[package] name = "data_type" version = "0.8.0" edition = "2021" authors = [ "Kostiantyn Wandalen ", "Dmytro Kryvoruchko ", ] license = "MIT" readme = "Readme.md" documentation = "https://docs.rs/data_type" repository = "https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools/tree/master/module/core/data_type" homepage = "https://github.com/Wandalen/wTools/tree/master/module/core/data_type" description = """ Collection of primal data types. """ categories = [ "algorithms", "development-tools" ] keywords = [ "fundamental", "general-purpose" ] [lints] workspace = true [package.metadata.docs.rs] features = [ "full" ] all-features = false # = features [features] default = [ # "use_std", "enabled", "dt_either", "dt_prelude", "dt_interval", "dt_collections", # "dt_make", # "dt_vectorized_from", # "type_constructor/default", ] full = [ # "use_std", "enabled", "dt_either", "dt_prelude", "dt_interval", "dt_collections", # "dt_make", # "dt_vectorized_from", # "type_constructor/full", ] no_std = [] use_alloc = [ "no_std" ] enabled = [] # dt_prelude = [ "collection_tools/reexports" ] dt_prelude = [] # rid of maybe? dt_interval = [ "interval_adapter/enabled" ] dt_collections = [ "collection_tools/enabled" ] dt_either = [ "either" ] # qqq : for Anton : integrate all features of collection_tools into data_type and reuse tests # dt_type_constructor = [ "type_constructor/enabled" ] # dt_make = [ "type_constructor/make" ] # dt_vectorized_from = [ "type_constructor/vectorized_from" ] # = entries # [lib] # name = "data_type" # path = "src/dt/data_type_lib.rs" # [[test]] # name = "data_type_test" # path = "tests/dt/data_type_tests.rs" # # [[test]] # name = "data_type_smoke_test" # path = "tests/_integration_test/smoke_test.rs" # # [[example]] # name = "data_type_trivial" # path = "examples/data_type_trivial/src/main.rs" [dependencies] ## external either = { version = "~1.6", optional = true } ## internal # type_constructor = { workspace = true } interval_adapter = { workspace = true } collection_tools = { workspace = true } [dev-dependencies] test_tools = { workspace = true }