# DAO Rewards Distributor [![dao-rewards-distributor on crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/dao-rewards-distributor.svg?logo=rust)](https://crates.io/crates/dao-rewards-distributor) [![docs.rs](https://img.shields.io/docsrs/dao-rewards-distributor?logo=docsdotrs)](https://docs.rs/dao-rewards-distributor/latest/cw20_stake_external_rewards/) The `dao-rewards-distributor` works in conjuction with DAO voting modules to provide rewards streamed over time for DAO members. The contract supports both native and CW20 Cosmos SDK tokens. Any voting power module that supports the standard DAO voting module interface is supported for deriving staking reward allocations, as long it also supports voting power change hooks. This includes, but is not limited to: - `dao-voting-cw4`: for membership or group based DAOs - `dao-voting-cw20-staked`: for cw20 token based DAOs. - `dao-voting-cw721-staked`: for NFT based DAOs. - `dao-voting-token-staked`: for native and Token Factory token based DAOs. ## Instantiation and Setup The contract is instantiated with a very minimal state. An optional `owner` can be specified. If it is not, the owner is set to be the address instantiating the contract. ### Hooks After instantiating the contract, it is VITAL to set up the required hooks for it to work. This is because to pay out rewards accurately, this contract needs to know about staking or voting power changes in the DAO as soon as they happen. This can be achieved using the `add_hook` method on contracts that support voting power changes, such as: - `cw4-group` - `dao-voting-cw721-staked` - `dao-voting-token-staked` - `cw20-stake` ### Creating a new distribution Only the `owner` can create new distributions. Creating a distribution requires the following configuration: - `denom`, which can be a native token or CW20 contract - `emission_rate`, which determines how the rewards are distributed. there are 3 options: - `paused`: no rewards are distributed until the emission rate is updated - `immediate`: funded rewards are distributed immediately to those with voting power - `linear`: `amount` of the denom is distributed to all applicable addresses per `duration` of time, updating throughout based on changing voting power. `duration` may be declared in either time (seconds) or blocks. if `continuous` is true, it will backfill if there are funding gaps using current voting power. some example configurations may be: - `1000udenom` per `500 blocks` - `10udenom` per `24 hours` - `1udenom` per `1 second` - `vp_contract` address, which will be used to determine the total and relative address voting power for allocating the rewards on a pro-rata basis - `hook_caller` address, which will be authorized to call back into this contract with any voting power event changes. examples of such events may be: - user staking tokens - user unstaking tokens - user cw-721 state change event - cw-4 membership change event - optional `withdraw_destination` address to be used when withdrawing (i.e. unfunding the remainder of a previously funded distribution). this may be a subDAO, for example. if not provided, the contract owner is used. You can fund a distribution at any point after it's been created, or during creation if it's for a native token. CW20 tokens must be funded after creation. Simply including native funds in the create message will suffice. For any token, you can always top up the funds later, which extends the distribution period. ### Funding a distribution Anyone can fund a distribution once it's been created. > **WARNING:** Do not transfer funds directly to the contract. You must use the > `Fund` execution message in order for the contract to properly recognize and > distribute the tokens. **Funds will be lost if you don't use the execution > msg.** There are a few different emission rates. Below describes the funding behavior while different emission rates are active. #### Linear Linear emissions can be continuous or not. When a linear emission is **continuous**, it will backfill rewards if there's a gap between when it finishes distributing everything it's been funded with so far and when it's funded next. This means that when another funding occurs after a period of no more rewards being available, it will instantly distribute the portion of the funds that corresponds with the time that passed in that gap. One limitation is that it uses the current voting power to backfill. When a linear emission is **not continuous**, and a gap in reward funding occurs, it will simply restart the distribution the next time it receives funding. This may be less intuitive, but it doesn't suffer from the voting power limitation that the continuous mode does. Upon funding, the start and end are computed based on the funds provided, the configured emission rate, and whether or not it's set to the continuous mode. If this is the first funding, or it's not continuous and we're restarting from the current block, the start block is updated to the current block. The end block is computed based on the start block and funding duration, calculated from the emission rate and remaining funds, including any that already existed that have not yet been distributed. Linear emissions can be extended indefinitely by continuously funding them. **Example:** if 100_000udenom were funded, and the configured emission rate is 1_000udenom per 100 blocks, we derive that there are 100_000/1_000 = 100 epochs funded, each of which contain 100 blocks. We therefore funded 10_000 blocks of rewards. #### Immediate When set to immediate, funding is immediately distributed based on the voting power of the block funding occurs on. You may fund an immediate distribution as many times as you'd like to distribute funds instantly to the current members of the DAO. #### Paused When set to paused, no rewards will be distributed. You may fund a paused distribution and accumulate rewards in the contract to be distributed at a later date, since you can update the emission rate of a distribution. Maybe you want to accumulate rewards in a paused state for a month, and then distribute them instantly at the end of the month to the DAO. Or maybe you want to pause an active linear emission, which will hold the funds in the contract and not distribute any more than have already been distributed. ### Updating emission rate and other distribution config Only the `owner` can update a distribution's config. Updating the emission rate preserves all previously distributed rewards and adds it to a historical value (`historical_earned_puvp`), so updating does not interfere with users who have not yet claimed their rewards. You can also update the `vp_contract`, `hook_caller`, and `withdraw_destination`. > **WARNING:** You probably always want to update `vp_contract` and > `hook_caller` together. Make sure you know what you're doing. And be sure to > add/remove hooks on the old and new `hook_caller`s accordingly. ### Withdrawing Only the `owner` can withdraw from a distribution. This is effectively the inverse of funding a distribution. If the current distribution is inactive, meaning its emission rate is `paused`, `immediate`, or `linear` with an expired distribution period (because the end block is in the past), then there is nothing to withdraw. When rewards are being distributed, withdrawing ends the distribution early, setting the end block to the current one, and clawing back the undistributed funds to the specified `withdraw_destination`. Pending funds that have already been distributed, even if not yet claimed, will remain in the contract to be claimed. Withdrawing only applies to unallocated funds. ### Claiming You can claim funds from a distribution that you have pending rewards for.