Ma team : {{}}
## daikoku-owned-team
- The team ID, string value expected"
{{#daikoku-owned-team "{{teamId}}"}}
Mon team : {{}}
## daikoku-json-owned-teams
## daikoku-json-owned-team
- The Team ID, String value expected
{{#daikoku-json-owned-team "{{teamId}}"}}
## tenant
{{}} - {{}}
## is_admin
## connected
## user
When you have an user returned from directive, you can use the following fields
- `name`
- `email`
- `_id`
- `_humandReadableId`
- `picture`
- `isDaikokuAdmin`
- `starredApis`
{{}} - {{}}
## request
{{request.path}} - {{request.method}} - {{request.headers}}
## daikoku-css
## for
- the fieldname used in the helper content
{{#for '{{team.users}}' field='myuser' }}
## size
{{size '{{team.users}}'}}
## ifeq
{{#ifeq "{{plan.type}}" "FreeWithoutQuotas"}}
You'll pay nothing and do whatever you want
## ifnoteq
{{#ifnoteq "{{plan.type}}" "FreeWithoutQuotas"}}
You'll pay nothing and do whatever you want
## getOrElse
{{getOrElse "{{plan.customName}}" "Un plan"}}
## translate
{{translate 'Logout'}}
## daikoku-path-param
- the position of the path params
{{daikoku-path-param '0'}}
## daikoku-query-param
- the name of the query param
{{daikoku-query-param 'my-query-param'}}
## daikoku-template-wrapper
- Block path
- List of key=value usable in content
{{#daikoku-template-wrapper '' ="" }}
## daikoku-apis
Api : {{}}
## daikoku-api
- API id, String value expected
{{#daikoku-api "{{apiId}}" version="1.0.0"}}
Mon api : {{}}
## daikoku-json-apis
## daikoku-json-api
- API Id, String value expected
{{#daikoku-json-api "{{apiId}}" version="1.0.0"}}
## daikoku-teams
Team : {{}}
## daikoku-team
- Team Id, String value expected
{{#daikoku-team "{{}}"}}
My team : {{}}
## daikoku-json-teams
## daikoku-json-team
- Team Id, String value expected
{{#daikoku-json-team "{{}}"}}
## daikoku-documentations
- API id, String value expected
{{#daikoku-documentations "{{}}"}}
## daikoku-documentations-page
- API ID, String value expected
- Page ID as String value
{{#daikoku-documentations-page "" page=""}}
## daikoku-documentations-page-id
- Team ID, String value expected
- The named page parameter corresponding to the id of the expected page
{{#daikoku-documentations-page-id "" page=""}}
## daikoku-plans
{{#daikoku-plans ""}}
# License
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license with the LLVM exception.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license,
shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.