# Data to sound A simple crate to convert data to sound, and sound to data. The sound file format is wave (.wav). You can use it as a library or as a command line tool, also supports WASI. (dependency-free) ## Minimum supported Rust version The minimum supported Rust version is 1.59.0. ## Note The sound frequency is 202860Hz (202.86kHz), and the sound is mono. The sound is encoded in 16 bits. ## Disadvantages - The wave file size limit is 4GB, so you can't store more than 4GB of data in a single file. ## Advantages - The sound file is a standard .wav file, so you can play it with any audio player. - The sound file will be the same size as the data file. ## Usage There are two ways to use this crate. As a library, or as a command line tool. The library is the core of the tool, so you can use the library to create your own tool. Also we support [WASI](https://wasi.dev/), so you can use the cli in a WASI environment. ### Library Add this to your Cargo.toml: ```toml [dependencies] data2sound = "0.2.0" ``` See the documentation for more information about the library. ### Command line Interface Install the tool with cargo: ```bash cargo install data2sound ``` Run the tool with: ```bash data2sound --help ``` And to convert a file to sound: ```bash data2sound encode input_file output_file.wav ``` And to convert a sound file to data: ```bash data2sound decode input_file.wav output_file ``` ### WASI You can use the CLI in a WASI environment. All you need to do is to install the wasm file from the [releases page](https://github.com/TheAwiteb/data2sound/releases/latest), and to run it with [wasmtime](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime) or [wasmer](https://github.com/wasmerio/wasmer). #### Install with GitHub CLI ```bash gh release download -R TheAwiteb/data2sound -p "*wasm32-wasi.zip" unzip *wasm32-wasi.zip # The zip file contains the wasm ``` #### Wasmtime You need to get access to the directory where the input file is located, and to the directory where the output file will be created. You can do that with the `--dir` flag. Help message: ```bash wasmtime data2sound.wasm -- --help ``` Encoding and decoding: ```bash wasmtime data2sound.wasm --dir . -- encode input_file output_file.wav wasmtime data2sound.wasm --dir . -- decode input_file.wav output_file ``` #### Wasmer The same as with wasmtime Help message: ```bash wasmer data2sound.wasm -- --help ``` Encoding and decoding: ```bash wasmer data2sound.wasm --dir . -- encode input_file output_file.wav wasmer data2sound.wasm --dir . -- decode input_file.wav output_file ``` ## Use cases This crate can be used to store data in a sound file, and to retrieve the data from the sound file. This can be useful for storing data in a sound file. ## Benchmarks The following benchmarks were made on a 4.600GHz 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H CPU with 16GB of RAM. ### Encoding | File size | Audio file size | Audio length | Speed | Link | |-----------|-----------------|------|-------| ---- | | 2687.94MB | 2687.94MB | 01:28:13 | 1.47s | [Soundcloud-link](https://soundcloud.com/awiteb/pop-os-2204-amd64-intel-23iso) | | 35.3MB | 35.3MB | 00:01::27 | 39.07ms | [Soundcloud-link](https://soundcloud.com/awiteb/rust-1671zip) | ## Decoding | File size | Audio file size | Audio length | Speed | Link | |-----------|-----------------|------|-------| ---- | | 2687.94MB | 2687.94MB | 01:28:13 | 1.44s | [Soundcloud-link](https://soundcloud.com/awiteb/pop-os-2204-amd64-intel-23iso) | | 35.3MB | 35.3MB | 00:01::27 | 38.97ms | [Soundcloud-link](https://soundcloud.com/awiteb/rust-1671zip) | ## Disclaimer This tool was designed for educational purposes as it explains how to save data in an audio file. It is not recommended to exploit this thing to use cloud audio storage services to store your data, as your account may be banned. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.