use core::f64::consts::PI; use core::fmt::Display; use core::ops::AddAssign; use geo::line_string; use geo::point; use geo::CoordFloat; use geo::Geometry; use geo::GeometryCollection; use geo::MultiPolygon; use geo::Polygon; use geo_types::Coord; use num_traits::FloatConst; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use d3_geo_rs::circle::generator::Generator as CircleGenerator; use d3_geo_rs::path::builder::Builder as PathBuilder; use d3_geo_rs::path::string::String as PathString; use d3_geo_rs::path::PointRadiusTrait; use d3_geo_rs::projection::equirectangular::Equirectangular; use d3_geo_rs::projection::orthographic::Orthographic; use d3_geo_rs::projection::projector_common::types::ProjectorAntimeridianResampleNoneNoClip; use d3_geo_rs::projection::Build; use d3_geo_rs::projection::PrecisionBypass; use d3_geo_rs::projection::RawBase; use d3_geo_rs::projection::ScaleSet; use d3_geo_rs::projection::TranslateSet; use d3_geo_rs::stream::Streamable; #[inline] fn equirectangular( ) -> ProjectorAntimeridianResampleNoneNoClip, Equirectangular, T> where T: 'static + CoordFloat + Default + FloatConst, { Equirectangular::builder() .scale_set(T::from(900f64 / PI).unwrap()) .precision_bypass() .build() } #[inline] fn path( projection: ProjectorAntimeridianResampleNoneNoClip< PathString, Equirectangular, T, >, object: impl Streamable, ) -> String where T: 'static + AddAssign + CoordFloat + Display + FloatConst, { let pb = PathBuilder::pathstring(); } #[test] fn point_renders_a_point() { println!("geoPath.point(…) renders a point"); let object = Geometry::Point(point!(x: -63_f64, y:18_f64)); let eq = equirectangular::(); assert_eq!( path(eq, object), "M165,160m0,4.5a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,-9a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,9z" ); } #[test] fn point_renders_a_point_of_given_radius() { println!("geoPath.point(…) renders a point of a given radius"); let mut builder = PathBuilder::pathstring(); builder.point_radius(10_f64); let eq = equirectangular(); let mut path =; let object = Geometry::Point(point!(x: -63_f64, y:18_f64)); assert_eq!( path.object(&object), "M165,160m0,10a10,10 0 1,1 0,-20a10,10 0 1,1 0,20z" ); } #[test] fn renders_multipoint() { println!("geoPath(MultiPoint) renders a point"); let object = Geometry::MultiPoint( vec![ point![x:-63_f64, y:18_f64], point![x:-62_f64, y:18_f64], point![x:-62_f64, y:17_f64], ] .into(), ); let eq = equirectangular(); assert_eq!(path(eq, object), "M165,160m0,4.5a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,-9a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,9zM170,160m0,4.5a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,-9a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,9zM170,165m0,4.5a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,-9a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,9z"); } #[test] fn renders_a_line_string() { let object = Geometry::LineString(line_string![ (x:-63_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:17_f64) ]); let eq = equirectangular(); assert_eq!(path(eq, object), "M165,160L170,160L170,165"); } #[test] fn renders_a_polygon() { let object = Geometry::Polygon(Polygon::new( line_string![ (x:-63_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:17_f64) ], vec![], )); let eq = equirectangular(); assert_eq!(path(eq, object), "M165,160L170,160L170,165Z"); } #[test] // This has no equivalent in JS testing, looking down the js functions, it is a hole in the test strategy. // the values for everything after the first z where copied from a modified javascript test. fn renders_a_multi_polygon() { let object = Geometry::MultiPolygon(MultiPolygon(vec![ Polygon::new( line_string![ (x:-63_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:17_f64) ], vec![], ), Polygon::new( line_string![ (x:0_f64, y:0_f64), (x:0_f64, y:1_f64), (x:1_f64, y:1_f64), (x:0_f64, y:1_f64),(x:0_f64, y:0_f64) ], vec![], ), ])); let eq = equirectangular(); assert_eq!( path(eq, object), "M165,160L170,160L170,165ZM480,250L480,245L485,245L480,245Z" ); } #[test] fn render_a_simple_multi_polygon() { let mut gc = CircleGenerator::default(); gc.radius_set(10_f64).precision_set(80_f64); let mut p_vec = vec![]; let lat = 0; for long in (0..=40).step_by(40) { let poly = Polygon::new( gc.clone() .center_set(&Coord { x: long as f64, y: lat as f64, }) .circle(), vec![], ); p_vec.push(poly); } let object = Geometry::MultiPolygon(MultiPolygon(p_vec)); let ortho = Orthographic::<_>::builder() .scale_set(240_f64) .translate_set(&Coord { x: 300_f64, y: 300_f64, }) .build(); let pb = PathBuilder::pathstring(); let s =; assert_eq!(s, "M258.957583,307.236886L285.746118,260.837781L336.092096,279.162219L326.788535,331.925333L273.211465,331.925333ZM420.485018,307.236886L431.567778,283.936957L441.006226,260.837781L479.573483,279.162219L477.1168,305.578636L472.446542,331.925333L431.404125,331.925333Z"); } #[test] fn renders_a_geometry_collection() { let object = Geometry::GeometryCollection(GeometryCollection(vec![ Geometry::Polygon(Polygon::new( line_string![ (x:-63_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:17_f64) ], vec![], )), ])); let eq = equirectangular(); assert_eq!(path(eq, object), "M165,160L170,160L170,165Z"); } // Missing Feature, FeatureCollection test. #[test] fn line_string_then_point() { println!( "geoPath(LineString) then geoPath(Point) does not treat the point as part of a line" ); let line_object = Geometry::LineString(line_string![ (x:-63_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:18_f64), (x:-62_f64, y:17_f64) ]); let point_object = Geometry::Point(point!(x: -63_f64, y:18_f64)); let eq = equirectangular(); assert_eq!(path(eq.clone(), line_object), "M165,160L170,160L170,165"); assert_eq!( path(eq, point_object), "M165,160m0,4.5a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,-9a4.5,4.5 0 1,1 0,9z" ); }