/*{{ @c_ids := generate_series(1, 3000) }}*/ create table bmsql_oorder ( o_w_id integer not null, /*{{ @w_id := div(rownum-1, 30000)+1 }}*/ o_d_id integer not null, /*{{ @d_id := mod(div(rownum-1, 3000), 10)+1 }}*/ o_id integer not null, /*{{ @o_id := mod(rownum-1, 3000)+1 }}*/ o_c_id integer, /*{{ (case @o_id when 1 then @c_ids := rand.shuffle(@c_ids) else @c_ids end)[@o_id] }}*/ o_carrier_id integer, /*{{ case when @o_id <= 2100 then rand.range_inclusive(1, 10) end }}*/ o_ol_cnt integer, /*{{ @ol_cnt := rand.range_inclusive(5, 15) }}*/ o_all_local integer, /*{{ 1 }}*/ o_entry_d timestamp, /*{{ @o_entry_d := current_timestamp }}*/ primary key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id) -- foreign key (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_c_id) references bmsql_customer (c_w_id, c_d_id, c_id) ); /* Configure ORDER table according to TPC-C v5.11 § 3,000 rows in the ORDER table with: - O_ID unique within [3,000] - O_C_ID selected sequentially from a random permutation of [1 .. 3,000] - O_D_ID = D_ID - O_W_ID = W_ID - O_ENTRY_D current date/time given by the operating system - O_CARRIER_ID random within [1 .. 10] if O_ID < 2,101, null otherwise - O_OL_CNT random within [5 .. 15] - O_ALL_LOCAL = 1 */ /*{{ for each row of bmsql_oorder generate @ol_cnt rows of bmsql_order_line }}*/ create table bmsql_order_line ( ol_w_id integer not null, /*{{ @w_id }}*/ ol_d_id integer not null, /*{{ @d_id }}*/ ol_o_id integer not null, /*{{ @o_id }}*/ ol_number integer not null, /*{{ subrownum }}*/ ol_i_id integer not null, /*{{ rand.range_inclusive(1, 100000) }}*/ ol_delivery_d timestamp, /*{{ case when @o_id <= 2100 then @o_entry_d end }}*/ ol_amount decimal(6,2), /*{{ case when @o_id <= 2100 then 0.0 else rand.range(1, 1000000)/100 end }}*/ ol_supply_w_id integer, /*{{ @w_id }}*/ ol_quantity integer, /*{{ 5 }}*/ ol_dist_info char(24), /*{{ rand.regex('[0-9a-zA-Z]{24}') }}*/ primary key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id, ol_number) -- foreign key (ol_w_id, ol_d_id, ol_o_id) references bmsql_oorder (o_w_id, o_d_id, o_id), -- foreign key (ol_supply_w_id, ol_i_id) references bmsql_stock (s_w_id, s_i_id) ); /* Configure ORDER-LINE table according to TPC-C v5.11 § A number of rows in the ORDER-LINE table equal to O_OL_CNT, generated according to the rules for input data generation of the New-Order transaction (see Clause 2.4.1) with: - OL_O_ID = O_ID - OL_D_ID = D_ID - OL_W_ID = W_ID - OL_NUMBER unique within [O_OL_CNT] - OL_I_ID random within [1 .. 100,000] - OL_SUPPLY_W_ID = W_ID - OL_DELIVERY_D = O_ENTRY_D if OL_O_ID < 2,101, null otherwise - OL_QUANTITY = 5 - OL_AMOUNT = 0.00 if OL_O_ID < 2,101, random within [0.01 .. 9,999.99] otherwise - OL_DIST_INFO random a-string of 24 letters */