# Rust DAG-JOSE A Rust implementation of the [IPLD DAG-JOSE specification](https://ipld.io/specs/codecs/dag-jose/spec/) that can be used in conjunction with [libipld](https://github.com/ipld/libipld). ## Contributing We are happy to accept small and large contributions, feel free to make a suggestion or submit a pull request. Use the provided `Makefile` for basic actions to ensure your changes are ready for CI. $ make build $ make check-clippy $ make check-fmt $ make test Using the makefile is not necessary during your developement cycle, feel free to use the relvant cargo commands directly. However running `make` before publishing a PR will provide a good signal if you PR will pass CI. ## Releasing Creating a new release of this project is a two step process. 1. Create a release PR 2. Merge and publish release You can use `make release-pr` to create a release PR. However we recommend you use the `Release PR` Github Action. Once the release PR is merged CI will automatically publish the release using `make release`. ## License Fully open source and dual-licensed under MIT and Apache 2.