# dates-str ## A small string date library written in Rust, for Rust ----------------------------------- **NOTE**: DateStr subtraction and add work weird, since all months have 31 days, so use them carefully ----------------------------------- An easy crate for using and formatting dates. Works with ISO-8601 formatted dates by default, but you can format your dates with a custom formatter. ## Main struct The main struct of this crate is the `DateStr` struct. By default and as of now, it only accepts a date in ISO-8601 format. In the near future you will be able to pass any date formatted however you like, as long as you provide a `DateFormat`. The `DateFormat` struct is responsible for parsing dates when they are in non-ISO fromat. Only works for output at the moment. ----------------------------------- TODO: - [ ] Date from custom format. - [x] ~Check if month has correct day number. For example a date not beig the 31st of February~ - [ ] Better implementations of Add and Sub traits for DateStr - [ ] Better README - [ ] Implement unix epoch, maybe from std::time ------------------------------------ [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/dates-str/latest/dates_str) || [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/dates-str)