// Test network error handling code using a fault-injecting HTTP proxy // // To run tests while enabling printing to stdout/stderr // // cargo test --test fetch_fault_injection -- --nocapture // // We use the toxiproxy proxy, but could also use Noxious which is a reimplementation in Rust. // https://github.com/oguzbilgener/noxious // // This test currently disabled because it's unreliable: dash-mpd-cli doesn't retry when a failure // affects the initial MPD request, and the test isn't currently able to distinguish between that // request and later media requests. pub mod common; use fs_err as fs; use std::env; use std::process::Command; use test_log::test; use anyhow::{Context, Result}; use serde_json::json; use ffprobe::ffprobe; use file_format::FileFormat; use tracing::{trace, info}; use common::check_file_size_approx; pub struct ToxiProxy {} // https://github.com/Shopify/toxiproxy impl ToxiProxy { pub fn new() -> ToxiProxy { // Pull the container image before the run command, so that when we later run the container it // starts up within a repeatable timeframe. let mut docker_exe = String::from("podman"); if let Ok(docker) = env::var("DOCKER") { docker_exe = docker; } let pull = Command::new(docker_exe) .args(["pull", "ghcr.io/shopify/toxiproxy"]) .output() .expect("failed spawning podman"); if !pull.status.success() { let stdout = String::from_utf8_lossy(&pull.stdout); if stdout.len() > 0 { println!("Podman stdout> {stdout}"); } let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&pull.stderr); if stderr.len() > 0 { println!("Podman stderr> {stderr}"); } } assert!(pull.status.success()); let _run = Command::new("podman") .args(["run", "--rm", "--name", "toxiproxy", "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=trace", "-p", "8474:8474", "-p", "8001:8001", "ghcr.io/shopify/toxiproxy"]) .spawn() .expect("failed spawning podman"); trace!("Toxiproxy server started"); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)); ToxiProxy {} } } impl Drop for ToxiProxy { fn drop(&mut self) { // cleanup let _stop = Command::new("podman") .args(["stop", "toxiproxy"]) .output() .expect("failed to spawn podman"); } } #[ignore] #[test(tokio::test)] async fn test_dl_resilience() -> Result<()> { if env::var("CI").is_ok() { return Ok(()); } let _toxiproxy = ToxiProxy::new(); let txclient = reqwest::Client::new(); // Enable the toxiproxy proxy. txclient.post("http://localhost:8474/proxies") .json(&json!({ "name": "dash-mpd-rs", "listen": "", "upstream": "dash.akamaized.net:80", "enabled": true })) .send().await .context("creating toxiproxy proxy")?; // Add a timeout Toxic with a very large timeout (amounts to a failure). txclient.post("http://localhost:8474/proxies/dash-mpd-rs/toxics") .json(&json!({ "type": "timeout", "name": "fail", "toxicity": 0.3, "attributes": { "timeout": 4000000 }, })) .send().await .context("creating timeout toxic")?; // Add a data rate limitation Toxic. txclient.post("http://localhost:8474/proxies/dash-mpd-rs/toxics") .json(&json!({ "type": "limit_data", "toxicity": 0.5, "attributes": { "bytes": 321 }, })) .send().await .context("creating timeout toxic")?; // We wait a little before enabling the fault injection rules, so that the initial download of // the MPD manifest is not perturbed. let _configer = tokio::spawn(async move { tokio::time::sleep(tokio::time::Duration::new(1, 5000)).await; println!("Injecting toxics"); let txfail = json!({ "type": "timeout", "toxicity": 0.3, "attributes": { "timeout": 4000000 }, }); txclient.post("http://localhost:8474/proxies/dash-mpd-rs/toxics") .json(&txfail) .send().await .expect("creating timeout toxic"); let txlimit = json!({ "type": "limit_data", "toxicity": 0.5, "attributes": { "bytes": 321 }, }); txclient.post("http://localhost:8474/proxies/dash-mpd-rs/toxics") .json(&txlimit) .send().await .expect("creating timeout toxic"); info!("Noxious toxics added"); }); let mpd = "http://dash.akamaized.net/dash264/TestCasesMCA/dts/1/Paint_dtsc_testA.mpd"; let tmpd = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let out = tmpd.path().join("error-resilience.mkv"); assert_cmd::Command::cargo_bin(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME")).unwrap() .args(["-v", "-v", "-v", "--ignore-content-type", "--quality", "best", "--proxy", "", "-o", &out.to_string_lossy(), mpd]) .assert() .success(); check_file_size_approx(&out, 35_408_884); let meta = ffprobe(out.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(meta.streams.len(), 2); let audio = meta.streams.iter() .find(|s| s.codec_type.eq(&Some(String::from("audio")))) .expect("finding audio stream"); assert_eq!(audio.codec_name, Some(String::from("dts"))); let format = FileFormat::from_file(out.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(format, FileFormat::MatroskaVideo); let entries = fs::read_dir(tmpd.path()).unwrap(); let count = entries.count(); assert_eq!(count, 1, "Expecting a single output file, got {count}"); let _ = fs::remove_dir_all(tmpd); Ok(()) }