use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use std::time::Duration; use async_channel as chan; use async_tungstenite::tungstenite::http::{Request, Response, StatusCode}; use async_tungstenite::tungstenite::protocol::Message; use futures_util::{future, pin_mut, select, FutureExt, StreamExt}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use uuid::Uuid; #[cfg(feature = "log")] use log as logger; #[cfg(feature = "tracing")] use tracing as logger; use async_tungstenite::tokio::{accept_hdr_async, connect_async}; use tokio::net::{TcpListener, TcpStream}; use tokio::spawn; use tokio::time::timeout; use datachannel::{ DataChannelHandler, DataChannelInfo, DataChannelInit, IceCandidate, PeerConnectionHandler, Reliability, RtcConfig, RtcDataChannel, RtcPeerConnection, SdpType, SessionDescription, }; #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ConnectionMsg { dest_id: Uuid, kind: MsgKind, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] enum MsgKind { Description(SessionDescription), Candidate(IceCandidate), } // Server part type PeerMap = Arc>>>; async fn run_server() { let peers = PeerMap::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); let listener = TcpListener::bind("") .await .expect("Listener binding failed"); while let Ok((stream, _)) = listener.accept().await { spawn(handle_new_peer(peers.clone(), stream)); } } async fn handle_new_peer(peers: PeerMap, stream: TcpStream) { let mut peer_id = None; let callback = |req: &Request<()>, mut resp: Response<()>| { let path = req.uri().path(); let tokens = path.split('/').collect::>(); match Uuid::parse_str(tokens[1]) { Ok(uuid) => peer_id = Some(uuid), Err(err) => { logger::error!("Invalid uuid: {}", err); *resp.status_mut() = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST; } } Ok(resp) }; let websocket = match accept_hdr_async(stream, callback).await { Ok(websocket) => websocket, Err(err) => { logger::error!("WebSocket handshake failed: {}", err); return; } }; let peer_id = match peer_id { None => return, Some(peer_id) => peer_id, }; logger::info!("Peer {} connected", &peer_id); let (outgoing, mut incoming) = websocket.split(); let (tx_ws, rx_ws) = chan::unbounded(); peers.lock().unwrap().insert(peer_id, tx_ws); let reply =; let dispatch = async { while let Some(Ok(msg)) = { if !msg.is_binary() { continue; } let mut peer_msg = match serde_json::from_slice::(&msg.into_data()) { Ok(peer_msg) => peer_msg, Err(err) => { logger::error!("Invalid ConnectionMsg: {}", err); continue; } }; logger::info!("Peer {} << {:?}", &peer_id, &peer_msg); let dest_id = peer_msg.dest_id; match peers.lock().unwrap().get_mut(&dest_id) { Some(dest_peer) => { peer_msg.dest_id = peer_id; logger::info!("Peer {} >> {:?}", &dest_id, &peer_msg); let peer_msg = serde_json::to_vec(&peer_msg).unwrap(); dest_peer.try_send(Message::binary(peer_msg)).ok(); } _ => logger::warn!("Peer {} not found in server", &dest_id), } } }; pin_mut!(dispatch, reply); future::select(dispatch, reply).await; logger::info!("Peer {} disconnected", &peer_id); peers.lock().unwrap().remove(&peer_id); } // Client part #[derive(Clone)] struct DataPipe { output: chan::Sender, ready: Option>, } impl DataPipe { fn new_sender(output: chan::Sender, ready: chan::Sender<()>) -> Self { DataPipe { output, ready: Some(ready), } } fn new_receiver(output: chan::Sender) -> Self { DataPipe { output, ready: None, } } } impl DataChannelHandler for DataPipe { fn on_open(&mut self) { if let Some(ready) = &mut self.ready { ready.try_send(()).ok(); } } fn on_message(&mut self, msg: &[u8]) { let msg = String::from_utf8_lossy(msg).to_string(); self.output.try_send(msg).ok(); } } struct WsConn { peer_id: Uuid, dest_id: Uuid, signaling: chan::Sender, pipe: DataPipe, dc: Option>>, } impl WsConn { fn new(peer_id: Uuid, dest_id: Uuid, pipe: DataPipe, signaling: chan::Sender) -> Self { WsConn { peer_id, dest_id, signaling, pipe, dc: None, } } } impl PeerConnectionHandler for WsConn { type DCH = DataPipe; fn data_channel_handler(&mut self, _info: DataChannelInfo) -> Self::DCH { self.pipe.clone() } fn on_description(&mut self, sess_desc: SessionDescription) { let peer_msg = ConnectionMsg { dest_id: self.dest_id, kind: MsgKind::Description(sess_desc), }; self.signaling .try_send(Message::binary(serde_json::to_vec(&peer_msg).unwrap())) .ok(); } fn on_candidate(&mut self, cand: IceCandidate) { let peer_msg = ConnectionMsg { dest_id: self.dest_id, kind: MsgKind::Candidate(cand), }; self.signaling .try_send(Message::binary(serde_json::to_vec(&peer_msg).unwrap())) .ok(); } fn on_data_channel(&mut self, mut dc: Box>) { logger::info!( "Received Datachannel with: label={}, protocol={:?}, reliability={:?}", dc.label(), dc.protocol(), dc.reliability() ); dc.send(format!("Hello from {}", self.peer_id).as_bytes()) .ok(); self.dc.replace(dc); } } type ConnectionMap = Arc>>>>; type ChannelMap = Arc>>>>; async fn run_client(peer_id: Uuid, input: chan::Receiver, output: chan::Sender) { let conns = ConnectionMap::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); let chans = ChannelMap::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new())); let ice_servers = vec![""]; let conf = RtcConfig::new(&ice_servers); let url = format!("ws://localhost:8989/{:?}", peer_id); let (ws_stream, _) = connect_async(url).await.expect("Failed to connect"); let (outgoing, mut incoming) = ws_stream.split(); let (tx_ws, rx_ws) = chan::unbounded(); let send = async { let dest_id = match input.recv().await { Ok(dest_id) if dest_id != peer_id => dest_id, Err(_) | Ok(_) => return, }; logger::info!("Peer {:?} sends data", &peer_id); let pipe = DataPipe::new_receiver(output.clone()); let conn = WsConn::new(peer_id, dest_id, pipe, tx_ws.clone()); let pc = RtcPeerConnection::new(&conf, conn).unwrap(); conns.lock().unwrap().insert(dest_id, pc); let (tx_ready, rx_ready) = chan::bounded(1); pin_mut!(rx_ready); let pipe = DataPipe::new_sender(output.clone(), tx_ready); let opts = DataChannelInit::default() .protocol("prototest") .reliability(Reliability::default().unordered()); let mut dc = conns .lock() .unwrap() .get_mut(&dest_id) .unwrap() .create_data_channel_ex("sender", pipe, &opts) .unwrap();; let data = format!("Hello from {:?}", peer_id); dc.send(data.as_bytes()).ok(); chans.lock().unwrap().insert(dest_id, dc); }; let reply =; let receive = async { while let Some(Ok(msg)) = { if !msg.is_binary() { continue; } let peer_msg = match serde_json::from_slice::(&msg.into_data()) { Ok(peer_msg) => peer_msg, Err(err) => { logger::error!("Invalid ConnectionMsg: {}", err); continue; } }; let dest_id = peer_msg.dest_id; let mut locked = conns.lock().unwrap(); let pc = match locked.get_mut(&dest_id) { Some(pc) => pc, None => match &peer_msg.kind { MsgKind::Description(SessionDescription { sdp_type, .. }) if matches!(sdp_type, SdpType::Offer) => { logger::info!("Client {:?} answering to {:?}", &peer_id, &dest_id); let pipe = DataPipe::new_receiver(output.clone()); let conn = WsConn::new(peer_id, dest_id, pipe, tx_ws.clone()); let pc = RtcPeerConnection::new(&conf, conn).unwrap(); locked.insert(dest_id, pc); locked.get_mut(&dest_id).unwrap() } _ => { logger::warn!("Peer {} not found in client", &dest_id); continue; } }, }; match &peer_msg.kind { MsgKind::Description(sess_desc) => pc.set_remote_description(sess_desc).ok(), MsgKind::Candidate(cand) => pc.add_remote_candidate(cand).ok(), }; } }; let send = send.fuse(); pin_mut!(receive, reply, send); loop { select! { _ = future::select(&mut receive, &mut reply) => break, _ = &mut send => continue, } } conns.lock().unwrap().clear(); chans.lock().unwrap().clear(); } // #[async_std::test] #[tokio::test] async fn test_connectivity() { #[cfg(feature = "tracing")] { tracing::subscriber::set_global_default( tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_max_level(tracing::Level::INFO) .finish(), ) .ok(); datachannel::configure_logging(tracing::Level::INFO); } #[cfg(feature = "log")] { std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "info"); let _ = env_logger::try_init(); } let id1 = Uuid::new_v4(); let id2 = Uuid::new_v4(); spawn(run_server()); let (tx_res, rx_res) = chan::unbounded(); let (tx_id, rx_id) = chan::bounded(2); spawn(run_client(id1, rx_id.clone(), tx_res.clone())); spawn(run_client(id2, rx_id.clone(), tx_res.clone())); let mut expected = HashSet::new(); expected.insert(format!("Hello from {:?}", id1)); expected.insert(format!("Hello from {:?}", id2)); tx_id.try_send(id1).unwrap(); tx_id.try_send(id1).unwrap(); let mut res = HashSet::new(); let r1 = timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), rx_res.recv()).await; let r2 = timeout(Duration::from_secs(10), rx_res.recv()).await; res.insert(r1.unwrap().unwrap()); res.insert(r2.unwrap().unwrap()); assert_eq!(expected, res); }