#!/bin/bash CONFIGDIR="`pwd`" WORKSPACE=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) SESSION=iceensemble tmux="tmux -2 -q" $tmux kill-server $tmux has-session -t $SESSION if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Session $SESSION already exists. Attaching to session." $tmux attach -t $SESSION exit 0; fi command -v tmux >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "tmux is not installed but required. Trying to install it..."; sudo apt-get install tmux; } $tmux new-session -d -s $SESSION $tmux new-window -a -t $SESSION $WORKSPACE/build/iox-roudi $tmux split-window -t 0 -h $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/icehello/iox-cpp-publisher-helloworld $tmux split-window -t 1 -h $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/icedelivery/iox-cpp-publisher $tmux split-window -t 0 -h $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/icedelivery/iox-cpp-publisher-untyped $tmux split-window -t 0 -v $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/iceoptions/iox-cpp-publisher-with-options $tmux split-window -t 2 -v $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/icedelivery_in_c/iox-c-publisher $tmux split-window -t 4 -v $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/icedelivery/iox-cpp-subscriber $tmux split-window -t 6 -v $WORKSPACE/build/iceoryx_examples/iceoptions/iox-cpp-subscriber-with-options $tmux attach -t $SESSION