davis(1) # NAME davis - a command line interface for MPD. # SYNOPSIS *davis* [--verbose] [--host ] [] # DESCRIPTION Davis is a command line interface for MPD. # OPTIONS \--help Prints help information. \-v, --verbose Enable verbose output. \-h, --host The MPD server to connect to, can be specified using IP/hostname, or a label defined in the config file. \-p, --plain Disable decorations in output, useful for scripting. # ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES MPD_HOST The MPD server to connect to. Can also be set with *--host*. # DAVIS COMMANDS: add Add items in path to queue. albumart -o [path] Download album art from MPD to file specified by . Davis will fetch the album art for the track at [path] if specified, and the currently playing track otherwise. If dash ('-') is specified as output, davis will write the album art to stdout. MPD requires the cover file to be named cover.jpg, cover.png, cover.tiff, or cover.bmp at the time of writing, this is documented in the MPD protocol documentation: https://mpd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol.html#the-music-database clear Clear the current queue. current Display metadata about the currently playing song. del Remove song at index from queue. help Prints a brief help text. list [query] List all values for tag, for songs matching query. See *QUERY* for details on the query format. load Load playlist at path to queue ls [path] List items in path, or the root if omitted. mv Move song in queue by index. next Skip to next song in queue. pause Pause playback. play Continue playback from current state. play [index] Start playback from index in queue. prev Go back to previous song in queue. queue Display the current queue. read-comments Read raw metadata for file. The format will depend on the format of the file. search Search the MPD database for files matching query. See *QUERY* for details on the format. seek Seek to position. The position is expressed in [+-][[hh:]:mm]:ss format. If + or - is used, the seek is done relative to the current positon. status Display MPD status. stop Stop playback. toggle Toggle between play/pause. update Update the MPD database. # Plugins Davis can be extended with external sub-commands. An external sub-command is created by placing an executable file named `davis-$name` in one of the following locations: - `/etc/davis/bin/` - `~/.config/davis/bin/` - A directory in `$PATH` An external command `davis-foo` is executed by calling `davis foo [args]`. Davis will find the external sub command, and pass along any arguments. External sub commands can read the `$MPD_HOST` environment variable to know which MPD server davis is expected to speak to. # QUERY A query can either be a single argument in the MPD filter syntax, such as: davis search '((artist == "Miles Davis") AND (album == "Kind Of Blue"))' Or a list of arguments-pairs, each pair corresponding to a filter, such as: davis search artist 'Miles Davis' album 'Kind Of Blue' More information on the MPD filter syntax is available at: https://mpd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/protocol.html#filters # CONFIGURATION Davis will read a configuration file from one of these locations: - ~/.config/davis/davis.conf - /etc/davis/davis.conf The configuration file has two sections, tags and hosts. The tags section configures which tags davis should display when running the "current" command. The host section defines a list of MPD hosts for davis to connect to. Example file: ``` [tags] # The list of enabled tags enabled=Composer,Work,Conductor,Ensemble,Performer,Label,Opus,RecordingDate,Rating,Genre,Location # Change the label of "RecordingDate" to "Recording Date" RecordingDate=Recording Date \[hosts] # Connect to localhost by default default= # Connect to another host using label rpi with the --host option. rpi= ``` # AUTHORS Simon Persson