// Copyright 2022 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package google.ads.googleads.v11.errors; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V11.Errors"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v11/errors;errors"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "AdErrorProto"; option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v11.errors"; option objc_class_prefix = "GAA"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V11\\Errors"; option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V11::Errors"; // Proto file describing ad errors. // Container for enum describing possible ad errors. message AdErrorEnum { // Enum describing possible ad errors. enum AdError { // Enum unspecified. UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The received error code is not known in this version. UNKNOWN = 1; // Ad customizers are not supported for ad type. AD_CUSTOMIZERS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_AD_TYPE = 2; // Estimating character sizes the string is too long. APPROXIMATELY_TOO_LONG = 3; // Estimating character sizes the string is too short. APPROXIMATELY_TOO_SHORT = 4; // There is a problem with the snippet. BAD_SNIPPET = 5; // Cannot modify an ad. CANNOT_MODIFY_AD = 6; // business name and url cannot be set at the same time CANNOT_SET_BUSINESS_NAME_IF_URL_SET = 7; // The specified field is incompatible with this ad's type or settings. CANNOT_SET_FIELD = 8; // Cannot set field when originAdId is set. CANNOT_SET_FIELD_WITH_ORIGIN_AD_ID_SET = 9; // Cannot set field when an existing ad id is set for sharing. CANNOT_SET_FIELD_WITH_AD_ID_SET_FOR_SHARING = 10; // Cannot set allowFlexibleColor false if no color is provided by user. CANNOT_SET_ALLOW_FLEXIBLE_COLOR_FALSE = 11; // When user select native, no color control is allowed because we will // always respect publisher color for native format serving. CANNOT_SET_COLOR_CONTROL_WHEN_NATIVE_FORMAT_SETTING = 12; // Cannot specify a url for the ad type CANNOT_SET_URL = 13; // Cannot specify a tracking or mobile url without also setting final urls CANNOT_SET_WITHOUT_FINAL_URLS = 14; // Cannot specify a legacy url and a final url simultaneously CANNOT_SET_WITH_FINAL_URLS = 15; // Cannot specify a urls in UrlData and in template fields simultaneously. CANNOT_SET_WITH_URL_DATA = 17; // This operator cannot be used with a subclass of Ad. CANNOT_USE_AD_SUBCLASS_FOR_OPERATOR = 18; // Customer is not approved for mobile ads. CUSTOMER_NOT_APPROVED_MOBILEADS = 19; // Customer is not approved for 3PAS richmedia ads. CUSTOMER_NOT_APPROVED_THIRDPARTY_ADS = 20; // Customer is not approved for 3PAS redirect richmedia (Ad Exchange) ads. CUSTOMER_NOT_APPROVED_THIRDPARTY_REDIRECT_ADS = 21; // Not an eligible customer CUSTOMER_NOT_ELIGIBLE = 22; // Customer is not eligible for updating beacon url CUSTOMER_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_UPDATING_BEACON_URL = 23; // There already exists an ad with the same dimensions in the union. DIMENSION_ALREADY_IN_UNION = 24; // Ad's dimension must be set before setting union dimension. DIMENSION_MUST_BE_SET = 25; // Ad's dimension must be included in the union dimensions. DIMENSION_NOT_IN_UNION = 26; // Display Url cannot be specified (applies to Ad Exchange Ads) DISPLAY_URL_CANNOT_BE_SPECIFIED = 27; // Telephone number contains invalid characters or invalid format. // Re-enter your number using digits (0-9), dashes (-), and parentheses // only. DOMESTIC_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT = 28; // Emergency telephone numbers are not allowed. Enter a valid // domestic phone number to connect customers to your business. EMERGENCY_PHONE_NUMBER = 29; // A required field was not specified or is an empty string. EMPTY_FIELD = 30; // A feed attribute referenced in an ad customizer tag is not in the ad // customizer mapping for the feed. FEED_ATTRIBUTE_MUST_HAVE_MAPPING_FOR_TYPE_ID = 31; // The ad customizer field mapping for the feed attribute does not match the // expected field type. FEED_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING_TYPE_MISMATCH = 32; // The use of ad customizer tags in the ad text is disallowed. Details in // trigger. ILLEGAL_AD_CUSTOMIZER_TAG_USE = 33; // Tags of the form {PH_x}, where x is a number, are disallowed in ad text. ILLEGAL_TAG_USE = 34; // The dimensions of the ad are specified or derived in multiple ways and // are not consistent. INCONSISTENT_DIMENSIONS = 35; // The status cannot differ among template ads of the same union. INCONSISTENT_STATUS_IN_TEMPLATE_UNION = 36; // The length of the string is not valid. INCORRECT_LENGTH = 37; // The ad is ineligible for upgrade. INELIGIBLE_FOR_UPGRADE = 38; // User cannot create mobile ad for countries targeted in specified // campaign. INVALID_AD_ADDRESS_CAMPAIGN_TARGET = 39; // Invalid Ad type. A specific type of Ad is required. INVALID_AD_TYPE = 40; // Headline, description or phone cannot be present when creating mobile // image ad. INVALID_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_MOBILE_IMAGE = 41; // Image cannot be present when creating mobile text ad. INVALID_ATTRIBUTES_FOR_MOBILE_TEXT = 42; // Invalid call to action text. INVALID_CALL_TO_ACTION_TEXT = 43; // Invalid character in URL. INVALID_CHARACTER_FOR_URL = 44; // Creative's country code is not valid. INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE = 45; // Invalid use of Expanded Dynamic Search Ads tags ({lpurl} etc.) INVALID_EXPANDED_DYNAMIC_SEARCH_AD_TAG = 47; // An input error whose real reason was not properly mapped (should not // happen). INVALID_INPUT = 48; // An invalid markup language was entered. INVALID_MARKUP_LANGUAGE = 49; // An invalid mobile carrier was entered. INVALID_MOBILE_CARRIER = 50; // Specified mobile carriers target a country not targeted by the campaign. INVALID_MOBILE_CARRIER_TARGET = 51; // Wrong number of elements for given element type INVALID_NUMBER_OF_ELEMENTS = 52; // The format of the telephone number is incorrect. Re-enter the // number using the correct format. INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_FORMAT = 53; // The certified vendor format id is incorrect. INVALID_RICH_MEDIA_CERTIFIED_VENDOR_FORMAT_ID = 54; // The template ad data contains validation errors. INVALID_TEMPLATE_DATA = 55; // The template field doesn't have have the correct type. INVALID_TEMPLATE_ELEMENT_FIELD_TYPE = 56; // Invalid template id. INVALID_TEMPLATE_ID = 57; // After substituting replacement strings, the line is too wide. LINE_TOO_WIDE = 58; // The feed referenced must have ad customizer mapping to be used in a // customizer tag. MISSING_AD_CUSTOMIZER_MAPPING = 59; // Missing address component in template element address field. MISSING_ADDRESS_COMPONENT = 60; // An ad name must be entered. MISSING_ADVERTISEMENT_NAME = 61; // Business name must be entered. MISSING_BUSINESS_NAME = 62; // Description (line 2) must be entered. MISSING_DESCRIPTION1 = 63; // Description (line 3) must be entered. MISSING_DESCRIPTION2 = 64; // The destination url must contain at least one tag (for example, {lpurl}) MISSING_DESTINATION_URL_TAG = 65; // The tracking url template of ExpandedDynamicSearchAd must contain at // least one tag. (for example, {lpurl}) MISSING_LANDING_PAGE_URL_TAG = 66; // A valid dimension must be specified for this ad. MISSING_DIMENSION = 67; // A display URL must be entered. MISSING_DISPLAY_URL = 68; // Headline must be entered. MISSING_HEADLINE = 69; // A height must be entered. MISSING_HEIGHT = 70; // An image must be entered. MISSING_IMAGE = 71; // Marketing image or product videos are required. MISSING_MARKETING_IMAGE_OR_PRODUCT_VIDEOS = 72; // The markup language in which your site is written must be entered. MISSING_MARKUP_LANGUAGES = 73; // A mobile carrier must be entered. MISSING_MOBILE_CARRIER = 74; // Phone number must be entered. MISSING_PHONE = 75; // Missing required template fields MISSING_REQUIRED_TEMPLATE_FIELDS = 76; // Missing a required field value MISSING_TEMPLATE_FIELD_VALUE = 77; // The ad must have text. MISSING_TEXT = 78; // A visible URL must be entered. MISSING_VISIBLE_URL = 79; // A width must be entered. MISSING_WIDTH = 80; // Only 1 feed can be used as the source of ad customizer substitutions in a // single ad. MULTIPLE_DISTINCT_FEEDS_UNSUPPORTED = 81; // TempAdUnionId must be use when adding template ads. MUST_USE_TEMP_AD_UNION_ID_ON_ADD = 82; // The string has too many characters. TOO_LONG = 83; // The string has too few characters. TOO_SHORT = 84; // Ad union dimensions cannot change for saved ads. UNION_DIMENSIONS_CANNOT_CHANGE = 85; // Address component is not {country, lat, lng}. UNKNOWN_ADDRESS_COMPONENT = 86; // Unknown unique field name UNKNOWN_FIELD_NAME = 87; // Unknown unique name (template element type specifier) UNKNOWN_UNIQUE_NAME = 88; // Unsupported ad dimension UNSUPPORTED_DIMENSIONS = 89; // URL starts with an invalid scheme. URL_INVALID_SCHEME = 90; // URL ends with an invalid top-level domain name. URL_INVALID_TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN = 91; // URL contains illegal characters. URL_MALFORMED = 92; // URL must contain a host name. URL_NO_HOST = 93; // URL not equivalent during upgrade. URL_NOT_EQUIVALENT = 94; // URL host name too long to be stored as visible URL (applies to Ad // Exchange ads) URL_HOST_NAME_TOO_LONG = 95; // URL must start with a scheme. URL_NO_SCHEME = 96; // URL should end in a valid domain extension, such as .com or .net. URL_NO_TOP_LEVEL_DOMAIN = 97; // URL must not end with a path. URL_PATH_NOT_ALLOWED = 98; // URL must not specify a port. URL_PORT_NOT_ALLOWED = 99; // URL must not contain a query. URL_QUERY_NOT_ALLOWED = 100; // A url scheme is not allowed in front of tag in tracking url template // (for example, http://{lpurl}) URL_SCHEME_BEFORE_EXPANDED_DYNAMIC_SEARCH_AD_TAG = 102; // The user does not have permissions to create a template ad for the given // template. USER_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ACCESS_TO_TEMPLATE = 103; // Expandable setting is inconsistent/wrong. For example, an AdX ad is // invalid if it has a expandable vendor format but no expanding directions // specified, or expanding directions is specified, but the vendor format is // not expandable. INCONSISTENT_EXPANDABLE_SETTINGS = 104; // Format is invalid INVALID_FORMAT = 105; // The text of this field did not match a pattern of allowed values. INVALID_FIELD_TEXT = 106; // Template element is mising ELEMENT_NOT_PRESENT = 107; // Error occurred during image processing IMAGE_ERROR = 108; // The value is not within the valid range VALUE_NOT_IN_RANGE = 109; // Template element field is not present FIELD_NOT_PRESENT = 110; // Address is incomplete ADDRESS_NOT_COMPLETE = 111; // Invalid address ADDRESS_INVALID = 112; // Error retrieving specified video VIDEO_RETRIEVAL_ERROR = 113; // Error processing audio AUDIO_ERROR = 114; // Display URL is incorrect for YouTube PYV ads INVALID_YOUTUBE_DISPLAY_URL = 115; // Too many product Images in GmailAd TOO_MANY_PRODUCT_IMAGES = 116; // Too many product Videos in GmailAd TOO_MANY_PRODUCT_VIDEOS = 117; // The device preference is not compatible with the ad type INCOMPATIBLE_AD_TYPE_AND_DEVICE_PREFERENCE = 118; // Call tracking is not supported for specified country. CALLTRACKING_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_COUNTRY = 119; // Carrier specific short number is not allowed. CARRIER_SPECIFIC_SHORT_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = 120; // Specified phone number type is disallowed. DISALLOWED_NUMBER_TYPE = 121; // Phone number not supported for country. PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_COUNTRY = 122; // Phone number not supported with call tracking enabled for country. PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_SUPPORTED_WITH_CALLTRACKING_FOR_COUNTRY = 123; // Premium rate phone number is not allowed. PREMIUM_RATE_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = 124; // Vanity phone number is not allowed. VANITY_PHONE_NUMBER_NOT_ALLOWED = 125; // Invalid call conversion type id. INVALID_CALL_CONVERSION_TYPE_ID = 126; // Cannot disable call conversion and set conversion type id. CANNOT_DISABLE_CALL_CONVERSION_AND_SET_CONVERSION_TYPE_ID = 127; // Cannot set path2 without path1. CANNOT_SET_PATH2_WITHOUT_PATH1 = 128; // Missing domain name in campaign setting when adding expanded dynamic // search ad. MISSING_DYNAMIC_SEARCH_ADS_SETTING_DOMAIN_NAME = 129; // The associated ad is not compatible with restriction type. INCOMPATIBLE_WITH_RESTRICTION_TYPE = 130; // Consent for call recording is required for creating/updating call only // ads. See https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/7412639. CUSTOMER_CONSENT_FOR_CALL_RECORDING_REQUIRED = 131; // Either an image or a media bundle is required in a display upload ad. MISSING_IMAGE_OR_MEDIA_BUNDLE = 132; // The display upload product type is not supported in this campaign. PRODUCT_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED_IN_THIS_CAMPAIGN = 133; // The default value of an ad placeholder can not be the empty string. PLACEHOLDER_CANNOT_HAVE_EMPTY_DEFAULT_VALUE = 134; // Ad placeholders with countdown functions must not have a default value. PLACEHOLDER_COUNTDOWN_FUNCTION_CANNOT_HAVE_DEFAULT_VALUE = 135; // A previous ad placeholder that had a default value was found which means // that all (non-countdown) placeholders must have a default value. This // ad placeholder does not have a default value. PLACEHOLDER_DEFAULT_VALUE_MISSING = 136; // A previous ad placeholder that did not have a default value was found // which means that no placeholders may have a default value. This // ad placeholder does have a default value. UNEXPECTED_PLACEHOLDER_DEFAULT_VALUE = 137; // Two ad customizers may not be directly adjacent in an ad text. They must // be separated by at least one character. AD_CUSTOMIZERS_MAY_NOT_BE_ADJACENT = 138; // The ad is not associated with any enabled AdGroupAd, and cannot be // updated. UPDATING_AD_WITH_NO_ENABLED_ASSOCIATION = 139; // Call Ad verification url and final url don't have same domain. CALL_AD_VERIFICATION_URL_FINAL_URL_DOES_NOT_HAVE_SAME_DOMAIN = 140; // Final url and verification url cannot both be empty for call ads. CALL_AD_FINAL_URL_AND_VERIFICATION_URL_CANNOT_BOTH_BE_EMPTY = 154; // Too many ad customizers in one asset. TOO_MANY_AD_CUSTOMIZERS = 141; // The ad customizer tag is recognized, but the format is invalid. INVALID_AD_CUSTOMIZER_FORMAT = 142; // Customizer tags cannot be nested. NESTED_AD_CUSTOMIZER_SYNTAX = 143; // The ad customizer syntax used in the ad is not supported. UNSUPPORTED_AD_CUSTOMIZER_SYNTAX = 144; // There exists unpaired brace in the ad customizer tag. UNPAIRED_BRACE_IN_AD_CUSTOMIZER_TAG = 145; // More than one type of countdown tag exists among all text lines. MORE_THAN_ONE_COUNTDOWN_TAG_TYPE_EXISTS = 146; // Date time in the countdown tag is invalid. DATE_TIME_IN_COUNTDOWN_TAG_IS_INVALID = 147; // Date time in the countdown tag is in the past. DATE_TIME_IN_COUNTDOWN_TAG_IS_PAST = 148; // Cannot recognize the ad customizer tag. UNRECOGNIZED_AD_CUSTOMIZER_TAG_FOUND = 149; // Customizer type forbidden for this field. CUSTOMIZER_TYPE_FORBIDDEN_FOR_FIELD = 150; // Customizer attribute name is invalid. INVALID_CUSTOMIZER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 151; // App store value does not match the value of the app store in the app // specified in the campaign. STORE_MISMATCH = 152; // Missing required image aspect ratio. MISSING_REQUIRED_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO = 153; // Aspect ratios mismatch between different assets. MISMATCHED_ASPECT_RATIOS = 155; // Images must be unique between different carousel card assets. DUPLICATE_IMAGE_ACROSS_CAROUSEL_CARDS = 156; } }