 256: ThroughputModule_DataType_256_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 512: ThroughputModule_DataType_512_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 1024: ThroughputModule_DataType_1024_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 2048: ThroughputModule_DataType_2048_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 4096: ThroughputModule_DataType_4096_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 8192: ThroughputModule_DataType_8192_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 16384: ThroughputModule_DataType_16384_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 32768: ThroughputModule_DataType_32768_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 65536: ThroughputModule_DataType_65536_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 131072: ThroughputModule_DataType_131072_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 262144: ThroughputModule_DataType_262144_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 524288: ThroughputModule_DataType_524288_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; case 1048576: ThroughputModule_DataType_1048576_free(data[i], DDS_FREE_ALL); break; } } status = dds_waitset_detach (waitSet, waitSet); if (status < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_waitset_detach: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-status)); status = dds_delete (waitSet); if (status < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_delete: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-status)); status = dds_delete (participant); if (status < 0) DDS_FATAL("dds_delete: %s\n", dds_strretcode(-status)); }