[package] name = "dao-voting-cw721-staked" authors = ["CypherApe cypherape@protonmail.com", "Jake Hartnell", "ekez"] description = "A DAO DAO voting module based on staked cw721 tokens." edition = { workspace = true } license = { workspace = true } repository = { workspace = true } version = { workspace = true } [lib] crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"] [features] # for more explicit tests, cargo test --features=backtraces backtraces = ["cosmwasm-std/backtraces"] # use library feature to disable all instantiate/execute/query exports library = [] # use test tube feature to enable test-tube integration tests, for example # cargo test --features "test-tube" test-tube = [] # when writing tests you may wish to enable test-tube as a default feature # default = ["test-tube"] [dependencies] cosmwasm-std = { workspace = true } cosmwasm-schema = { workspace = true } cw-storage-plus = { workspace = true } cw-controllers = { workspace = true } cw-hooks = { workspace = true } cw721 = { workspace = true } cw721-base = { workspace = true, features = ["library"] } cw721-controllers-v250 = { workspace = true } cw-utils = { workspace = true } cw2 = { workspace = true } dao-dao-macros = { workspace = true } dao-hooks = { workspace = true } dao-interface = { workspace = true } dao-voting = { workspace = true } nft-controllers = { workspace = true } thiserror = { workspace = true }