d88dmp ======= ![](https://github.com/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/workflows/Rust/badge.svg) [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/tree/main.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/tree/main) [日本語(Japanese)](/d88dmp/README_J.md) Introduction ----------- d88dmp is D88 file dump tool. D88 file is disk Image for Retro PC, [NEC PC-8801 Series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PC-8800_series), [Sharp X1 Series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharp_X1), [MSX](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MSX) etc.. Output -------- The Output of d88dmp are shown below. If you use --summary option, output disk header, track offset table and sector summary. ### Floppy Disk Header + Disk Name + Write Protect + Floppy Disk Type(2D/2DD/2HD) + Floppy Disk Size(as byte) ### Track Offset Table + Offset to Track + ![example](https://github.com/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/blob/main/image/d88dmp_track_offset.png?raw=true) ### Sector Header + Cylinder Number(Zero Start...) + Side (0:surface、1:back) + Sector Number(One Start...) + Sector Size(as byte) + Number Of Sector in Track + Density(D:Single, DD:Double-Density, HD:High-Density) + Delete Flag + Status + Data Size of Sector(as byte) + Sector Summary + ![example](https://github.com/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/blob/main/image/d88dmp_sector_summary.png?raw=true) ### Sector Data + Header and Data + ![example](https://github.com/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/blob/main/image/d88dmp_row_data.png?raw=true) Install --------------------- ``` cargo install d88dmp ``` Source Code ------------ --> ![Download](https://github.com/ORYZAPAO/d88dmp/releases) I use ArchLinux, Intel Mac. How to Use ------ ``` $ d88dmp ``` ## usage ``` d88dmp ver 0.14.0 ORYZA (https://github.com/ORYZAPAO) D88 Disk Image Dump. USAGE: d88dmp [OPTIONS] <*.D88> ARGS: <*.D88> D88 Disk Image OPTIONS: -h, --help Print help information -n, --no-info No information --no-color No color -p, --position Sector position 0,1,2, ... 0:front or 1:back 1,2,3, ... -s, --sort Sort by disk sector order --summary Summary only -v, --verbose Verbose report -V, --version Print version information ``` Example) CP/M formated Disk Image(Sharp X1turbo, turbo CP/M) ``` $ .\d88dmp sample/CPM_Format_2D_turboCPM_X1turbo.d88 ``` Build --------------------- ``` $ git clone git@github.com:ORYZAPAO/d88dmp.git $ cargo build --release ``` Licence ---------- MIT Licens Change Log ---------- + [Change Log](CHANGELOG.md) See also --------------------- + [.D88形式のフロッピーディスクイメージフォーマット - (仮)](https://gra4.hatenadiary.jp/entry/20171108/1510096429) + [D88形式フォーマット | HuDisk](https://boukichi.github.io/HuDisk/DISK.html) + [wii88/FORMAT.TXT at master · jpzm/wii88](https://github.com/jpzm/wii88/blob/master/document/FORMAT.TXT)