# Changelog ## [UNRELEASED] - ## 0.1.8 - (pull/70) Added `report_custom_message` method to the `PipesContext` ## 0.1.7 - (pull/71) Added the `close` method to `PipesContext` - (pull/67) Added the `data_version` parameter to `report_asset_materialization` - (pull/60) Added `AssetCheckSeverity` to the jsonschema definitions - (pull/59) Moved dagster pipes version into a constant - (pull/61) Simplify construction of `PipesMetadataValue` - (pull/57) Simplify user-facing API for hashmap metadata - (pull/54) Handled errors for `MessageWriter` implementations - (pull/14) Derived `PartialEq` for all types generated by `quicktype` - (pull/14) Fixed failing unit tests in `context_loader.rs` - (pull/14) Renamed `ParamsLoader` and `ContextLoader` traits to `LoadParams` and `LoadContext` respectively - (pull/20) Added `FileChannel`, `StreamChannel`, `BufferedStreamChannel` implementing `MessageWriterChannel` - (pull/20) Added a simplified `PipesDefaultMessageWriter` implementing `MessageWriter` - (pull/20) Defined `MessageWriter` and the associated `MessageWriterChannel` traits - (pull/22) Added `Default` implementation for `PipesContextData` - (pull/25) Use `cargo nextest` for GitHub CI jobs - (pull/26) Adds the use of `PipesMetadataValue` when logging asset/check materializations - (pull/9) Handle errors for `ParamsLoader` and `ContextLoader` implementations ## 0.1.6 - (pull/5) Setup `jsonschema` and `quicktype` to generate types shared with `dagster-pipes-java` - (pull/4) Added ability to report asset check via `context.report_asset_check` - (pull/4) Added `AssetCheckSeverity` `enum` for specifying check severity - (pull/4) Updated example to include usage of `report_asset_check` - (pull/3) Mirror Python `PipesContextLoader` and `PipesParamsLoader` ABC implementations as Rust traits - (pull/3) Define `PipesDefaultContextLoader` to implement `PipesContextLoader` with net new implementation - (pull/3) Define `PipesEnvVarParamsLoader` to implement `PipesParamsLoader` with logic refactored from lib.rs ## 0.1.5 - Implemented temporary file based message writing - Added the `context.report_asset_materialization` method