# OData Adapter For Apache Datafusion ## About This is an [OData](https://www.odata.org/) API adapter for [Apache Datafusion](https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion) SQL engine. OData protocol is positioned as "The SQL of REST", but is a somewhat legacy protocol used by some older systems. We wouldn't recommend using it as an integration protocol for some new project, but this adapter is useful if you *have to* integrate your Datafusion app with some existing OData-focused system. ## Quick Start Start example: ```sh RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --example simple_service ``` Query using [xh](https://github.com/ducaale/xh): Service root: ```sh xh GET 'http://localhost:3000/' ``` Metadata: ```sh xh GET 'http://localhost:3000/$metadata' ``` Query collection: ```sh xh GET 'http://localhost:3000/tickers.spy/?$select=offset,from_symbol,to_symbol,close&$top=5' ``` ## Status This code is super raw and experimental. Very far from prod-ready. Use at your own risk. - [x] Only support small subset of `OData 3.0` - [x] Only supports `atom` format in responses - [x] Service root resource - [x] `$metadata` resource - [x] Collection resource - [x] `$select` - [x] `$orderby` - [x] `$skip` - [x] `$top` - [ ] `$filter` - [ ] pagination - [x] real object IDs - [x] Collection entry by ID (`service/collection(id)`) - [x] Numeric IDs - [ ] Other ID types - [ ] Parameters - [ ] Nested collections - [ ] Functions - [ ] ...