// Copyright 2022 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package google.ads.googleads.v11.errors; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V11.Errors"; option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/ads/googleads/v11/errors;errors"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "CampaignErrorProto"; option java_package = "com.google.ads.googleads.v11.errors"; option objc_class_prefix = "GAA"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Ads\\GoogleAds\\V11\\Errors"; option ruby_package = "Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V11::Errors"; // Proto file describing campaign errors. // Container for enum describing possible campaign errors. message CampaignErrorEnum { // Enum describing possible campaign errors. enum CampaignError { // Enum unspecified. UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The received error code is not known in this version. UNKNOWN = 1; // Cannot target content network. CANNOT_TARGET_CONTENT_NETWORK = 3; // Cannot target search network. CANNOT_TARGET_SEARCH_NETWORK = 4; // Cannot cover search network without google search network. CANNOT_TARGET_SEARCH_NETWORK_WITHOUT_GOOGLE_SEARCH = 5; // Cannot target Google Search network for a CPM campaign. CANNOT_TARGET_GOOGLE_SEARCH_FOR_CPM_CAMPAIGN = 6; // Must target at least one network. CAMPAIGN_MUST_TARGET_AT_LEAST_ONE_NETWORK = 7; // Only some Google partners are allowed to target partner search network. CANNOT_TARGET_PARTNER_SEARCH_NETWORK = 8; // Cannot target content network only as campaign has criteria-level bidding // strategy. CANNOT_TARGET_CONTENT_NETWORK_ONLY_WITH_CRITERIA_LEVEL_BIDDING_STRATEGY = 9; // Cannot modify the start or end date such that the campaign duration would // not contain the durations of all runnable trials. CAMPAIGN_DURATION_MUST_CONTAIN_ALL_RUNNABLE_TRIALS = 10; // Cannot modify dates, budget or status of a trial campaign. CANNOT_MODIFY_FOR_TRIAL_CAMPAIGN = 11; // Trying to modify the name of an active or paused campaign, where the name // is already assigned to another active or paused campaign. DUPLICATE_CAMPAIGN_NAME = 12; // Two fields are in conflicting modes. INCOMPATIBLE_CAMPAIGN_FIELD = 13; // Campaign name cannot be used. INVALID_CAMPAIGN_NAME = 14; // Given status is invalid. INVALID_AD_SERVING_OPTIMIZATION_STATUS = 15; // Error in the campaign level tracking URL. INVALID_TRACKING_URL = 16; // Cannot set both tracking URL template and tracking setting. A user has // to clear legacy tracking setting in order to add tracking URL template. CANNOT_SET_BOTH_TRACKING_URL_TEMPLATE_AND_TRACKING_SETTING = 17; // The maximum number of impressions for Frequency Cap should be an integer // greater than 0. MAX_IMPRESSIONS_NOT_IN_RANGE = 18; // Only the Day, Week and Month time units are supported. TIME_UNIT_NOT_SUPPORTED = 19; // Operation not allowed on a campaign whose serving status has ended INVALID_OPERATION_IF_SERVING_STATUS_HAS_ENDED = 20; // This budget is exclusively linked to a Campaign that is using experiments // so it cannot be shared. BUDGET_CANNOT_BE_SHARED = 21; // Campaigns using experiments cannot use a shared budget. CAMPAIGN_CANNOT_USE_SHARED_BUDGET = 22; // A different budget cannot be assigned to a campaign when there are // running or scheduled trials. CANNOT_CHANGE_BUDGET_ON_CAMPAIGN_WITH_TRIALS = 23; // No link found between the campaign and the label. CAMPAIGN_LABEL_DOES_NOT_EXIST = 24; // The label has already been attached to the campaign. CAMPAIGN_LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS = 25; // A ShoppingSetting was not found when creating a shopping campaign. MISSING_SHOPPING_SETTING = 26; // The country in shopping setting is not an allowed country. INVALID_SHOPPING_SALES_COUNTRY = 27; // The requested channel type is not available according to the customer's // account setting. ADVERTISING_CHANNEL_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE_FOR_ACCOUNT_TYPE = 31; // The AdvertisingChannelSubType is not a valid subtype of the primary // channel type. INVALID_ADVERTISING_CHANNEL_SUB_TYPE = 32; // At least one conversion must be selected. AT_LEAST_ONE_CONVERSION_MUST_BE_SELECTED = 33; // Setting ad rotation mode for a campaign is not allowed. Ad rotation mode // at campaign is deprecated. CANNOT_SET_AD_ROTATION_MODE = 34; // Trying to change start date on a campaign that has started. CANNOT_MODIFY_START_DATE_IF_ALREADY_STARTED = 35; // Trying to modify a date into the past. CANNOT_SET_DATE_TO_PAST = 36; // Hotel center id in the hotel setting does not match any customer links. MISSING_HOTEL_CUSTOMER_LINK = 37; // Hotel center id in the hotel setting must match an active customer link. INVALID_HOTEL_CUSTOMER_LINK = 38; // Hotel setting was not found when creating a hotel ads campaign. MISSING_HOTEL_SETTING = 39; // A Campaign cannot use shared campaign budgets and be part of a campaign // group. CANNOT_USE_SHARED_CAMPAIGN_BUDGET_WHILE_PART_OF_CAMPAIGN_GROUP = 40; // The app ID was not found. APP_NOT_FOUND = 41; // Campaign.shopping_setting.enable_local is not supported for the specified // campaign type. SHOPPING_ENABLE_LOCAL_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_CAMPAIGN_TYPE = 42; // The merchant does not support the creation of campaigns for Shopping // Comparison Listing Ads. MERCHANT_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_COMPARISON_LISTING_ADS = 43; // The App campaign for engagement cannot be created because there aren't // enough installs. INSUFFICIENT_APP_INSTALLS_COUNT = 44; // The App campaign for engagement cannot be created because the app is // sensitive. SENSITIVE_CATEGORY_APP = 45; // Customers with Housing, Employment, or Credit ads must accept updated // personalized ads policy to continue creating campaigns. HEC_AGREEMENT_REQUIRED = 46; // The field is not compatible with view through conversion optimization. NOT_COMPATIBLE_WITH_VIEW_THROUGH_CONVERSION_OPTIMIZATION = 49; // The field type cannot be excluded because an active campaign-asset link // of this type exists. INVALID_EXCLUDED_PARENT_ASSET_FIELD_TYPE = 48; // The app pre-registration campaign cannot be created for non-Android // applications. CANNOT_CREATE_APP_PRE_REGISTRATION_FOR_NON_ANDROID_APP = 50; // The campaign cannot be created since the app is not available for // pre-registration in any country. APP_NOT_AVAILABLE_TO_CREATE_APP_PRE_REGISTRATION_CAMPAIGN = 51; // The type of the Budget is not compatible with this Campaign. INCOMPATIBLE_BUDGET_TYPE = 52; // Category bid list in the local services campaign setting contains // multiple bids for the same category ID. LOCAL_SERVICES_DUPLICATE_CATEGORY_BID = 53; // Category bid list in the local services campaign setting contains // a bid for an invalid category ID. LOCAL_SERVICES_INVALID_CATEGORY_BID = 54; // Category bid list in the local services campaign setting is missing a // bid for a category ID that must be present. LOCAL_SERVICES_MISSING_CATEGORY_BID = 55; } }