--- source: cynic-codegen/tests/use-schema.rs expression: "format_code(format!(\"{}\", tokens))" snapshot_kind: text --- impl cynic::schema::QueryRoot for Query {} impl cynic::schema::MutationRoot for Mutation {} pub struct City; pub struct CityOrderByInput {} pub struct CityWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for CityWhereInput {} pub struct Commitment; pub struct CommitmentWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for CommitmentWhereInput {} pub struct Company; pub struct CompanyWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for CompanyWhereInput {} pub struct Country; pub struct CountryOrderByInput {} pub struct CountryWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for CountryWhereInput {} pub struct DateTime {} impl cynic::schema::NamedType for DateTime { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "DateTime"; } pub struct Job; pub struct JobInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for JobInput {} pub struct JobOrderByInput {} pub struct JobWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for JobWhereInput {} pub struct JobsInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for JobsInput {} pub struct Location; pub struct LocationInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for LocationInput {} pub struct LocationsInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for LocationsInput {} pub struct Mutation; pub struct PostJobInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for PostJobInput {} pub struct Query; pub struct Remote; pub struct RemoteOrderByInput {} pub struct RemoteWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for RemoteWhereInput {} pub struct SubscribeInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for SubscribeInput {} pub struct Tag; pub struct TagOrderByInput {} pub struct TagWhereInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for TagWhereInput {} pub struct UpdateCompanyInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for UpdateCompanyInput {} pub struct UpdateJobInput; impl cynic::schema::InputObjectMarker for UpdateJobInput {} pub struct User; impl cynic::schema::NamedType for City { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "City"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Commitment { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Commitment"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Company { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Company"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Country { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Country"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Job { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Job"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Location { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Location"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Mutation { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Mutation"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Query { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Query"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Remote { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Remote"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for Tag { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "Tag"; } impl cynic::schema::NamedType for User { const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "User"; } #[allow(non_snake_case, non_camel_case_types)] pub mod __fields { pub mod City { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct country; impl cynic::schema::Field for country { type Type = super::super::Country; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "country"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::Country; } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = Option>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::City { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod CityWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput {} pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct country; impl cynic::schema::Field for country { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "country"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_lt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_lte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_gt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_gte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_contains { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_starts_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_ends_with { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_every { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_some { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_none { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField>> for super::super::CityWhereInput { } } pub mod Commitment { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::Commitment { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct title; impl cynic::schema::Field for title { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField for super::super::Commitment { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Commitment { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<jobs> for super::super::Commitment { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::Commitment { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::Commitment { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Commitment { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod CommitmentWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title; impl cynic::schema::Field for title { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_every { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_every, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_some { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_some, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_none { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_none, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<AND, Option<Vec<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<OR, Option<Vec<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<NOT, Option<Vec<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>>> for super::super::CommitmentWhereInput { } } pub mod Company { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<name> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct websiteUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<websiteUrl> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct logoUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<logoUrl> for super::super::Company { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<jobs> for super::super::Company { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct twitter; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<twitter> for super::super::Company { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct emailed; impl cynic::schema::Field for emailed { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "emailed"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<emailed> for super::super::Company { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Company { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod CompanyWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct websiteUrl_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for websiteUrl_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "websiteUrl_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<websiteUrl_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct logoUrl_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_every { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_every, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_some { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_some, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_none { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_none, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct twitter_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for twitter_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "twitter_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<twitter_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct emailed; impl cynic::schema::Field for emailed { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "emailed"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<emailed, Option<super::super::Boolean>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct emailed_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for emailed_not { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "emailed_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<emailed_not, Option<super::super::Boolean>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<AND, Option<Vec<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<OR, Option<Vec<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<NOT, Option<Vec<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>>> for super::super::CompanyWhereInput { } } pub mod Country { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<name> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<r#type> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct isoCode; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<isoCode> for super::super::Country { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct cities; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::City>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<cities> for super::super::Country { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::City>>; } pub mod _cities_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::CityOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<jobs> for super::super::Country { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Country { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod CountryWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<r#type, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct isoCode_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for isoCode_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isoCode_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isoCode_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct cities_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities_every { type Type = Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<cities_every, Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct cities_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities_some { type Type = Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<cities_some, Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct cities_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities_none { type Type = Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<cities_none, Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_every { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_every, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_some { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_some, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_none { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_none, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CountryWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<AND, Option<Vec<super::super::CountryWhereInput>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CountryWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<OR, Option<Vec<super::super::CountryWhereInput>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::CountryWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<NOT, Option<Vec<super::super::CountryWhereInput>>> for super::super::CountryWhereInput { } } pub mod Job { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct title; impl cynic::schema::Field for title { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<title> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct commitment; impl cynic::schema::Field for commitment { type Type = super::super::Commitment; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "commitment"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<commitment> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::Commitment; } pub struct cities; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::City>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<cities> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::City>>; } pub mod _cities_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::CityOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::cities { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct countries; impl cynic::schema::Field for countries { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Country>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "countries"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<countries> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Country>>; } pub mod _countries_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::CountryWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::CountryOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::countries { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct remotes; impl cynic::schema::Field for remotes { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Remote>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "remotes"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<remotes> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Remote>>; } pub mod _remotes_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::RemoteWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::RemoteOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::remotes { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct description; impl cynic::schema::Field for description { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<description> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct applyUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<applyUrl> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct company; impl cynic::schema::Field for company { type Type = Option<super::super::Company>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "company"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<company> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::Company>; } pub struct tags; impl cynic::schema::Field for tags { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Tag>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "tags"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<tags> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Tag>>; } pub mod _tags_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::TagWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::TagOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::tags { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct isPublished; impl cynic::schema::Field for isPublished { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isPublished"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<isPublished> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; } pub struct isFeatured; impl cynic::schema::Field for isFeatured { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isFeatured"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<isFeatured> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; } pub struct locationNames; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<locationNames> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct userEmail; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<userEmail> for super::super::Job { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct postedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<postedAt> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Job { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod JobInput { pub struct companySlug; impl cynic::schema::Field for companySlug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "companySlug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<companySlug, super::super::String> for super::super::JobInput {} pub struct jobSlug; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobSlug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobSlug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobSlug, super::super::String> for super::super::JobInput {} } pub mod JobWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput {} pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput {} pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput {} pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title; impl cynic::schema::Field for title { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct title_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for title_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct commitment; impl cynic::schema::Field for commitment { type Type = Option<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "commitment"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<commitment, Option<super::super::CommitmentWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct cities_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities_every { type Type = Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<cities_every, Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct cities_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities_some { type Type = Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<cities_some, Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct cities_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities_none { type Type = Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<cities_none, Option<super::super::CityWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct countries_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for countries_every { type Type = Option<super::super::CountryWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "countries_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<countries_every, Option<super::super::CountryWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct countries_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for countries_some { type Type = Option<super::super::CountryWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "countries_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<countries_some, Option<super::super::CountryWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct countries_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for countries_none { type Type = Option<super::super::CountryWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "countries_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<countries_none, Option<super::super::CountryWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct remotes_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for remotes_every { type Type = Option<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "remotes_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<remotes_every, Option<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct remotes_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for remotes_some { type Type = Option<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "remotes_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<remotes_some, Option<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct remotes_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for remotes_none { type Type = Option<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "remotes_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<remotes_none, Option<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description; impl cynic::schema::Field for description { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct description_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for description_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct applyUrl_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct company; impl cynic::schema::Field for company { type Type = Option<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "company"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<company, Option<super::super::CompanyWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct tags_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for tags_every { type Type = Option<super::super::TagWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "tags_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<tags_every, Option<super::super::TagWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct tags_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for tags_some { type Type = Option<super::super::TagWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "tags_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<tags_some, Option<super::super::TagWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct tags_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for tags_none { type Type = Option<super::super::TagWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "tags_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<tags_none, Option<super::super::TagWhereInput>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct isPublished; impl cynic::schema::Field for isPublished { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isPublished"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isPublished, Option<super::super::Boolean>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct isPublished_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for isPublished_not { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isPublished_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isPublished_not, Option<super::super::Boolean>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct isFeatured; impl cynic::schema::Field for isFeatured { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isFeatured"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isFeatured, Option<super::super::Boolean>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct isFeatured_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for isFeatured_not { type Type = Option<super::super::Boolean>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "isFeatured_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<isFeatured_not, Option<super::super::Boolean>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField< locationNames_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>, > for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct locationNames_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct userEmail_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct postedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for postedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<postedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::JobWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<AND, Option<Vec<super::super::JobWhereInput>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::JobWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<OR, Option<Vec<super::super::JobWhereInput>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::JobWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<NOT, Option<Vec<super::super::JobWhereInput>>> for super::super::JobWhereInput { } } pub mod JobsInput { pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<r#type, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobsInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::JobsInput {} } pub mod Location { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::Location { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Location { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<name> for super::super::Location { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<r#type> for super::super::Location { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Location { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod LocationInput { pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, super::super::String> for super::super::LocationInput {} } pub mod LocationsInput { pub struct value; impl cynic::schema::Field for value { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "value"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<value, super::super::String> for super::super::LocationsInput {} } pub mod Mutation { pub struct subscribe; impl cynic::schema::Field for subscribe { type Type = super::super::User; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "subscribe"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<subscribe> for super::super::Mutation { type Type = super::super::User; } pub mod _subscribe_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::subscribe { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::SubscribeInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct postJob; impl cynic::schema::Field for postJob { type Type = super::super::Job; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "postJob"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<postJob> for super::super::Mutation { type Type = super::super::Job; } pub mod _post_job_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::postJob { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::PostJobInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct updateJob; impl cynic::schema::Field for updateJob { type Type = super::super::Job; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updateJob"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updateJob> for super::super::Mutation { type Type = super::super::Job; } pub mod _update_job_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::updateJob { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::UpdateJobInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } pub struct adminSecret; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<adminSecret> for super::updateJob { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "adminSecret"; } } pub struct updateCompany; impl cynic::schema::Field for updateCompany { type Type = super::super::Company; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updateCompany"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updateCompany> for super::super::Mutation { type Type = super::super::Company; } pub mod _update_company_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::updateCompany { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::UpdateCompanyInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } pub struct adminSecret; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<adminSecret> for super::updateCompany { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "adminSecret"; } } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Mutation { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod PostJobInput { pub struct title; impl cynic::schema::Field for title { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "title"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<title, super::super::String> for super::super::PostJobInput {} pub struct commitmentId; impl cynic::schema::Field for commitmentId { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "commitmentId"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<commitmentId, super::super::ID> for super::super::PostJobInput {} pub struct companyName; impl cynic::schema::Field for companyName { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "companyName"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<companyName, super::super::String> for super::super::PostJobInput { } pub struct locationNames; impl cynic::schema::Field for locationNames { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locationNames"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<locationNames, super::super::String> for super::super::PostJobInput { } pub struct userEmail; impl cynic::schema::Field for userEmail { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "userEmail"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<userEmail, super::super::String> for super::super::PostJobInput {} pub struct description; impl cynic::schema::Field for description { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description, super::super::String> for super::super::PostJobInput { } pub struct applyUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for applyUrl { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "applyUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<applyUrl, super::super::String> for super::super::PostJobInput {} } pub mod Query { pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Vec<super::super::Job>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<jobs> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::Job>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobsInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct job; impl cynic::schema::Field for job { type Type = super::super::Job; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "job"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<job> for super::super::Query { type Type = super::super::Job; } pub mod _job_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::job { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::JobInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct locations; impl cynic::schema::Field for locations { type Type = Vec<super::super::Location>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "locations"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<locations> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::Location>; } pub mod _locations_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::locations { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::LocationsInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct city; impl cynic::schema::Field for city { type Type = super::super::City; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "city"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<city> for super::super::Query { type Type = super::super::City; } pub mod _city_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::city { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::LocationInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct country; impl cynic::schema::Field for country { type Type = super::super::Country; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "country"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<country> for super::super::Query { type Type = super::super::Country; } pub mod _country_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::country { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::LocationInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct remote; impl cynic::schema::Field for remote { type Type = super::super::Remote; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "remote"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<remote> for super::super::Query { type Type = super::super::Remote; } pub mod _remote_arguments { pub struct input; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<input> for super::remote { type ArgumentType = super::super::super::LocationInput; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "input"; } } pub struct commitments; impl cynic::schema::Field for commitments { type Type = Vec<super::super::Commitment>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "commitments"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<commitments> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::Commitment>; } pub struct cities; impl cynic::schema::Field for cities { type Type = Vec<super::super::City>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "cities"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<cities> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::City>; } pub struct countries; impl cynic::schema::Field for countries { type Type = Vec<super::super::Country>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "countries"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<countries> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::Country>; } pub struct remotes; impl cynic::schema::Field for remotes { type Type = Vec<super::super::Remote>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "remotes"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<remotes> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::Remote>; } pub struct companies; impl cynic::schema::Field for companies { type Type = Vec<super::super::Company>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "companies"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<companies> for super::super::Query { type Type = Vec<super::super::Company>; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Query { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod Remote { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<name> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<r#type> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<jobs> for super::super::Remote { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Remote { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod RemoteWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput {} pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct r#type; impl cynic::schema::Field for r#type { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<r#type, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct type_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for type_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "type_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<type_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_every { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_every, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_some { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_some, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_none { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_none, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<AND, Option<Vec<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<OR, Option<Vec<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<NOT, Option<Vec<super::super::RemoteWhereInput>>> for super::super::RemoteWhereInput { } } pub mod SubscribeInput { pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name, super::super::String> for super::super::SubscribeInput {} pub struct email; impl cynic::schema::Field for email { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "email"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<email, super::super::String> for super::super::SubscribeInput {} } pub mod Tag { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::Tag { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<name> for super::super::Tag { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<slug> for super::super::Tag { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct jobs; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<jobs> for super::super::Tag { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::Job>>; } pub mod _jobs_arguments { pub struct r#where; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<r#where> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "where"; } pub struct orderBy; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<orderBy> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::JobOrderByInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "orderBy"; } pub struct skip; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<skip> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "skip"; } pub struct after; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<after> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "after"; } pub struct before; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<before> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "before"; } pub struct first; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<first> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "first"; } pub struct last; impl cynic::schema::HasArgument<last> for super::jobs { type ArgumentType = Option<super::super::super::Int>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "last"; } } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::Tag { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::Tag { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::Tag { type Type = super::super::String; } } pub mod TagWhereInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput {} pub struct id_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::ID>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput {} pub struct id_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_lte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gt, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput {} pub struct id_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_gte, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_contains, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct id_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for id_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::ID>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::ID>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct name_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for name_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<name_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::String>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::String>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_lte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gt, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_gte, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_contains; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_contains { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_contains"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_contains, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_starts_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_starts_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_starts_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_starts_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct slug_not_ends_with; impl cynic::schema::Field for slug_not_ends_with { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "slug_not_ends_with"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<slug_not_ends_with, Option<super::super::String>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_every; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_every { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_every"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_every, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_some; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_some { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_some"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_some, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct jobs_none; impl cynic::schema::Field for jobs_none { type Type = Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "jobs_none"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<jobs_none, Option<super::super::JobWhereInput>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct createdAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<createdAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_not_in; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_not_in { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_not_in"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_not_in, Option<Vec<super::super::DateTime>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_lte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_lte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_lte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_lte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gt { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gt, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct updatedAt_gte; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt_gte { type Type = Option<super::super::DateTime>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt_gte"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<updatedAt_gte, Option<super::super::DateTime>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct AND; impl cynic::schema::Field for AND { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::TagWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "AND"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<AND, Option<Vec<super::super::TagWhereInput>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct OR; impl cynic::schema::Field for OR { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::TagWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "OR"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<OR, Option<Vec<super::super::TagWhereInput>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } pub struct NOT; impl cynic::schema::Field for NOT { type Type = Option<Vec<super::super::TagWhereInput>>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "NOT"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<NOT, Option<Vec<super::super::TagWhereInput>>> for super::super::TagWhereInput { } } pub mod UpdateCompanyInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, super::super::ID> for super::super::UpdateCompanyInput {} pub struct logoUrl; impl cynic::schema::Field for logoUrl { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "logoUrl"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<logoUrl, super::super::String> for super::super::UpdateCompanyInput { } } pub mod UpdateJobInput { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<id, super::super::ID> for super::super::UpdateJobInput {} pub struct description; impl cynic::schema::Field for description { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "description"; } impl cynic::schema::HasInputField<description, super::super::String> for super::super::UpdateJobInput { } } pub mod User { pub struct id; impl cynic::schema::Field for id { type Type = super::super::ID; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "id"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<id> for super::super::User { type Type = super::super::ID; } pub struct name; impl cynic::schema::Field for name { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "name"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<name> for super::super::User { type Type = Option<super::super::String>; } pub struct email; impl cynic::schema::Field for email { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "email"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<email> for super::super::User { type Type = super::super::String; } pub struct subscribe; impl cynic::schema::Field for subscribe { type Type = super::super::Boolean; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "subscribe"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<subscribe> for super::super::User { type Type = super::super::Boolean; } pub struct createdAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for createdAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "createdAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<createdAt> for super::super::User { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct updatedAt; impl cynic::schema::Field for updatedAt { type Type = super::super::DateTime; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "updatedAt"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<updatedAt> for super::super::User { type Type = super::super::DateTime; } pub struct __typename; impl cynic::schema::Field for __typename { type Type = super::super::String; const NAME: &'static ::core::primitive::str = "__typename"; } impl cynic::schema::HasField<__typename> for super::super::User { type Type = super::super::String; } } } pub type Boolean = bool; pub type String = std::string::String; pub type Float = f64; pub type Int = i32; pub type ID = cynic::Id; pub mod variable { use cynic::variables::VariableType; #[doc = r" Used to determine the type of a given variable that"] #[doc = r" appears in an argument struct."] pub trait Variable { const TYPE: VariableType; } impl<T> Variable for &T where T: ?::core::marker::Sized + Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = T::TYPE; } impl<T> Variable for Option<T> where T: Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::Nullable(&T::TYPE); } impl<T> Variable for [T] where T: Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::List(&T::TYPE); } impl<T> Variable for Vec<T> where T: Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::List(&T::TYPE); } impl<T> Variable for Box<T> where T: Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = T::TYPE; } impl<T> Variable for std::rc::Rc<T> where T: Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = T::TYPE; } impl<T> Variable for std::sync::Arc<T> where T: Variable, { const TYPE: VariableType = T::TYPE; } impl<T> Variable for std::borrow::Cow<'_, T> where T: ?::core::marker::Sized + Variable + ToOwned, { const TYPE: VariableType = T::TYPE; } impl Variable for bool { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::Named("Boolean"); } impl Variable for str { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::Named("String"); } impl Variable for String { const TYPE: VariableType = <str as Variable>::TYPE; } impl Variable for f64 { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::Named("Float"); } impl Variable for i32 { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::Named("Int"); } impl Variable for cynic::Id { const TYPE: VariableType = VariableType::Named("ID"); } }